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Blue Sky Studios

Blue Sky Studios
September 4, 2013 kicked off the SPARK Animation festival which was held in Vancouver, Canada. SPARK’s three-day conference brought together a wide variety of studios to share their extraordinary and unique work behind the scenes. Some of the larger studios included were Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks, Laika and Blue Sky. Our very own Warren Leonhardt was invited to speak at the conference and talk about developing the story and ensemble cast in EPIC. His talk included examples from story, design and animation.

Online Ghibli Django Films References[edit] External links[edit] Official website LAIKA Walt Disney Animation Studios Sony Pictures Animation Threshold Animation Studios 20th Century Fox studioAKA - OurWork - Nick Animation Careers Jirka's Blog Tandem Films Powerhouse Animation Studios, Inc. Web Videos, Animation Studio, Animation Company - London, UK
