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Graphing Every* Idea In History « Griff's Graphs

Graphing Every* Idea In History « Griff's Graphs
Update: Graph has now been made interactive. I was originally put onto network visualisation by Simon Raper by his fantastic post graphing the history of philosophy. I’ve learned a lot in the last week and decided to be ambitious. I wanted to see what the entire network would look like – with everyone on Wikipedia. Well, everyone with an infobox containing ‘influences’ and/or ‘influenced by’. For those new to these types of graphs: the node size represents the number of connections. Method First I queried Snorql and retrieved every person who had a registered ‘influence’ or registered ‘influenced by’ value (restricted to people only so if they were influenced by ‘anime’, they were excluded).I then decoded these using a neat little URL decoder and imported them into Microsoft Excel for further processing (removing things like ‘(Musician)’ and other similar syntax). Caveats The Future The Network There are a few main communities (roughly): Now for some pretty pictures. The Graph Of Ideas Related:  Tech

Data Visualizations: 5 Beautiful Social Media Videos Data visualizations are a wonderful way to display the interactions between large groups of people within a network. Virtual places like Twitter, Facebook, or Flickr can be easier understood when you see a visual representation of their inner workings. We've chosen five fresh videos that visualize various social media ecosystems. 1. If all Twitter searches were this fun, I'd probably do little else than stare at them all day. 2. This project displays a visualization of digital photos publically shared on the web by people visiting Spain. 3. Amazon's Mechanical Turk is a service that harnesses the power of an on-demand human workforce. 4. One of the sponsoring companies of the Edinburgh Twestival, which happened on February 12th, used Twitter to track the networking and socializing at the event. 5. This fascinating visualization video uses data from music social network to display the popularity of music genres in certain parts of Europe. The video is available here.

LifeMoves - PrioHealth “I have been an Occupational Therapist for 38 years. I have worked with people of various abilities and disabilities, ranging in age from 3 months to 101 years, and across clinical settings to include an acute care setting (hospital), nursing home (pediatric), nursing home (geriatric), home care (pediatric and geriatric) and school settings. In all that time, and across all ages, settings, and abilities, the key component of successful therapy intervention is for the client to be able to focus on treatment. Without focus, learning cannot take place, and re-learning (rehabilitation) is compromised. The brain requires focus to hard-wire neurons in order to get reliable, automatic cognitive and motor responses to the environment. Research tells us that a precursor to focus is stress reduction to a manageable level. I am very happy to see LifeMoves as a product specifically for the adult population. Obviously, I am a big fan of your product. Sharon Gregoire OTR/L

10 Wonderful Examples of Interactive Infographics | Infographics | DESIGNIFY We looked through the web to see what are the most recent examples of Interactive Infographics and this is a list of 10 Wonderful Examples of Interactive Infographics. Infographics became a favourite tool for businesses to show their clients important and valuable information. We are also seeing lots of designers using infographics as resumes. Newspapers and magazines also find it useful to present data. And being such an important tool, infographics started evolving as much more efforts are put in the development of this tool. You may also want to check: 15 Infographic Online Tools and Free Vector Elements The difference between a Data Visualization and an Infographic Brockhaus Encyclopedia Infographics If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough Evolution of the cloud See the infographic Eastern Tennessee See the infographics Future of Car Sharing See the infographic Get Tech Fit (Verizon) See the infographic How Search Works See the infographic See the Infographic

newsmap Update: Jan 20, 2012 My appologies for not updating this site lately. Flipboard has been keeping me a little busy. I'll try to work something out here soon, but in the meantime, you might want to say hello on Twitter, browse through a few photos here or peek into what it is like designing Flipboard. the life and work of Marcos Weskamp Marcos Weskamp is a Design Engineer who has a deep interest in playing with and visualizing lots of data. In March 2010, Marcos joined a yet-to-be-named startup in Palo Alto, where he designs, sketches, codes, serves coffee, washes dishes and leads the User Experience vision of a product that's going to be so awesome, it's going to blow your pants off. Marcos is based in Palo Alto, California, where right now it is Fri Jun 09, 10:17am and the weather is .contact: 404, Lalala, Document not found! Fresh From the Lab Latest News tags

Stephen W. Porges, PhD: Q&A About Freezing, Fainting, and the ‘Safe’ Sounds of Music Therapy Early humans stalked by brutal killers had a limited choice: Gird for battle or run to safety — as in “fight-or-flight.” A bit further down the evolutionary road, we added “tend and befriend” to our danger response repertoire, which may have allowed particularly the females among us to protect children and cultivate a social group for mutual defense and support. And that was that — until Stephen Porges, PhD, the Distinguished University Scientist at Indiana University in Bloomington, introduced a third option: freeze or faint. His widely-cited polyvagal theory contends that living creatures facing or sensing mortal danger will immobilize, even “play dead,” as a last resort. This strategy occurs instinctively — without conscious thought and at the behest of a nervous system quickly deciding whether the environment is dangerous or safe. The only cure, Dr. Porges shared his theory, his therapy, and his respect for the body’s longest nerve, with Everyday Health. SP: Not just fight-or-flight.

50 Informative and Well-Designed Infographics It’s impossible to comprehend complex data or analyze large amounts of information, if we only use words or texts. Information graphics or better known as infographics are visual explanation of data, information or knowledge. These graphics are excellent visual tools for explaining huge amounts of information where complex data needs to be explained immediately and clearly. Let me show you how Rick Mans explain how infographics ease the process of communicating conceptual information Image credit. Infographic is one of the most challenging types of graphic design because the creation process alone is pretty intensive. We are truly delighted to show you these brilliant and informative infographics created by various talented individuals. Recommended Reading: More Infographic related posts. 50 Years of Space Exploration. Disney vs Marvel. Grand Mosque. High Rise. Relief Wells & Subsea Containment. Prism Social Media 2010. Genes and Society: Cloning. Flickr User Model. Crude Awakening.

Twitscoop - Search twitter, see what's hot right now Neuroception: A Subconscious System for Detecting Threats and Safety • Neuroception describes how neural circuits distinguishwhether situations or people are safe, dangerous,or life threatening.• Neuroception explains why a baby coos at a caregiverbut cries at a stranger, or why a toddler enjoysa parent’s embrace but views a hug from a strangeras an assault.• The Polyvagal Theory describes three developmentalstages of a mammal’s autonomic nervous system:Immobilization, mobilization, and social communicationor social engagement.• Faulty neuroception might lie at the root of severalpsychiatric disorders, including autism, schizophrenia,anxiety disorders, depression, and ReactiveAttachment Disorder.
