Faites la peau à 20 mythes des médias sociaux - Le Blog Kinoa Les médias sociaux sont maintenant assez matures pour avoir leurs propres mythes. Des mythes auxquels certains marketeurs se sont accrochés parce que, avouons-le, c’est un peu difficile d’être à jour sur ce qu’il se passe sur les médias sociaux. Alors, on a pris notre loupe, on a enfilé notre imper et on a retrouvé la trace des plus grands mythes… et on va donc leur faire la peau un par un. 1) De toute façon, mes clients ne sont pas sur les médias sociaux… Facebook a 1 milliard d’utilisateurs actifs selon Yahoo! Sans parler de Pinterest, Linkedin, YouTube, Viadeo, Digikaa… Je poursuis l’énumération ? 2) Les médias sociaux c’est tellement génial que, du coup, j’ouvre des comptes partout ! Ce n’est pas parce que je connais plein de réseaux sociaux, que je devrais créer un profil sur chacun d’entre eux ! Activez-les et donnez-leur une chance. Pour résumer, si un réseau social ne vous donne pas satisfaction, dites-lui au revoir ! 3) Google+ ça ne sert à rien – Article original sur Hubspot –
How to Grow and Manage an Engaged Online Community Do you wear many hats at your place of business? Do some of them have to do with reaching out to and interacting with your social media fans and blog readers? If so, then you’re officially or unofficially performing the role of an online community manager . If you’re doing it right, then it’s probably one of the most enjoyable jobs ever. You get to network with interesting people, make new friends, offer guidance, answer questions and so on. But it’s not all sunshine and roses. In her book, —especially as a customer advocate and brand loyalist. Here’s what you need to know about the book. Author’s Purpose Deb Ng Deb Ng wrote this book to help you in order to benefit and . Your online community consists of the people who like your brand on Facebook , follow you on Twitter and comment on your business blog . The author’s goal is to help you . What to Expect In this 314-page reference book, you can expect to find , as well as learn what they’re looking for in a brand. How to How to How to Highlights
10 Fundamental Tips for Social Media Community Managers Community managers are becoming an increasingly important role for all types of businesses, and we're seeing the role appear everywhere from tech startups to major corporate brands. Most commonly, community managers are responsible for engaging current and potential customers via social media and growing vibrant, enthusiastic communities around their products and services. Some community managers even facilitate conversations in private online forums, work with internal company intranets, and act as customer support. Community managers must strike a balance. Externally, community managers are the voices of their brands in social media, serving as social media strategists, customer service managers, content creators, product managers, and evangelists. Because community manager jobs vary at each company, there is no one magic bullet to make a community management program work. 1. When it comes to social media, it’s very easy to get caught up in tactics. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10.
10 Tactics for Integrating Photographs into Content Marketing Popular Today in Business: All Popular Articles Images, particularly photographs, are content marketing’s magnetic force since they’re driving social media across platforms. As a result, you need a tailored image strategy within your content marketing plans. Don’t take my word for it. Recent research shows photographs are the engine driving social media activity. Look beyond the high growth of sites like Pinterest and Tumblr and you’ll see measurable activity that translates to sales. More importantly for marketers, photographs not only drive social media action, but they also support sales. To use images including photographs as an effective component of your content marketing strategy, here are 10 tactics to help achieve your content marketing goals. Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: The Future of Marketing: Social Listening + Action Develop special images aligned with your marketing. Author: Heidi Cohen Heidi Cohen on the Web
Community management : comment bien gérer sa communauté ? - Le Blog Kinoa C’est avec l’apparition du web2.0 qu’est apparu un nouveau métier : celui de community manager. Un community manager est une personne chargée de développer la présence des marques sur Internet et notamment sur les réseaux sociaux. Faire grossir sa communauté, c’est sortir du cercle des inconditionnels de la marque. C’est s’élargir à une audience qui paradoxalement sera moins « fan » et s’exposer à un public plus critique. Voici les règles d’or pour bien bâtir et gérer sa communauté. Comment construire un lien avec le lecteur ? Répondre aux commentaires Il est important de répondre à tout le monde. Valoriser sa communauté : La meilleure des solutions est de mettre en avant les commentaires représentatifs ou constructifs. Une reconnaissance sociale est (très) souvent rechercher par l’internaute. Solliciter de l’interaction : Le community manager doit proposer un partage : que ce soit des questions, un jeu, sondage, etc… Attention, il ne faut pas trop en demander ni être trop intrusif.
» Aus allen Sozialmedia-Rohren schiessen » Clickomania.ch Der Dienst seesmic.com veröffentlicht Beiträge parallel in verschiedenen sozialen Medien – sofort oder zeitversetzt. Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus – die steigende Zahl der Plattformen macht das Social-media-Leben nicht einfacher. Stellt alle seine Beiträge überall online? Mit Seesmic auf allen Kanälen Präsenz markieren. Das Giesskannenprinzip spart Zeit, hat aber auch Nachteile: Leute, mit denen man es auf verschiedenen Plattformen zu tun hat, sehen die Nachrichten mehrfach. Soziales Massenmedium Dafür richtet man sich auf seesmic.com ein Konto ein und verbindet die Dienste. Seesmic lässt sich nicht nur im Browser, sondern auch über Desktop-Anwendungen für Windows und Mac OS X und über Apps (für iPhone, Android und Windows Phone) verwenden. Aufgeräumt: Die Windows-Anwendung von Seesmic Ping.
5 Social Media Management Tips for the Real Estate Industry Long gone are the days of real estate marketing limited to bus stop benches and newspaper pull-outs. Real estate is fully online, and going social. At the helm of the revolution are industry leaders and innovators like Katie Lance. We’ve asked Katie to draw from her expertise and experience in social media strategy and content development to share with you 5 tips on using social media for the real estate industry. I’ve had the pleasure of teaching tens of thousands of real estate professionals the art and strategy behind being successful in social media. 1. The key to being successful in social media is consistently posting content. 2. You have to have a content strategy to be successful in the long haul with social. 3. When you are planning your content strategy make sure to include things that only locals know—like the best place to get a slice of pizza or the best place to get a cup of coffee. 4. 5.
Types of Content: How it Can Impact Your SEO We all would like to be the best in our industry. We want to produce the most engaging and shared content, rank well in search and generate more leads with less effort. Unfortunately, we can’t all be the best, but by varying your content style or taking a new route to place your content, you may help in your quest to bring your organization’s information to new (search ranking) heights. Before you can really jump into creation of content, you need to first evaluate what its purpose is. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can only bring you so far if your content is not deemed helpful or engaging by your audience. Key Content Considerations Overall Purpose: Are you trying to persuade sales, educate, gather leads or simply entertain your audience? While this is only a short list of things to keep in mind, it can help you to decide what type of content your audience will truly be willing to engage with. Basic Types of Content Written Content: Video Content: Audio Content: Images:
5 Community Types Brands Must Choose From by David Spinks on Apr 25, 2012 Originally published on The Community Manager “We need a community! Shut up you. Blindly saying “We need a community!” You have many different kinds of users. Each of these types of people will have a unique reason for wanting to engage with your company, or be a part of a community. On top of that, depending on what stage your company is in, some programs may make sense to build now, while others won’t make sense until later on, after your product has developed and you’ve built up your market. The two important stages to consider are essentially before you’ve found your product-market fit and begun to scale, and after. Here are some different programs that a community manager can put together to build community with the different kinds of people that you may want to reach, when you’re first getting started, and when you’re ready to scale. 5 Commonly Used Community Programs 1. Stage: Before This is the kind of program that every company should have early on. 2.
Making the Case for Google+: Guy Kawasaki on Marketing Smarts [Podcast] Sign up to gain access to thousands of marketing resources! Don't worry ... It's FREE! Guy Kawasaki loves Google+ so much, he wrote a book about it: What the Plus? Since I've been rather slow to get on the Google+ bus, I invited Guy to Marketing Smarts to talk about why I should give it a(nother) shot, and in this week's episode (which you can listen to above), that's exactly what he did. The Four Ps Guy started by explaining the differences between Google+ and the other major social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn), and he did it with four Ps: Twitter, he said, was all about "Perspectives." Accordingly, he instructed me to start exploring Google+ by focusing on my passions and searching out folks who shared them. The Power of Circles The next thing that Guy pointed out was the power of circles, the metaphor that Google+ uses to help you organize the people you follow or are connected with. First of all, Google+ doesn't filter updates. Hangouts: "Like Skype on Steroids"