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Victoria and Albert Museum - Patchwork: Pattern Maker

Victoria and Albert Museum - Patchwork: Pattern Maker

Aligning the Quilt Sandwich I have finished the Mini Quilt and in doing so have also prepared a simple tutorial to show you how I go about aligning a pieced quilt back with the quilt top. The back for this quilt was pieced with a horizontal strip of small squares of fabric and was at least three inches larger than the quilt top. To baste the quilt the backing was taped right side down on a hard surface. This quilt was small enough to baste on my work table, which sure makes it an easier task than on the floor. This image shows where the backing, batting and quilt top were marked for both the top and LHS and RHS. The next step is to place the batting on top of the backing ensuring it is centered. Each edge of the quilt top was then also marked with its center point using a pin. Guide lines for quilting The plan for quilting the Mini Quilt was always going to be a squared off spiral, starting in the center of the quilt and spiraling out to the edges of the quilt.

Moda Bake Shop belula How to Quilt: Scrap Quilts How to Quilt>Scrap Quilts Bonnie Hunter is a quilter who specializes in scrap quilts using fabric from thrift shops or donations from friends' closets. Recently she visited with us for our Eavesdrop on a Telephone Conversation, and the specific topic was how to choose the garments at a thrift shop that will make great fabric for a quilt. Here is a sampling of her answers: Penny: How do you know whether a particular garment would make a good fabric for a quilt? Bonnie: I look for garments the same way I look for fabric. If it says 100% cotton, then that’s the first thing I’ll look for. The next thing I check is how the fabric feels in my hand. I look for the same kinds of things when I look for articles of clothing to cut up for fabric. Penny: You don’t use polyester? Bonnie: No, I don’t. Men’s shirts, so far, have not incorporated spandex. Penny: How do you estimate how much fabric you’ll be able to get from a particular garment? Bonnie: The size of the garment will give you an idea.

ps i quilt I love kutchi I love kutchi es una tienda online y tienda física (en Barcelona) llena de detalles hechos a mano. Esta es su presentación: La ilovekutchi shop nace del intento a ser feliz, a vivir cada día con una sonrisa… creando un espacio lleno de fantasía, colores cálidos y pequeñas dosis de amor hechas a mano… un pequeño rincón con olor a ‘chuches’, gallinas color rosa y muñecos que ganan vida por la noche! Me inspira mi rutina diaria, la risa de los niños, las galletas de mantequilla… el olor de las gomas de borrar, de los lápices de cera, libros antiguos y de los post-it… me encantan los básicos de toda la vida: topos, rayas y cuadros… El mayor desafío de la shop es acercar la cultura ‘handmade’ a las personas, intentando hacer con que aprecien y valoren el amor a los detalles… ver un niño ‘pasándolo pipa’ con un muñeco de tela, o pasando horas inventando historias fantásticas con marionetas de dedo en lugar de estar delante de la tele o con un video juego… no tiene precio!

miteredbordersworksheet The Elven Garden Patchwork en el Taller de Gaby: Fotos pixeladas Miren esta foto... Es la misma que ésta pero pixelada y pronta para patchworkizar Probé con otra, ya que me está interesando investigar retratos ¿Como lo hice? Encontré una pagina buenisima, donde se pueden pixelar fotos de todo tipo: retratos, paisajes, flores, en fin, lo que se les ocurra y transformarlo en un quilt. Ya me dirán que les pareció y si prueban con alguna foto. Un besito.
