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Lee Friedlander / Biography & Images - Atget / Videos Books & Quotes

Lee Friedlander / Biography & Images - Atget / Videos Books & Quotes
Photography has generally been defended on the ground that it is useful, in the sense that the McCormick reaper and quinine have been useful. Excellent and persuasive arguments have been developed in this spirit; these are well known and need not be repeated here. It should be added however that some of the very best photography is useful only as juggling, theology, or pure mathematics is useful --- that is to say, useless, except as nourishment for the human spirit. When Lee Friedlander made the photograph reproduced here he was playing a kind of game. The game is of undetermined social utility and might on the surface seem almost frivolous. The larger, dark figure reflected in the shop window is (obviously) the photographer. It would of course be possible to draw a diagram, with lines and arrows and shaded planes, to explain crudely what the picture itself explains precisely. from "Looking at Photographs " by John Szarkowski - Lee Friedlander photo library - Friedlander Related:  photographes

BRUCE MILPIED | photographe Olivier Duong » Insights gleaned from Lee Friedlander’s photography Photograph Copyright Lee Friedlander [I] eat, drink, sleep photography, but due to constraints, I have been loosing my inspiration lately. Theologians back then called this “Dark night of the soul”. My partner-friend-self appointed grandpa Don suggested I learn about the past, I reluctantly accepted. I am starting with Lee Friedlander, as I feel that I understand where he is coming from. Who’s Lee Friedlander in a nutshellIt’s really something to see a photograph appear in developer. This early spark lit his passion for photography and is credited for being one of the photographers that developed photography as an art form. His career was propelled when he had an exhibition alongside Garry Winogrand and Diane Arbus called “New Documents”. Influences: Eugene Atget, Robert Frank, Walker EvansClick here to read the article on influence Why he’s known:He documented the common in an uncommon way. Copyright Lee Friedlander He even shoots from the car (and has a superb photo book about it):

Cdanslaboite | Cdanslaboite à Bordeaux association photographique d'intérêt général ​alec soth: in the pool of images Represented by the Magnum agency, collected by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, commissioned by the New York Times and The New Yorker and head of his own publishing house, Little Brown Mushroom, Alec Soth is about as credible as a contemporary documentary photographer can get. His new exhibition, Gathered Leaves, at London's Science Museum (they're partnered with the National Media Museum in Bradford, hence their Media Space, focusing on photography and film) includes the span of his four major bodies of work from his first book, Sleeping by the Mississippi (published in 2004), until now. Shown chronologically, it reveals the evolution of his work, and the constant exploration of the vast expanse of the USA. Is it still better to see a photo in an exhibition or a book, rather than online?A book to me is the album, like vinyl, and there's been this resurgence, because people want this tactile thing. Are you surprised by how many people have a good eye? Why is that?

Arles 5 : découvertes | lunettesrouges1 Pauline Fargue, Nul Jour, Prix Découverte, vue d’exposition C’est l’autre pôle des Rencontres, indispensable, celui qui permet de découvrir des inconnus, dans les expos officielles comme dans le Off. Mais, cette année, l’exposition officielle pour le Prix Découverte est un peu décevante : si on excepte un assez drôle pied de nez pileux et une mise en scène originale, mais d’une dénonciation assez banale, beaucoup des nominés ne frappaient pas par leur originalité. J’en avais toutefois retenu trois : la Française Pauline Fargue qui joue sur les échelles et expose de très élégants petits carnets intimes croisant texte et photos (et c’est elle qui obtint le prix), le Singapourien Robert Zhao Renhui, qui, dans un style évoquant un peu Taryn Simon, montre des altérations (réelles ou inventées) de la nature, poissons fluorescents ou singe qui parle, et le Sénégalais Omar Victor Diop, pour qui j’avais finalement voté. Omar Victor Diop, Juan de Pareja (1606-1670) Lore Stessel J'aime :

Detroit - Bruce Gilden Background My work on foreclosed homes in Detroit has actually been a continuation of a project that started in Fort Myers, Florida in September 2008. For me the major concentration of the work is on the houses or what’s left of the houses. I chose to photograph them mostly straight on like my street work in a very blunt fashion. After going to Florida and continuing in Detroit I realized that foreclosure is one part of a circle. Certain areas look like Berlin after World War II or like Beirut. What was really sad for me in Detroit was that many of the destroyed houses were well made and beautiful houses at one time, they were like Grande Dames.

Les coups de cœur #44 Stéphane Ruchaud Si Stéphane vit de la photographie culinaire, principalement en studio, son Tumblr regroupe plutôt des photos poétiques prises au grand air, à l’argentique. « Mon univiers s’articule autour de deux axes : le paysage et le portrait « fictionné », un portrait mis en scène de manière à ce que l’on puisse se raconter une histoire et se laisser porter par une ambiance. Mon Tumblr me permet de poster des images de façon plus spontanée, sans chercher une cohérence de série, et de mettre en ligne des images de façon moins figée. » © Stéphane Ruchaud Ana Santl Photographe pour le magazine Ignant depuis un an, Ana parcourt l’Europe et relate ses aventures photographiques sur son Tumblr. « Je pense que [Tumblr] est l’endroit idéal pour partager mes photos du quotidien, à la façon d’un journal de bord. © I am not Ana Yosigo Photographe et dessinateur espagnol, José Javier Serrano a choisi de travailler sous pseudo. © Yosigo

Photographs - Colin O'Brien, Photographer, London Brigitte Bauer - Photographies Aller aux jardins Fragments d'Intimité Euroméditerranée La ville et le jardin Champs de nuages Carrés d'herbes Montagne Sainte-Victoire
