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Callback Hell

Callback Hell
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How to Use the JavaScript Fetch API to Get Data We all remember the dreaded XMLHttpRequest we used back in the day to make requests, it involved some really messy code, it didn't give us promises and let's just be honest, it wasn't pretty JavaScript, right? Maybe if you were using jQuery, you used the cleaner syntax with jQuery.ajax(). Well JavaScript has it's own built-in clean way now. Along comes the Fetch API a new standard to make server request jam-packed with promises and all those things we learned to love over the years. How do we use the Fetch API? In a very simple manner all you really do is call fetch with the URL you want, by default the Fetch API uses the GET method, so a very simple call would be like this: fetch(url) .then(function() { }).catch(function() { }); Looks pretty simple right? We are now going to build a simple GET request, in this case, I will use the Random User API and we will get 10 users and show them on the page using vanilla JavaScript. <h1>Authors</h1><ul id="authors"></ul>

DOM Core Page last changed today DOM methods and properties that are for all implementations, and not just for the JavaScript one. In theory almost all of them should work in any programming language that supports the DOM. This is the desktop table. See also the mobile table. Last major update on 3 September 2013. Getting elements These methods are meant for getting the HTML elements you need from the document. You must know these methods by heart. These four properties give basic information about all nodes. There are three basic node types: element nodes (HTML tags), attribute nodes and text nodes. You must know these properties by heart. The DOM tree Five properties and two arrays for walking through the DOM tree. In general you shouldn't use too many of these properties. x.parentNode.firstChild.nextSibling.children[2] your code is too complicated. DOM Traversal A few useful properties that should have been in the DOM from the start but mysteriously weren’t. Node manipulation Text data Attributes Trident

JavaScript for Cats You're Missing the Point of Promises This post originally appeared as a gist. Since then, the development of Promises/A+ has made its emphasis on the Promises/A spec seem somewhat outdated. Contrary to some mistaken statements on the internet, the problems with jQuery's promises explained here are not fixed in recent versions; as of 2.1 beta 1 they have all the same problems outlined here, and according to one jQuery core team member, they will forever remain broken, in the name of backward compatibility. Promises are a software abstraction that makes working with asynchronous operations much more pleasant. getTweetsFor("domenic", function (err, results) { // the rest of your code goes here to one where your functions return a value, called a promise, which represents the eventual results of that operation. var promiseForTweets = getTweetsFor("domenic"); I've talked about how cool I think promises are at length. Thenables and CommonJS Promises/A People mostly understand the first paragraph. What Is the Point of Promises?

Building a JavaScript Development Environment | Pluralsight Hi everyone, my name is John Smith , welcome to my course, PHP: Getting Started. I am a PHP programmer at The Mill. PHP is the world’s most widely used server-side scripting language. This course is a quick introduction to developing PHP applications, and no prior experience with PHP is required. Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Events Specification Status of This Document This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at This document is a Working Draft of the Document Object Model Level 3 Events (DOM3 Events) specification. This document is produced by the Web Applications WG, part of the Rich Web Clients Activity in the W3C Interaction Domain. You can find the latest Editor's Draft of this document in the W3C's Mercurial repository, which is updated on a regular basis. Implementers should be aware that this document is not stable. This document was published by the Web Applications Working Group as a Working Draft. Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. 3. Note

Private Members in JavaScript Douglas Crockford JavaScript is the world's most misunderstood programming language. Some believe that it lacks the property of information hiding because objects cannot have private instance variables and methods. But this is a misunderstanding. JavaScript objects can have private members. Objects JavaScript is fundamentally about objects. If a value is a function, we can consider it a method. Objects can be produced by constructors, which are functions which initialize objects. Public The members of an object are all public members. In the constructor This technique is usually used to initialize public instance variables. function Container(param) { this.member = param; } So, if we construct a new object var myContainer = new Container('abc'); then myContainer.member contains 'abc'. In the prototype This technique is usually used to add public methods. Container.prototype.stamp = function (string) { return this.member + string; } So, we can invoke the method Private Privileged

Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit! The Danger Crew RPG: Lessons Learned by Drew Conley on CodePen The day is finally here. The Danger Crew, an RPG game built with React and Redux, is ready to play! I made a Celebration Pen for it: #Intro and Background I started The Danger Crew with two friends in October 2015. There have been other demos since, like our Battle Demo and a few public prototypes. Every part of the game has been revisited and beefed up since last time I wrote. I'd like to share a few lessons I've learned in the last ~15 months from bringing this side project to life. #1. I started the project without <canvas>, because I was basically afraid of it. We had the idea for the game, we wanted to get started Now Now Now, and didn't want to lose that spark of inspiration. Somewhere along the way, I started tinkering with canvas and totally fell in love. It's okay to get started with whatever you already know. If your game idea is big and ambitious, drill it down to the most important mechanics and nail those first. #2. Screenshot from first demo. #3. #4. #More Links:

Understanding ES6 Modules This article explores ES6 modules, showing how they can be used today with the help of a transpiler. Almost every language has a concept of modules — a way to include functionality declared in one file within another. Typically, a developer creates an encapsulated library of code responsible for handling related tasks. That library can be referenced by applications or other modules. The benefits: Code can be split into smaller files of self-contained functionality.The same modules can be shared across any number of applications.Ideally, modules need never be examined by another developer, because they’ve has been proven to work.Code referencing a module understands it’s a dependency. Where are Modules in JavaScript? Anyone starting web development a few years ago would have been shocked to discover there was no concept of modules in JavaScript. HTML can load any number JavaScript files using multiple <script> tags: Each script initiates a new HTTP request, which affects page performance.

Quick tip: using HTML5 localstorage to store JSON objects on a device in your PhoneGap app I’ve written a couple of articles about loading remote data into PhoneGap apps (sans framework), but I haven’t mentioned a good little method of storing that data on the device so you don’t need to request it from a server again. This is a quick tip for how you can do that. Of course, it depends on the type of data that you are loading from your server in the first place. You wouldn’t necessarily want to store data that would be out of date quickly – such as share prices or live sports scores. But there will certainly be times when you want to save the data you’ve just loaded for use at a later time, without having to load it again. Loading data from a remote source When loading data from a remote source I’d use jQuery or Zepto’s ajax() function like this: In this example I’m accessing a fictional data source to load a news article. Once the article is loaded the user might browse another article but later on may return to read this particular one again. HTML5 local and session storage

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