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Izhar cardboard bike project

This $9 Cardboard Bike Can Support Riders Up To 485lbs Izhar Gafni has designed award winning industrial machines for peeling pomegranates and sewing shoes. He’s also a bike enthusiast who’s designed a lot of carbon fiber rigs. But one day, he’d heard about someone who’d built a cardboard canoe. The idea drilled its way into his consciousness, and ultimately, led him to create a cardboard bike called the Alfa. The Alfa weighs 20lbs, yet supports riders up to 24 times its weight. But as the above video documents, the design process was arduous. The development to what you see today took three years. At the moment, Gafni is working with a company to raise the funds to finalize manufacturing processes for his adult and child bikes and then actually put them into production. Bikes are amongst the most efficient transportation systems in the planet, converting up to 99% of a person’s power into mobility that’s up to five times faster than walking. [Hat tip: Design Taxi]

Gaming is Good for You My kids can’t seem to get enough of their video games. I can take away the Xbox 360’s power cord or tell the kids to go outside and play, but at the end of the day, they simply want to keep on playing. Fortunately, more and more research is coming out that distinguishes healthy, responsible gaming from the excessive, zoned out variety. Our latest infographic goes over some really great things video games are responsible for. It’s pretty surprising to find that genre to genre, games can do some remarkable things for your brain and body. The other useful thing I took away is that moderation is crucial to healthy gaming.

Criatividade E se o cara atropela o Neymar na boca da Copa? Já passou de um milhão e meio de visualizações. O que fazer quando sua empresa patrocina o Neymar (Jr) e Ken Block, o rei dos stunts automobilísticos? Dá um jeito de misturar os dois no … O carrossel (não o de Mad Men!) Em uma casa de família “margarina”, a cozinha é um dos cômodos mais agitados. Hoje não faltam iniciativas de conscientização a respeito da crescente lista de animais ameaçados de extinção (quando não recém-riscados da lista dos existentes). Mais um curta celebrando os 75 anos de Batman. O Instituto Sea Shepherd Brasil para alertar sobre o risco de extinção dos tubarões Uma visita ao YouTube Space em Los Angeles Pode soar estranho ou mesmo … #LastSelfie de animais em extinção Produzido para a WWF da Dinamarca e da Turquia, a campanha #LastSelfie convida o usuário a tomar algumas atitudes para … Com trator parece mais fácil Simples e certeiro. Primeiro foi o “não corra papai”, depois veio o “use o cinto” e o “se beber não dirija”.

$20 Cardboard Bike Headed To Market A bicycle made almost entirely of cardboard has the potential to change transportation habits from the world’s most congested cities to the poorest reaches of Africa, its Israeli inventor says. Izhar Gafni, 50, is an expert in designing automated mass-production lines. He is an amateur cycling enthusiast who for years toyed with an idea of making a bicycle from cardboard. He told Reuters during a recent demonstration that after much trial and error, his latest prototype has now proven itself and mass production will begin in a few months. “I was always fascinated by applying unconventional technologies to materials and I did this on several occasions. “Making a cardboard box is easy and it can be very strong and durable, but to make a bicycle was extremely difficult and I had to find the right way to fold the cardboard in several different directions. “I’m repeatedly surprised at just how strong this material is, it is amazing. “This is a real game changer. Source: Reuters

Institutionen - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek <div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="span12 warning"><span>Your browser is unable to display the full content of this page. You may be able to view the media by installing Flash Player and / or enabling your javascript.</span></div></div></div> Institutions Filter by sector No institutions match your search criteria. GeoTemCo © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA TED Talks Top 20 Most-Watched Videos TED Talks Top 20 Most-Watched Videos I’m a huge fan of TED talks but then again who isn’t really? So finding out that TED had released a list of their top 20 most watched TED Talks will pretty much wipe out the remainder of my day. TED tabulated data from its top sources including, YouTube, Hulu, iTunes, and several others to create the list and the number of times some of the videos have been viewed is astonishing! Sir Ken Robinson’s 2006 talk about how schools kill creativity tops the list with 13,409,417 views. It’s followed by brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor’s epic story about suffering a stroke — and documenting her body shutting down. You need to watch all of these!

A cardboard bike that could change the world Izhar Gafni's cardboard bike design holds vast potential for third-world transportation. respontour via Flickr Enlarge photo» If you visit and click on Road Bikes, then Race Performance and then Madone 7 Series, you will see the Madone 7.9, a bike with a manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $11,549.99. Now, for the real shocker. An early report on in July said the bike would retail for $60 to $90. “Because you get a lot of government grants,” Elmish explained. While you won’t see one of Gafni’s bikes in the Tour de France any time soon, they do hold vast potential for urban biking and third-world transportation as well as the field of sustainable design. “We are just at the beginning,” Gafni said, “and from here, my vision is to see cardboard replacing metals. One senses this is not just marketing bluster. The initial production run will include three bicycle models as well as a wheelchair. Contact David Ward at

Five out of Ten: New Horizons Oh, süßer Spielejournalismus. Über das Twitter-Profil von Brendan Keogh, dem Autor der gigantischen Spec Ops-Behandlung Killing Is Harmless, stieß ich auf ein digitales Magazin, das mir einige sonst so triste Fahrten mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln versüßen sollte. Five out of Ten ist eine vierteljährlich erscheinende, unabhängige Sammlung lesenswerter Essays, die gerade ihre ersten, zarten Gehversuche wagt und ein vielfaches ihrer jetzigen Reichweite verdient hat. Fünf Autoren unter der Leitung von Chefredakteur Alan Williamson, darunter Keogh selbst, liefern Geschichten, Erinnerungen und Reflexionen mit dem gemeinsamen Berührungspunkt der Videospielkritik, um ihre Erkenntnisse über den hohen Wert moderner Spiele und ihre Hingabe fürs Medium mit jedermann zu teilen. Die Herausgeber weisen ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass sich ihre Worte nicht nur an Videospiel-„Fans“ richten. Videospiele, wie Williamson schreibt, stecken noch in den Kinderschuhen – und damit auch Texte über Spiele.

The Startup Kids | Documentary about young entrepreneurs $9 Cardboard Bike from Israel Going to Market Could it be a world-changer? A cheap solution to help African kids get to schools and clinics? Israel’s Izhar Gafni (who we interviewed here) had an outlandish idea to create a durable cardboard bike from scratch with raw materials sum totalling about $9. Add in some labor costs and you can get a pretty cheap ride, one worth buying in a world where bike theft is rampant. News reports are circling around the world that Gafni’s cardboard bike (see photos here) is headed to market. “When we started, a year and a half or two years ago, people laughed at us, but now we are getting at least a dozen emails every day asking where they can buy such a bicycle, so this really makes me hopeful that we will succeed,” he said. Hus business partner Nimrod Elmish, Gafni’s business partner says that by using cardboard and other recycled materials there can be a huge change in production norms. Estimated to last 10 years, the cardboard bike will also weigh two-thirds the weight of a regular bike.

Kostenlose Spiele: "Star Wars", "Red Rogue", "Nugget", "Protobotic" Viel minimalistischer als in Ondřej Žára Actionspiel kann Grafik kaum sein: Einen weißes @, das ist der Jedi-Ritter, den wir steuern. Seine Feinde in einem Labyrinth voller Punkte und Sternchen sehen so aus: weiße Ds (Kampfroboter), Cs (Klonkrieger). Ganz gefährlich ist das S, ein der dunklen Seite der Macht verfallene Sith-Lord, der uns mit einem Lichtschwert bekämpft. Und man verteidigt sich, weicht aus, schleicht gespannt durch dieses Labyrinth der ASCII-Zeichen, denn Žára hat aus wenigen Elementen ein großartiges kleines Spiel gemacht: Wer einmal gespielt hat, will beim nächsten Versuch besser sein. Vier solcher faszinierenden Gratis-Spiele für zwischendurch haben wir ausgesucht: das minimalistische "Star Wars","Red Rogue", ein Rollenspiel der alten Schule,"Nugget", ein buntes Jump'n'Run voller liebenswerter Rechteck-Wesen,"Protobotic", ein Rätselspiel mit vertrackten Knobeleien. Die Fotostrecke mit allen Spiele im Überblick. News verfolgen alles aus der Rubrik Netzwelt
