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Wild Yeast

Wild Yeast
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Science of Bread: Basic Sourdough Starter Recipe In addition to flour, water, and yeast, your starter also contains bacteria. When these bacteria feed on the sugars in flour, they produce acidic by-products. This is what gives sourdough its sour taste. Actually, all doughs contain at least some bacteria. So why aren’t all breads sour? Sourdoughs and other raised breads also differ from one another because of the eating habits of the yeasts that make them rise.

French Apple Cake This French Apple Cake is packed with apples and has a dense, creamy base with a cake-like top layer. When I walk into the grocery store in the middle of September and see bushels upon bushels of every type of apple you can imagine, I’m inspired to go through my huge stack of recipes and make every single one that includes apples. So far this fall, I’ve made apple cupcakes with cinnamon-cream cheese frosting, apple turnovers, and my favorite Dutch apple pie. I’ve had this French apple cake bookmarked for about two years now and kept putting it off… I hadn’t actually read the entire recipe, but assumed it would be a little fussy and I’ve been all about simplicity this fall season. Once I picked it up and read through it, I was elated to see that the recipe was actually really simple to put together and didn’t require any special equipment. Two years ago: Honey-Peanut Butter CookiesThree years ago: Pumpkin Doughnut MuffinsFive years ago: The Baked Brownie

Grandmother Bread Deliciously simple and simply delicious, Grandmother Bread is a daily staple in our farmhouse. This is a heritage recipe, tested by time and the hands of mothers and grandmothers for over a hundred years. This secret family recipe is different from many standard white bread recipes in that it contains no milk, egg, or oil, and its very simplicity produces a bread of light but sturdy texture that yields loaves for perfectly sliced sandwich bread (the best sandwich bread you’ll ever taste! also makes excellent french toast!), plus the same dough can be used to create dinner rolls, cinnamon-swirl loaves, sweet rolls, crispies, and apple-streudel ladder loaf. Many recipe variations for Grandmother Bread are included on this site. Read all about the family history behind this bread recipe here. Never baked homemade bread before? Printer-FriendlyHow to make Grandmother Bread: Two-loaf standard recipe In a large bowl, combine water, yeast, sugar, and salt. One-loaf standard recipe Dinner rolls.

Briosza, brioszka (brioche), najlepsza Jeśli spadać, to z wysokiego konia. Jak robić brioszkę, to z przepisu samej mistrzyni francuskiej kuchni, Julii Child. A Wielkanoc nie może się obyć bez drożdżowej baby, prawda? Małe brioszki można upiec do koszyczka lub na wielkanocne śniadanie. Składniki: 1/3 szklanki ciepłego pełnego mleka 2,5 łyżeczki suchych drożdży (10 g) lub 20 g drożdży świeżych 3,5 szklanki mąki pszennej 5 dużych jajek 1/3 szklanki cukru pół łyżeczki soli 175 g masła, w temperaturze pokojowej 1 szklanka suszonych żurawin lub rodzynków Ponadto: 1 jajko roztrzepane z 1 łyżką mleka, do posmarowania Mąkę wymieszać z suchymi drożdżami (ze świeżymi wcześniej zrobić rozczyn*). Mleko, mąkę z drożdżami, lekko roztrzepane jajka, cukier, sól umieścić w misie miksera. Po tym czasie ciasto odgazować, uderzając w nie pięścią, ponownie przykryć folią spożywczą i schłodzić w lodówce przez 4 - 6 godzin (lub całą noc). W tym celu: Foremki do brioszek posmarować dokładnie masłem i oprószyć mąką, strzepując jej nadmiar.

Rustic Country Bread - Baked in a Dutch oven I was thinking about one of the main objectives of TFL (encourage, support and assist new bakers) and with that in mind I decided to attempt a "tried and true" recipe that would perhaps be appealing to bakers just getting into artisan baking. I set out to make a bread that would be easy and as fail-safe as possible for entry-level bakers to produce. I chose the Rustic Country Bread recipe from King Arthur flour. The recipe is available on line at their website. I thought it would be a good recipe to introduce bakers who haven’t used or had experience with using a pre-ferment method (poolish) when making an “artisan” bread and because of its simplicity it’s a good one for new bakers to try. I used a Dutch oven for baking the bread, which pretty much eliminates the problems of moving the fermented loaf onto a stone and running the risk of having it sink or losing it completely. Rustic Country Bread - No 1: Rustic Country Boule baked in Dutch Oven

50 Delicious Cookie Recipes | Shari's Berries Blog We love cookies. You love cookies. So why would we only eat them for dessert? 1. Liberally infused with pistachios, crammed with chunks of dark chocolate and sprinkled with sea salt, Joy describes these slow bake cookies as “campfire meets fine dining.” 2. They may have started as sugar cookies, but a sprinkle of cinnamon and brown sugar turns this treat into heavenly little cinnamon rolls. 3. The best time to eat these cookies is straight out of the oven. 4. Loaded with “healthy” ingredients like oats, sunflower seeds and dried fruit, we can almost convince ourselves that these cookies are good for us (if not for the heaping cups of sugar and chocolate chips). 5. The balance of bourbon and spice makes this a great cookie for Fall. 6. This sandwich cookie recipe stands out from the crowd by using a peanut butter cookie as the base – rather than just adding a schmear of PB&J. 7. Snickerdoodles are fun cookies. 8. Try a fresh take on Oatmeal cookies with dried apricots and pistachios.

Fast Track to Sourdough - Getting A Good Starter A good starter is the heart of the sourdough experience. Starting and maintaining a starter isn't hard, people have been doing it for between 6,000 and 10,000 years. You can do it too. There are no mysteries here. As my son's martial arts teacher used to remind him before a match, "Relax, it's just a fight. Since you are here, reading these pages, I suspect you've either never made sourdough before, or that you've not been successful with it. However, if you can't get a starter from a friend, my top suggestion for a beginning sourdough baker is to get Carl Griffith's 1847 Oregon Trail starter. There are a few caveats here. Once you get the starter, revive it according to the instructions that came with it. Many people want to start their experience in sourdough by making their own sourdough starter.

Bezy cynamonowo - czekoladowe środa, 11 grudnia 2013 Klasyczne ciastka bezowe w odsłonie zimowej. Z dodatkiem gorzkiej czekolady i rozgrzewającego cynamonu. Słodkie co nieco na chłodne wieczory a na święta doskonały deser :-). Z przepisu upieczecie duże bezowe ciastka, które najlepiej przełożyć bitą śmietaną (do niej także można dodać cynamonu). A może skusicie się na duży tort bezowy..? Składniki na 10 ciastek bezowych (lub 5 złożonych już ciastek z kremem): 4 duże białka szczypta soli 240 g drobnego cukru do wypieków 2 łyżeczki cynamonu 80 g czekolady, roztopionej w kąpieli wodnej i przestudzonej (ważne) W misie miksera umieścić białka ze szczyptą soli. Blaszkę do ciasteczek wyłożyć papierem do pieczenia. Ubitą pianę bezową wykładać dużą łyżką na blachę, pozostawiając pomiędzy bezami 6 cm odstępy. Suszyć w temperaturze 120ºC przez około 60 - 75 minut, pod koniec pieczenia sprawdzając co pewien czas, czy są gotowe. Przechowywać w temperaturze pokojowej do momentu przełożenia kremem. Dodatkowo: Smacznego :-).

How to Make Sourdough Starter, and Making Sourdough Grandmother Bread Two loaves of whole wheat sourdough Italian herb & garlic bread cooling in my kitchen. Who doesn’t love sourdough bread? You can make it at home easily–with Grandmother Bread. Most of us think of San Francisco-style sourdough when we hear the words sourdough bread, but sourdough is a type of riser, not a type of bread, which adds a distinctively tangy flavor to the end product. Any bread recipe can be converted to sourdough. More about that later…. If you’re like me and you have cats who will bother your container or you aren’t feeling frisky enough to lasso yourself some yeast from the wild, you can take a packet (or a tablespoon) of regular everyday “pre-captured” yeast from the store and go from there. Printer-FriendlyHow to make Sourdough Starter: 1 tablespoon (1 packet) yeast (not rapid-rise) 1/2 cup warm water 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 more cups warm water 1 tablespoon sugar or honey In a large (non-metal) bowl, dissolve yeast in the 1/2 cup of water. This is a 2-quart jar.

Kurczka cacciatore z dynią, pieczarkami, pomidorami i oliwkami | Kuchenne Wariacje Tradycyjnie mamy dla Was przepis z recenzowanej książki „Superfood na co dzień”. Pyszny kurczak cacciatore w aromatycznym sosie :) Składniki: - 1 mała cebula - 1 por - 2 ząbki czosnku - 2 plasterki wędzonej pancetty (u nas szynka szwarcwaldzka) - 2 gałązki świeżego rozmarynu - 2 listki laurowe - 500 g dyni - 100 g małych pieczarek - 2 udka z kurczaka - 125 ml czerwonego wina - 1 puszka pomidorów - 8 czarnych oliwek - 1 łyżka oliwy Składniki na 2 porcje. Rozgrzewamy garnek żaroodpornym i wlewamy do niego oliwę. Dynię kroimy w grubszą kostkę. Danie wkładamy do piekarnika nagrzanego do 190 stopni i pieczemy ok. 1 godziny aż sos zgęstnieje, a kurczak i warzywa będą miękkie. Wspaniałym dodatkiem do naszego sosu będzie świeży kawałek chleba :) Smacznego :)
