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How to Create an Awesome Infographic [INFOGRAPHIC]

How to Create an Awesome Infographic [INFOGRAPHIC]
There's no better way to show companies how to create an engaging infographic than through outlined steps in the form of an infographic. A new infographic by Infographic Labs — first published by — highlights the best practices of developing a creative way to get the word out about new data. As the amount of information we consume on the Internet grows and attention spans decrease thanks to a bevvy of distractions from email to Facebook, market research firms and other companies are packaging new data in visual ways. SEE ALSO: 20 Reasons to Switch to Google+ [INFOGRAPHIC] From how to pick color schemes and graphics to approaching layout, this infographic gives you a rundown on how to best get your information out to others. What do you think makes for a great infographic? Infographic via Infographic Labs

4 Inspiring Examples of Digital Storytelling Layla Revis is vice president of digital influence at Ogilvy PR Worldwide. Her specialties include international affairs, tourism and multicultural marketing. In 2011, Sundance Film Festival created The New Frontier Story Lab, an initiative created to foster the development of a new style of media production. As media began to depart from traditional, linear films intended for a passive audience, the launch represented an innovative new era in entertainment. The New Frontier Story Lab helped many an interactive narrative come to life. President of the National Film Board of Canada, Tom Perlmutter's multi-platform interactive productions have also been revolutionizing transmedia. At the intersection of films, games and the Internet, today's creators are using multiple platforms, where the audience can actively reshape the stories themselves. 1. 2. The experience imagines that a mysterious virus has begun to afflict adults in a rural town. 3. 4. Image courtesy of iStockphoto, shevvers

Best Practices: Maximum Elements For Different Visualization Types Visualizations are great for getting a grasp of data sets, but sometimes the data is too big for a certain visualization technique. Every type of visualization has limits for how much it can display while still being useful. These limits are not due to the visualization alone, they also come from the capabilities of our brains to perceive and interpret what our eyes see. Pie Charts Pie charts are among the most popular visualizations for percentage data, but they aren’t appropriate for more than seven categories. If you have a pie chart with more than seven categories, consider turning it into a bar chart. The data for the pie chart below was taken from a pie chart in an infographic recently submitted to Colors You’ll notice in the charts above, that the colors repeat. Bar and Column Charts Bar and column charts of categorical data also have an upper bound on the appropriate number of bars. So the limiting factors are a bit more complex and depend on several issues. Line Charts

Communuty Management : Les statistiques française 2012 Avec l’émergence des réseaux sociaux, un nouveau métier est apparu : les community managers ou animateurs de communauté. Comme chaque année, notre amis Flavien, officiant sur le blog du modérateur, se propose de réaliser d’une étude sur ce récent métier et de nous abreuver de statistiques nous permettant de mieux dimensionner et comprendre qui sont ces community managers en France. Voici donc les résultats chiffrés de cette étude en infographie bien évidemment : D’une manière générale, on voit que le profil type est une jeune femme entre 26 et 35 ans, habitant sur la région parisienne, ayant un Bac +5 dans la communication, obtenu un CDI depuis environ un an et une première expérience réussie dans le monde de la communication. Bien évidemment, ce ne sont que des statistiques valables à un instant T puisque l’on se rend compte que les profils évoluent d’années en années et que les fossés entre homme et femme, Paris et province s’amoindrissent aussi. Via

5 Infographics to Teach You How to Easily Create Infographics in PowerPoint [+ TEMPLATES] Despite the spattering of headlines that have popped up over the past couple years proclaiming "infographics are dead," infographics are, in fact, alive and well. We just checked -- they're totally healthy. I mean, there are a lot of them, but when marketers spend the time aligning the topic, content, and style of their infographics with the needs and preferences of their target audiences, they're still finding success.(And by "success" I mean driving traffic -- and potential leads -- to their websites and generating social buzz through people sharing and commenting.) A 2014 study shows that the use of infographics among B2B marketers increased 9% from 2013 to 2014: from 43% adoption to 52% adoption. Download 10 free infographic templates here to help you create professional-looking infographics without a designer. We're so glad you asked! And to help you get started, we've created 10 fabulous infographic templates you can download and use for free right within PowerPoint. Research.

Twitter network analysis of events – what’s possible? I recently connected with Daniel Knox (@djkn0x) on Twitter – which is where it seems most of my connections are happening these days. Among other interesting entrepreneurial activities Daniel is playing with a new venture that does analysis of Twitter activity around events. To show me Daniel created a visual network analysis of the Twitter activity around Future of Crowdsourcing Summit (#foc10) that we ran a few weeks ago in Sydney and San Francisco. Here is the explanation of the diagram that Daniel gave me: Here is a simple visualization of the #FOC10 tweeters. In the visualization the size of the node indicates the inbound connections (in-degree), while the color of the node represents the outbound connections from low (orange) to high (green). Daniel also provided the following stats: • Top tweeters using #FOC10: @natecochrane (38 #FOC10 tweets), @amylyden (29), and @kobygeddes (24) And this wordcloud (which you can zoom in on and move around):

Infographic of the Day: Inception Contest Winner! We searched high and low, across millions of miles of virtual space; we worried that we'd never succeed. But we found him: The architect of the best infographic explanation of Inception, the summer's most complicated film. A refresher, for those who are still new: A scant two weeks ago, we began a contest asking readers to create an infographic explaining Inception. The movie needed it, given how complex it was. Briefly, Inception is about a group of industrial spies (led by Leonardo DiCaprio's character Cobb), tasked with convincing the scion of a business empire that he should break up his father's company. To do that, they have to drug the son and plant that desire within a dream. But for the idea to take hold and consume the target--and not to be dismissed as nonsense from a sleeping brain--they have to plant it deep into his mind, via a series of intense, sub-conscious narratives. We received lots of great entries. [Click for full-size]

Publicité online, Facebook, smartphones, tablettes… Les quatre dernières études à découvrir Reuters révèle les résultats d’un sondage sur la publicité sur Facebook, ComScore publie une étude sur les achats via smartphones, Mobile Mix présente une étude sur l’explosion des applications mobiles, tandis que le cabinet ABI research souligne le leadership de l’iPad sur le marché des tablettes. Les détails de ces quatre nouvelles études. La publicité sur Facebook n’influencerait pas ses utilisateurs Reuters et Ipsos ont effectué un sondage en ligne entre le 31 mai et le 4 juin dernier auprès d’un panel de 1032 internautes américains. Cette étude visait à souligner les difficultés de Facebook à faire fructifier sa base de 900M d’utilisateurs, en particulier en termes d’argent issu de la publicité. Il en résulte ainsi que quatre utilisateurs de Facebook sur cinq n’auraient jamais acheté un produit ou payé pour un service à la suite de publicités ou de commentaires publiés sur le réseau social. Le top 10 des catégories d’achats sur smartphones Le boom des applications sur smartphones

How To Create Outstanding Modern Infographics | Vectortuts+ In this tutorial you will learn that data doesn't have to be boring, it can be beautiful! Learn how to use various graph tools, illustration techniques and typography to make an accurate and inspiring infographic in Adobe Illustrator. Start by using the Rectangle Tool (M) to draw a shape. Give it a subtle radial gradient too. The entire design is based on a grid of four columns. Condense the shape so it fits within the left-most guide and centre guide. Move the shape over to the right and add another guide to the centre here. Using the Rectangle Tool (M) draw a thin white box on the centre line that will be the width of the gap between the columns. Repeat the process for the other columns with your final result being below. I like to place the most important graphics first and work-in the ancillary charts and graphs afterwards. Early on you can experiment with placing a main graphic that will help give the piece some visual interest. Give the circles a variety of gradients. That's it!

How technology is transforming events One of my speaking bureau just asked me to provide them with a few quick ideas on how technology is changing events, as one of their key clients is having an internal meeting to discuss their future use of technology in events. I only had 10 minutes free to write something, so it’s far from comprehensive, but I thought worth sharing here. After events: - Social networking and discussions among people attending the event - Access to video and other event content - Run and track initiatives generated from the event - Suggestions for next events As I was looking for the links above, I was interested to see that introNetworks has morphed from an events platform to an enterprise platform that helps employees to make useful internal connections, including integration into SocialText. For those who are interested in the future of events, below are a couple other pieces I have written on the topic.

Infographic Design Agency: Killer Infographics - Killer Prices, Killer Service, Killer Designs! Mobiles, réseaux sociaux et journalistes : les 3 nouvelles études à découvrir Europe : 171M de VU sur les réseaux sociaux en mars dernier, France : quand les mobiles boostent l’audience des réseaux sociaux, Twitter : nouvel outil de prédilection des journalistes français ?… Zoom sur trois nouvelles études. Europe : 171M de VU sur les réseaux sociaux en mars dernier Selon les derniers chiffres de ComScore, en Europe, les réseaux sociaux ont enregistré une audience de près de 171M de VU en mars dernier, soit une hausse de près de 8% par rapport à la même période l’année précédente. France : quand les mobiles boostent l’audience des réseaux sociaux Le cabinet eMarketer a également récemment publié une étude sur les usages des réseaux sociaux en France. Twitter : nouvel outil de prédilection des journalistes français ? Toujours en matière de réseaux sociaux, l’observatoire du webjournalisme a récemment publié les résultats d’une enquête portant sur l’usage des réseaux sociaux par les journalistes français.

Infographics in Education - Project Requirements Good Information by Janet Sauber 5 Components of a GOOD Infographic!Students LOVE choice! Let's admit it, we ALL love choice! There are so many elements that can be used in an infographic. List of possible elements to include in an infographic:data displays (charts, graphs, graphic organizers, venn diagrams)flowchartsgeneratorsprofiles of famous peopletimelinesvocabularyword clouds Now that you've decided to have your students create infographics, choose a few infographics to critique. TextFonts make such a difference on any document. Spell with in a word, then click on Spell. Or choose flickr letters from here: Numbers are here:
