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f5io/fifer-js Top 17 des meilleurs outils pour créer un Quiz ou un Questionnaire en ligne Créer un quiz ou un questionnaire n’est plus, comme avant un parcours du combattant. De nombreuses solutions existent désormais pour monter en un temps record votre quiz en vue de recueillir des informations ou des données sur Internet. Cet article vous présente les meilleurs outils et services afin de vous aider à créer un quiz en ligne et réussir votre sondage. Un quiz, qu’est-ce que c’est ? Issu de l’anglais « quiz » qui signifie test (oral ou écrit), le mot « quiz » est conçu pour désigner un ensemble de question, soit un questionnaire. Elle se distingue des tests ordinaires par le fait qu’il faut y répondre par de très courtes réponses d’au plus deux mots. 1- L’outil ThatQuiz C’est un outil qui n’est certes pas des plus récents, mais qui reste jusqu’ici très utile pour créer des tests, exercices, activités en ligne dans diverses disciplines selon la volonté de l’auteur. 2- L’outil Experquizz 3- L’outil Quizlet 4- Ispring QuizMaker 5- L’outil EasyLMS 6- L’outil Webquest 7- L’outil Qruiz

Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation | MASHe The use of Twitter to collecting tweets around an event hashtag allowing participants to share and contribute continues to grow and has even become part of mass media events, various TV shows now having and publicising their own tag. This resource is often lost in time, only tiny snippets being captured in blog posts or summaries using tools like Storify, which often loose the richness of individual conversations between participants. It doesn’t have to be this way. Using a combination of Google Spreadsheets as a data source and a simple web interface to add interactivity it’s possible to let users explorer your entire event hashtag and replay any of conversations. View example conversation replay Try out a LIVE version Update: If you are still struggling to understand the concept Radical Punch have done a overview of this tool Here's how to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation (written instructions below): Capturing the tweets Get and setup TAGS

rserota/wad Pedalboard.js by dashersw Check out! It's pedalboard.js packaged as a product you can really use. Introduction Ever wanted to have your pedal stack in the cloud, available anywhere you go without any hardware? Ever wanted to manage your sound as easily as browsing a web site? Ever wanted to share the perfect sound you created with your friends without the hassle? Pedalboard.js is a ground-breaking, first of its kind, novel open-source JavaScript framework for developing audio effects and applying them to sound sources–and it's particularly good at guitar effects. The API and all the abstraction is built around the concept of guitar effects — pedals and stomp boxes, pots and switches. You design your pedal with the powerful Web Audio API, attach pots and switches to it, style it via CSS3 and voila. Bring multiple pedals together to create a pedal board, easily adjust their settings and routing. Finally, a complete guitar effects stack, completely customizable, in your hands. Motivation Audio Nodes JavaScript Pot

goldfire/howler.js jeromeetienne/webaudiox Backbone.js Moment.js | Home
