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MAR | Data MAR Data Qualitative | Quantitative | Citing MAR MAROB Data Quantitative | Citing MAROB MAR Qualitative Minority Group Assessments The minority group assessments consist of two parts: a risk assessment and an analytic summary. Minority Group Chronologies Group chronologies detail important events in the history of the group and of the state in which they reside. top MAR Quantitative Current MAR Data The latest addition to the MAR dataset was released in February 2009 for the years 2004-2006. The release of the 2004-2006 data marks the beginning of a new phase of data collection, Phase V. Current data release (2004-2006): marupdate_20042006.csv | marupdate_20042006.dta | marupdate_20042006.sav Previous data release (through 2003): available through MARGene and as an ASCII Text File MARGene MAR Data as ASCII Text File For users who do not have access to Windows (Mac or Unix users, etc.), you may also download the entire dataset as an ASCII file (comma separated variables). Discrimination Dataset

UNHCR Statistical Online Population Database © UNHCR/B. Sokol UNHCR seeks to contribute to informed decision-making and public debate by providing accurate, relevant and up-to-date statistics. As such, the Statistical Online Population Database provides data and trends on the "Population of concern to UNHCR": refugees, asylum-seekers, returned refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) protected/assisted by UNHCR, returned IDPs, stateless persons, and others of concern to UNHCR, in more than 180 countries. In a single electronic platform, UNHCR's Statistical Online Population Database is bringing together for analysis and comparison standardized data on UNHCR's population of concern at country, regional, and global levels. The database is work-in-progress and will be updated on an ongoing basis. Click here to access the UNHCR Statistical Online Population Database

ited Nations Statistics Division - Demographic and Social Statistics Social indicators covering a wide range of subject-matter fields are compiled by the Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, from many national and international sources. The indicators presented here consist mainly of the minimum list which has been proposed for follow-up and monitoring implementation of major United Nations conferences on children, population and development, social development and women. This minimum list is contained in the Report of the Expert Group on the Statistical Implications of Recent Major United Nations Conferences (E/CN.3/AC.1/1996/R.4). Technical background on the development of social indicators is contained in two United Nations publications, Handbook on Social Indicators (United Nations publication, Series F, No. 49, 1989) and Towards a System of Social and Demographic Statistics (United Nations publication, Series F, No. 18, 1975) Indicators are provided on the following areas:

Knowledge & Standards Maintaining consumer trust is integral to effective market, social and opinion research. ESOMAR through its codes and guidelines promotes the highest ethical and professional standards for researchers around the world. The ICC/ESOMAR Code on Market and Social Research, which was developed jointly with the International Chamber of Commerce, sets out global guidelines for self-regulation for researchers and has been undersigned by all ESOMAR members and adopted or endorsed by more than 60 national market research associations worldwide. In addition to the ICC/ESOMAR Code, the ESOMAR Professional Standards team also produces and promotes industry guidelines to assist researchers in addressing the legal, ethical, and practical considerations in fast developing areas such as online, mobile and social media research. The Professional Standards team also manages the disciplinary procedures regarding complaints about members.

Banco de Información Económica Con la finalidad de contar con una plataforma tecnológica más robusta, desde el 1 de marzo del presente año entró en funcionamiento la nueva versión del Banco de Información Económica (BIE). La ruta del Nuevo Bie es la siguiente: {*style:<b> </b>*} Le invitamos a conocer los servicios web de descarga masiva de datos que podrían serle de utilidad en el manejo de las series estadísticas: Cualquier duda o comentario será atendido en la cuenta de correo electrónico

DATA Report 2011 With fewer than 1,000 days to go until the 2015 deadline for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), ONE’s new Special Report Tracking Development Assistance, explores overall trends in official development assistance (ODA) and shows how donor countries are doing in their efforts to support Africa. This special briefing follows on from ONE’s main 2013 DATA Report report, Financing the Fight for Africa’s Transformation, published in May. Using preliminary OECD DAC data on development assistance for 2012, ONE reveals that global aid flows declined for a second year in a row, taking many donors further away from reaching their aid targets, and development assistance to Africa and sub-Saharan Africa was cut disproportionately. Just when the stakes are highest and the possibility of ending extreme poverty is on the horizon, governments should be striving to meet their promises and galvanise support, not turning their backs on some of the poorest countries.

SourceWatch Koch Spy Agency Led by Voter Fraud Huckster The Kochs have been complaining about a "lack of civility in politics" as they seek to boost their public image--but one of their top operatives helped propel perhaps the most egregious case of race-baiting voter fraud hucksterism in recent years. At the same time that the Kochs have been on a PR blitz, publicly spinning an image of themselves as well-intentioned patriots trying to make the world a better place and decrying "character assassination," they've been quietly ramping up a clandestine surveillance and intelligence gathering operation focused on their perceived political enemies, Ken Vogel reports at Politico. At the helm of this "competitive intelligence" operation is a man named Mike Roman, Vice President of Research for Kochs' Freedom Partners and who was paid $265,000 last year, according to Freedom Partners' recent tax filing. Read the rest of this item here. Wisconsinites Reject the "Eric O'Keefe Session" of the Legislature Rep.

Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. Archiveteam Wikisource Wikisource es un proyecto hermano de Wikipedia cuyo objetivo es crear una biblioteca de textos originales libres, que hayan sido publicados con una licencia GFDL, Creative Commons o que sean de Dominio Público; junto con su traducción en distintas lenguas. Este sitio forma parte de la fundación Wikimedia. La siguiente es una lista parcial de temas que se pueden incluir: Textos originales, previamente publicados por algún autorTextos de documentos históricos de interés nacional o internacionalTraducciones de textos originalesTablas con información matemática y fórmulasBibliografías de autores que figuran en Wikisource Por excluir[editar] La siguiente es una lista parcial de temas que se tienen que excluir: 1. 2. Información general sobre Wikisource[editar] Logotipo original de Wikisource. Historia[editar] Para el 4 de enero de 2004, Wikisource tenía 100 usuarios registrados. Una votación del 12 de mayo de 2005 apoyó el empleo de subdominios separados para las diferentes lenguas.

Public Data Explorer Indicateurs de développement humain Rapport sur le développement humain 2013, Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement Les données utilisées pour calculer l'Indice de développement humain (IDH) et autres indices composites présentés dans le Rapport sur le développement humain ... Eurostat, Indicateurs démographiques Eurostat Indicateurs démographiques annuels. Chômage en Europe (données mensuelles) données sur le chômage harmonisé pour les pays européens. Salaire minimum en Europe Salaire mensuel brut minimum en euros ou parités de pouvoir d'achat, données semi-annuelles. Dette publique en Europe Statistiques sur les finances publiques des pays européens.
