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Rope Weaving Clinic

Rope Weaving Clinic

Remarkably Domestic — Creatively managing the chaos of home Weaving the T-shirt Chair Rag Edition.m4v Tutowlrial: template « Back to Tutowlrial The pattern which is now (July 2010) published has been redrawn and will result in similar owls like those shown in this tutorial. Before developing this template, a pattern from a Japanese craft book was being used. I wrote about it here on MOONSTITCHES . Due to the many changes I made regarding the construction and look of the owls and after drawing a new pattern I am confident that I do not hurt any existing copyright, an issue I take very seriously. For private use only.

How To Make A Candy Wrapper Bag: Part 1 Little boxy pouch tutorial « three bears My latest favourite thing to make, little boxy pouches. It took me almost an entire morning, lots of paper and sellotape and countless cups of tea to figure this out. I’m here to save you the bother. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I hope these instructions are clear. Do let me know if you use this tutorial, I’d love to see how it works out for you. ***How I add lining*** There may be a quicker way but this is how I add a lining. Like this: Like Loading...

How To Make A Candy Wrapper Bag: Part 2 EZ WEAVY
