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Dvolver Moviemaker. Make digital movies online. Formerly Dfilm. Home

Dvolver Moviemaker. Make digital movies online. Formerly Dfilm. Home

9 Web 2.0 Sites to Publish Student Work Written by Mark Brumley Publish and Share Student Work Publishing educational technology enhanced content online, in eye-catching formats, is easier than ever. And, students love to publish their projects online and share with their family and friends. Use these easy-to-use web 2.0 sites to publish, share and celebrate student work. Two Publishing Categories

Quatre services de videoconférence en ligne gratuits Le site Les outils collaboratifs a présenté au début du mois de septembre 2012 trois services gratuits de vidéoconférence :, et Ces services méritent en effet qu'on s'y arrête. Trois services gratuits pour des groupes restreints Pour utiliser ponctuellement, il n'est même pas nécessaire de s'inscrire sur le site. Il suffit d'ouvrir une salle de réunion (get a meeting room) et d'en communiquer l'adresse à ses correspondants qui pourront alors rejoindre la réunion. Presentation Tools Do you have other favorite online presentation tools, examples, or ideas for using them in the library media center? Share them here. Microsoft's Powerpoint and Apple's Keynote are two of the most popular presentation tools for teachers, students, library media specialists and administrators, and much has been written about the positive and negative impacts of these resources on teaching and learning. Powerpoint can be saved as a web document and shared on any webpage.

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