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26 Tips for Managing a Social Media Community

26 Tips for Managing a Social Media Community
Do you wonder how to go about exercising good social etiquette and managing your social networking communities, all at the same time? Social media community management has expanded into a growing field and there’s a lot to think about. In this post, I’ll cover 26 tips, an A-Z guide, on ways to manage your company‘s presence. #1: Answer Questions With more and more of your customers participating on social networking platforms, businesses need to be doing much more than posting their own updates. A recent survey organized by InSites Consulting found that eight out of ten American companies answer client questions and complaints via social media. What about your business? #2: Bring People to Your Website Through Social Media Sometimes with all the talk about social media, businesses may briefly forget one of their original goals for initiating a social strategy—namely, bringing customers and prospects to your company website. How can you use social mentions to tell your success stories? Related:  Strategy and Management

Faites la peau à 20 mythes des médias sociaux - Le Blog Kinoa Les médias sociaux sont maintenant assez matures pour avoir leurs propres mythes. Des mythes auxquels certains marketeurs se sont accrochés parce que, avouons-le, c’est un peu difficile d’être à jour sur ce qu’il se passe sur les médias sociaux. Alors, on a pris notre loupe, on a enfilé notre imper et on a retrouvé la trace des plus grands mythes… et on va donc leur faire la peau un par un. 1) De toute façon, mes clients ne sont pas sur les médias sociaux… Facebook a 1 milliard d’utilisateurs actifs selon Yahoo! Sans parler de Pinterest, Linkedin, YouTube, Viadeo, Digikaa… Je poursuis l’énumération ? 2) Les médias sociaux c’est tellement génial que, du coup, j’ouvre des comptes partout ! Ce n’est pas parce que je connais plein de réseaux sociaux, que je devrais créer un profil sur chacun d’entre eux ! Activez-les et donnez-leur une chance. Pour résumer, si un réseau social ne vous donne pas satisfaction, dites-lui au revoir ! 3) Google+ ça ne sert à rien – Article original sur Hubspot –

Community management : comment bien gérer sa communauté ? - Le Blog Kinoa C’est avec l’apparition du web2.0 qu’est apparu un nouveau métier : celui de community manager. Un community manager est une personne chargée de développer la présence des marques sur Internet et notamment sur les réseaux sociaux. Faire grossir sa communauté, c’est sortir du cercle des inconditionnels de la marque. C’est s’élargir à une audience qui paradoxalement sera moins « fan » et s’exposer à un public plus critique. Voici les règles d’or pour bien bâtir et gérer sa communauté. Comment construire un lien avec le lecteur ? Répondre aux commentaires Il est important de répondre à tout le monde. Valoriser sa communauté : La meilleure des solutions est de mettre en avant les commentaires représentatifs ou constructifs. Une reconnaissance sociale est (très) souvent rechercher par l’internaute. Solliciter de l’interaction : Le community manager doit proposer un partage : que ce soit des questions, un jeu, sondage, etc… Attention, il ne faut pas trop en demander ni être trop intrusif.

5 Community Types Brands Must Choose From by David Spinks on Apr 25, 2012 Originally published on The Community Manager “We need a community! Shut up you. Blindly saying “We need a community!” You have many different kinds of users. Each of these types of people will have a unique reason for wanting to engage with your company, or be a part of a community. On top of that, depending on what stage your company is in, some programs may make sense to build now, while others won’t make sense until later on, after your product has developed and you’ve built up your market. The two important stages to consider are essentially before you’ve found your product-market fit and begun to scale, and after. Here are some different programs that a community manager can put together to build community with the different kinds of people that you may want to reach, when you’re first getting started, and when you’re ready to scale. 5 Commonly Used Community Programs 1. Stage: Before This is the kind of program that every company should have early on. 2.

12 basic PR mistakes to avoid PR is a fantastic way to build awareness for you and your brand and connect with your customer base. Unfortunately, many people botch up this free and incredibly valuable avenue of business development. The media are a well-educated bunch with good memories. If you don’t want to rub them the wrong way, avoid these 12 common mistakes. 1. It’s important that you pitch the right news story to the right outlet. You’ve got to research news outlets and make sure that your story is in line with the character of their content and needs of their audience. 2. Within a media outlet, there are a variety of reporters, hosts, producers, editors, writers, and managers. Don’t pitch a finance topic to a fashion editor, unless it’s about “how to avoid department store credit card debt” or something else relevant to that person’s specific beat. 3. Make it easy for them (and improve your chances) by giving them an angle for the piece. 4. People in the media are driven by deadlines. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

How to Manufacture Desire: An Intro to the Desire Engine Type the name of almost any successful consumer web company into your search bar and add the word “addict” after it. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Try “Facebook addict” or “Twitter addict” or even “Pinterest addict” and you’ll soon get a slew of results from hooked users and observers deriding the narcotic-like properties of these web sites. How is it that these companies, producing little more than bits of code displayed on a screen, can seemingly control users’ minds? Why are these sites so addictive and what does their power mean for the future of the web? We’re on the precipice of anew era of the web. First-to-Mind Wins A company that forms strong user habits enjoys several benefits to its bottom line. Manufacturing Desire But how do companies create a connection with the internal cues needed to form habits? I wrote Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products to help others understand what is at the heart of habit-forming technology. Trigger Action After the trigger comes the intended action.

4 Steps for Successful Social Media Training This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. Traditionally when companies design a policy or guideline, they also try to create a mechanism for employees to learn about whatever the policy relates to. And most of the time, companies call it training — it's the transfer of knowledge about a specific topic. Social media has been around long enough for most companies to realize it's not a fad. We talk about the need to conduct social media training. Even if your business isn't using social media, having guidelines and training could make a lot of sense. 1. The first step in every good training program is conducting an assessment. In those situations where the company is using social media on a limited basis or not at all, there are things an organization will want everyone to know. 2. Bozarth agrees that concepts are more important than tools. 3. 4.

4 Steps to a Social Media Strategy 4 Steps to a Social Media Strategy #infographic Engaging your customers online requires more than just being on the same social networks they are on. You first need to determine what your goals are for social media, how to measure the success of those goals, what tactics to use in your plan, and how to execute that plan. In other words, you need a strategy. Social media strategy is the deployment and development of modern strategic plans for social media. To help you plan a social media strategy, BigThunk Internet Marketing and Number 8 Communications jointly created the following infographic: Vergelijkbare berichten: My name is Berrie Pelser, since 1999 co-owner of Ber|Art Visual Design V.O.F.

5 Rules For Marketing In The Age Of Discovery Marketing has entered a new age: Information is no longer programmed into consumers' minds. Since its inception, advertising has been dedicated to the creation of programmed messaging. For nearly 300 years, those who could create the best message and deliver it in a memorable way across as wide an audience as possible won. Success is much harder to achieve than it was a decade ago. This is the Age of Discovery. The Programmed Age The first recorded advertisement dates back to 1704. The Age of Search At the turn of the century, web search, and most importantly Google, came into prominence. The Age of Discovery In 2006, Facebook opened its walls beyond college to the general public, and communications was changed forever. Key Principles for the Age of Discovery With fundamental changes comes new rules and usually, new leaders. Your product is your message: hopefully you are proud of what you market and feel it has value over the competition, as it will be increasingly hard to hide from it.

Why Branding Is An Artifact Of The Past A short while ago, I wrote an article on this site suggesting that you can’t build a brand simply by setting out to build a brand. And in fact, thinking too much about brands can actually get in the way of the real business of your company. I suggested that you try an experiment: Stop talking about brands for a month, and see what happens. The article got a lot of attention on Twitter, and provoked a lively debate in the post’s comments section. Almost all of the remarks were smart, good-humored, and well argued; the rest were mainly mine. The objections seemed to fall into a few broad themes, and Co.Design editor Belinda Lanks asked me to write a follow-up to expand on my answers. Point #1: Brands are important. In Mary Poppins, we learn about Mr. He sat on a large chair in front of a large desk and made money. It’s a charming way to describe something that only a small child, and possibly Robert Mugabe, could ever believe: That you can make money by literally making money.

How to Argue for Social Media Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh sapien, aliquet tincidunt fringilla at, feugiat quis enim. Cras consequat, ipsum et posuere venenatis, nulla massa mattis eros, sed varius turpis quam sit amet purus. Vestibulum vehicula consectetur congue. Aenean vulputate urna est, ac sollicitudin enim vulputate et. Sub-Sub-Heading Vivamus vel facilisis ante, vel porttitor metus.
