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Nature et jardin bio

Nature et jardin bio

Désherber de façon écologique ! Adieu les mauvaises herbes Pour de nombreuses personnes, le jardinage est une passion, un moment de détente et de contact avec la nature. Cependant, dans cette activité, le désherbage peut vite devenir une tâche fastidieuse et difficile. Saviez-vous que chaque année nous utilisons pas moins de 5 000 tonnes de produits (pesticides notamment) pour venir à bout de nos mauvaises herbes ! Arrachez les mauvaises herbes à la main ! La manière la plus simple mais répétitive et fastidieuse reste bien évidemment de désherber à la main vos mauvaises herbes en les arrachant avec leurs racines. Utilisez de l’eau bouillante ! L’utilisation de l’eau bouillante est particulièrement efficace pour les petites zones à désherber, comme sur une terrasse ou une allée par exemple. Conseil : Pensez à utiliser l’eau de vos cuissons plutôt que de jeter l’eau dans votre évier ! Associez de l’eau avec du gros sel ! Cette technique fonctionne parfaitement sur des petites surfaces. Paillage - Des billes d’argiles

L’éducation à la culture informationnelle - Blog L'étrange silence des abeilles Video - Une vidéo en Time-Lapse dévoile le spectaculaire ciel étoilé de Namibie Une vidéo tournée en Namibie et montée en time-Lapse par Lorenzo Comolli, dévoile un ciel étoilé et sans nuage comme rarement vu. Avez-vous déjà partagé cet article? Partager sur Facebook Partager sur Twitter C’est un spectacle sans pareil. Le film, baptisé "Sous le ciel de Namibie" regroupe 250 heures d’enregistrement vidéo montées en accéléré. La Namibie comme les déserts du Chili ou de l’Australie sont des endroits du monde où le ciel se montre particulièrement clair et où il est plus facile d’observer les étoiles. (crédits vidéo : Lorenzo Comolli)

Education environnement Les oiseaux Boy discovers microbe that eats plastic It's not your average science fair when the 16-year-old winner manages to solve a global waste crisis. But such was the case at last May's Canada-Wide Science Fair in Ottawa, Ontario, where Daniel Burd, a high school student at Waterloo Collegiate Institute, presented his research on microorganisms that can rapidly biodegrade plastic. Daniel had a thought it seems even the most esteemed PhDs hadn't considered. Plastic, one of the most indestructible of manufactured materials, does in fact eventually decompose. It takes 1,000 years but decompose it does, which means there must be microorganisms out there to do the decomposing. Editor's note: There are two high school students who have discovered plastic-consuming microorganisms. Could those microorganisms be bred to do the job faster? The preliminary results were encouraging, so he kept at it, selecting out the most effective strains and interbreeding them.

Einstein was right - honey bee collapse threatens global food security The agri-business lender Rabobank said the numbers of US bee colonies failing to survive each winter has risen to 30pc to 35pc from an historical norm of 10pc. The rate is 20pc or higher in much of Europe, and the same pattern is emerging in Latin America and Asia. Albert Einstein, who liked to make bold claims (often wrong), famously said that "if the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, man would have only four years to live". Such "apocalyptic scenarios" are overblown, said Rabobank. However, animal pollination is essential for nuts, melons and berries, and plays varying roles in citrus fruits, apples, onions, broccoli, cabbage, sprouts, courgettes, peppers, aubergines, avocados, cucumbers, coconuts, tomatoes and broad beans, as well as coffee and cocoa. This is the fastest growing and most valuable part of the global farm economy. The reservoir of bees is dwindling to the point where ratios are dangerously out of kilter, with the US reaching the "most extreme" imbalance.

Bees Solve Hard Computing Problems Faster Than Supercomputers We already know bees are pretty good at facial recognition, and researchers have shown they can also be effective air-quality monitors. Here's one more reason to keep them around: They're smarter than computers. Bumblebees can solve the classic "traveling salesman" problem, which keeps supercomputers busy for days. They learn to fly the shortest possible route between flowers even if they find the flowers in a different order, according to a new British study. The traveling salesman problem is an (read: very hard) problem in computer science; it involves finding the shortest possible route between cities, visiting each city only once. Bees are the first animals to figure this out, according to Queen Mary University of London researchers. Bees need lots of energy to fly, so they seek the most efficient route among networks of hundreds of flowers. This is no small feat, especially considering bee brains are about as big as a microdot.
