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Havariertes Atomkraftwerk in Fukushima: Soldaten dekontaminieren die Sperrzone Das japanische Militär hat am Mittwoch mit Dekontaminierungsarbeiten in der 20-Kilometer-Sperrzone um das havarierte Atomkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi begonnen. Rund 900 Soldaten der Selbstverteidigungsstreitkräfte sollen in vier Orten in der Provinz Fukushima öffentliche Gebäude von Strahlung reinigen. Die Gebäude in den Ortschaften Namie, Naraha, Tomioka und Iitate sollen künftig als Stützpunkte für eine großangelegte Dekontaminierung verstrahlter Gebiete dienen, mit der die Regierung im Januar beginnen will. Der Einsatz der Streitkräfte ist auf etwa zwei Wochen angelegt. Die Regierung hatte im April, gut einen Monat nach Beginn der Atomkatastrophe in Folge des Erdbebens und Tsunamis vom 11. So flossen am vergangenen Wochenende aus einem Gebäude für die Entsalzung verstrahlten Meerwassers zur Reaktorkühlung rund 150 Liter strontiumhaltiges Wasser in den 500 Meter entfernten Pazifik. Das Wasser sei zwar zuvor von radioaktivem Cäsium gereinigt worden, hieß es.

Puyehue volcano in Chile erupts, prompting mass evacuation | World news Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes after a volcano which has been dormant for decades started erupting in southern Chile. Large columns of smoke reached more than six miles from the crater of the Puyehue volcano, which lies about 500 miles south of the capital, Santiago. Winds fanned the ash towards neighbouring Argentina over the skies in the ski resort city of San Carlos de Bariloche, which caused the local airport to close. The governor of Chile's Los Rios region said fire could be seen in the volcano's crater and smoke was billowing into the sky. The eruption prompted authorities to shut a heavily travelled border crossing with Argentina, but there have been no reports of injuries. The Chilean government said it was evacuating 3,500 people from the surrounding area as a precaution. Authorities put the area around the volcano on alert after a flurry of earthquakes.

Beyond Nuclear - Home AKW-Ruine in Fukushima: Der atomare Schrecken kehrt zurück - Wissen Alles unter Kontrolle. Das sollten die Bilder vermitteln, die am Dienstag um die Welt gingen: Demonstrativ trank der japanische Politiker Yasuhiro Sonoda ein Glas entseuchten Wassers aus der Atomruine Fukushima. Doch nur wenige Stunden später gibt es andere, beunruhigende Nachrichten: Laut Betreiber Tepco gibt es Anzeichen einer neuen Kernspaltung im Reaktor 2 des japanischen AKW. Eilens versuchte Tepco zu beschwichtigen: Die Lage sei stabil, eine Gefahr gehe von der Atomruine nicht aus. Doch wie vertrauenswürdig ist ein Konzern, der Pannen in seinen Atomkraftwerken gerne vertuscht und auch bei der Katastrophe im März nur scheibchenweise und zögerlich die Wahrheit bekannt gab? Wie gefährlich ist die Lage in Fukushima tatsächlich? Reaktor noch lange nicht unter Kontrolle "Was in Fukushima passiert, ist gleichsam ein erneutes Aufflackern des atomaren Feuers", sagt der Kernphysiker und Atomexperte Heinz Smital von Greenpeace zu "Lage unberechenbar"

Weather experts: California mega-quake could be at the door (NaturalNews) A new study conducted by researchers from the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in La Jolla, Calif., suggests that the ill-famed California mega-earthquake could happen literally any day now. Overdue for experiencing the "big one" by as much as 100 years, the San Andreas fault line, which stretches about 810 miles along the California coastline and branches inland to the south where it ends at the Salton Sea, could very soon experience a devastating 7.5 magnitude or greater quake. Experts have been speculating for years about when the next California mega-quake might occur because it has been a long time since the last one occurred. The last semi-major earthquake to cause significant damage in California was the 1994 Northridge earthquake, which clocked in at 6.7 magnitude on the Richter scale. Historically, the Salton Sea area, which is located roughly 70 miles to the east of the San Diego area, experiences a major earthquake every 180 years.

Helen Caldicott, MD | PHYSICIAN – AUTHOR – SPEAKER Fukushima-Reaktor: Tepco befürchtet erneute Kernspaltung Die Lage im beschädigten Atomkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi ist auch nach fast acht Monaten nicht unter Kontrolle. Nach Angaben der japanischen Atomaufsichtsbehörde und des Betreiberkonzerns Tepco vom Mittwoch wurden im Reaktor 2 Gase gefunden, die bei einer Kernspaltung freigesetzt werden. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass ein Teil der geschmolzenen Brennstäbe noch aktiv sein könnte. Sollte es zu einer Kernreaktion gekommen sein, dürfte dies jedoch laut der Atomaufsicht nur vorübergehend und örtlich begrenzt passiert sein. Tepco leitete am Mittwoch Borsäure in den Reaktor, um eine mögliche Kettenreaktion unter Kontrolle zu haben, meldete die Nachrichtenagentur Kyodo. Xenon-Austritt Indiz für Kernspaltung Die unlängst deutlich gesunkene Temperatur und der Druck im Reaktor 2 hätten sich seit der Entdeckung der Gase nicht verändert, hieß es am Mittwoch bei Tepco. Pannen-Reaktor Genkai 4 produziert wieder Strom

Surveys in Geophysics, Volume 3, Number 2 Anomalous earth-current changes in association with an earthquake occurrence have often been reported since the 19th century. Changes reported in classical as well as recent literature are reviewed, although it is hard to say that any physically clear relationship between earth-current changes and earthquakes has been established. Even though a strong correlation between precursory earthcurrent changes and earthquakes has often been reported in the U.S.S.R. and the People's Republic of China in recent years, it appears that a general rule governing the earthquake-related earth-current changes is still very much unknown, partly because of contamination by artificial and natural noise. In contrast to the difficulty in understanding earth-current changes, monitoring of earth-resistivity seems to provide a much clearer means for interpreting geoelectric phenomena in association with tectonic processes in the Earth.

Radiation Network Report highlights radiation outside Fukushima Their exposure of 19 millisieverts is just below the annual limit set by an international nuclear safety body, it said. The greatest exposure was in the town of Iitate, where residents were allowed to take their time to leave, located 40 km (25 miles) northwest of the plant and outside the 20 km evacuation zone imposed by the government. The March disaster knocked out reactor cooling systems at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, operated by Tokyo Electric Power Co. and located 240 km (150 miles) northeast of the capital, triggering radiation leaks over a large swathe of northern and eastern Japan, contaminating vegetables, tea, milk, seafood and water. Japanese authorities have faced widespread criticism over a perceived slow response in evacuating residents from near the plant. According to the estimates, those living within the 20-km zone, who were urged to leave quickly, were likely exposed to 0.18 to 2.3 millisieverts in the four months after the disaster.

Nuclear Hotseat - Anti-Nuclear News, Expert Interviews, Radiation Protection, Activist Opportunities The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Confirmed - Fukushima Disaster Contaminated Pacific Ocean With 50 MILLION Times Normal Radiation, Leaks Still Ongoing! With the ongoing disastrous economic situation that the world is facing today, and with the criminal nation of Israel along with its slave nations clamoring for a new Middle Eastern war against Iran, we quickly forget about the situation at the Fukushima nuclear power station in Japan. The nuclear meltdown of at least 3 reactor cores is still an ongoing issue, with no resolution still in sight..... Now comes another alarming report about the ongoing Fukushima nuclear power station disaster... (NaturalNews) Things are suddenly heating up again with Fukushima. The mainstream media has said absolutely nothing about this development, continuing its pattern of downplaying news involving Fukushima, radiation or the flawed structure of nuclear power plants. What has hit the mainstream media, however, is a report entitled Impacts of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants on Marine Radioactivity, authored by Ken Buesseler, Michio Aoyama, and Masao Fukasawa (

Red alert: Fukushima nuclear reactor 4 possibly collapsing, say sources, mass evacuations may be necessary (NaturalNews) After enduring many months of total information blackout on the situation, an intelligence source connected with NaturalNews has just informed us that Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor 4 may now be on the verge of collapsing, and that mass evacuations in northern Japan could be necessary if such a collapse occurs and is confirmed. NaturalNews presents this only as a precautionary alert, as we have not yet been about to double or triple confirm this report, but we are actively investigating and will bring you updates in a timely manner. Reactor 4, you may remember, had been given the silent treatment by the plant's operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), immediately following the massive earthquake and tsunami that struck the fragile plant back in March. For weeks, the public was left in the dark about the status of reactor 4's cooling pools, and about whether or not the reactor's spent fuel rods were exposed (

Fukushima Evacuations Too Late Outside No-Go Zone FUKUSHIMA — Some residents near the Fukushima No. 1 plant might have been exposed to up to 19 millisieverts of radiation during the first four months of the nuclear crisis, the Fukushima Prefectural Government said Tuesday. This indicates residents subject to the greatest exposure may have been outside the immediate evacuation area, in locations where radioactive hot spots were later revealed and prompted belated evacuation advisories long after the crisis started March 11. The radiation estimates are based on atmospheric and other external readings and forecasts and do not include food, water and other means of exposure. The prefecture released its estimates of radiation for residents in 12 municipalities near the plant — Namie, Kawamata, Iitate, Futaba, Okuma, Minamisoma, Tamura, Tomioka, Naraha, Hirono, Katsurao and Kawauchi. It said residents who evacuated from high-risk areas in the village of Iitate in late June might have been exposed to the biggest amount — 19 millisieverts.
