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Ending Overfishing

Ending Overfishing

How Shotgun Microphones Work Se for verdade o que este vídeo denuncia, então é o fim de tudo! Homens ou máquinas?: Guilherme Lito at TEDx PUC-Rio Anonymous desmascara os pactos de Dilma Rousseff Наталья Водянова в мини-фильме Легенда о Shalimar Наталья Водянова (Natalia Vodianova) стала героиней рекламного мини-фильма, посвященного легендарному аромату Shalimar, недавно возрожденного Guerlain. Видео рассказывает прекрасную историю, которая когда-то вдохновила Жака Герлена на создание аромата. Индийский властитель Шах Джахан очень любил свою красавицу жену. Ссылка с описанием: <blockquote><p><strong>Интернет-журнал ETODAY &mdash; <a href=" Водянова в мини-фильме Легенда о Shalimar</a></strong><br /> Наталья Водянова (Natalia Vodianova) стала героиней рекламного мини-фильма, посвященного легендарному аромату Shalimar, недавно возрожденного Guerlain. Ссылка для форума: Постоянная ссылка:

New 3D map shows large scale structures in the universe 9 billion years ago The FastSound project’s 3D map of the large-scale structure of a region in the Universe about 4.7 billion years after the Big Bang. This area covers 2.5 times 3 degrees of the sky, with a radial distance spanning 12-14.5 billion light years in co-moving distance or 8-9.6 billion light years in light travel distance. Credit: NAOJ, SDSS, CFHT. I remember seeing the Hubble 3-D IMAX movie in 2010 and literally gasping when the view pulled back from zooming into distant stars and galaxies to show clusters and superclusters of galaxies interwoven like a web, creating the large scale structure of the Universe. In 3-D, the structure looks much like the DNA double helix or a backbone. Now, a new project that aims to map the Universe’s structure has looked back in time to create a 3-D map showing a portion of the Universe as it looked nine billion years ago. The new map spans 600 million light years along the angular direction and two billion light years in the radial direction.

Deus em Questão - Sigmund Freud x C.S.Lewis Documentário [1-4] Black Bloc - Rio de Janeiro, Junho e Julho de 2013 Marcelo Adnet canta Tom & Elis. NOVALAPSE Timelapse Recordings - Your specialist for portable, reliable & precise Motion Control productions. - Part 1 Filmebase - entrada
