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GTD & ToDo / Task Management Application EasyTask Manager v1.8.0 New Version 1.8: - Added outline (Projects / Contexts) online sync. - Access your tasks online from - Improve printing. Print your notes. Welcome to Glinkr

ETL pour le Décisionnel Les processus ETL (Extraction, Transformation et Chargement) sont les composants les plus critiques - et les plus importants – pour l’alimentation d’un data warehouse ou d’un système décisionnel. Bien que cachés de l’utilisateur de la plate-forme décisionnelle, les processus ETL rassemblent les données à partir des systèmes opérationnels et les pré-traitent pour les outils d’analyse et de reporting. La précision et la vitesse de la plateforme décisionnelle toute entière dépendent des processus ETL, notamment : Obstacles : Gestion de données hétérogènes L’implémentation de processus d’ETL efficaces et fiables comprend de nombreux défis.

About Simple Groupware Simple Groupware & Content Management System is a complete open source enterprise groupware offering email, calendaring, contacts, tasks, document management, synchronization with cell phones and Outlook, full-text search and many more. Simple Groupware combines standards like RSS, iCalendar, vCard, IMAP, POP3, SMTP, CIFS, CSV, WebDAV, LDAP and SyncML under one platform. Simple Groupware features the latest aspects concerning collaboration, document management, event-driven notification, information sharing, knowledge management, helpdesk and customer relationship management, accounting and project management. Simple Groupware is a free groupware written in PHP. Share Outlook folders, calendars, contacts, email, tasks, notes, without Exchange Server. WorkgroupShare Overview WorkgroupShare lets you share Outlook folders without needing a full in-house mail server solution – it is ideal for a small group of Outlook users who want to work better together. WGS provides robust synchronization of Outlook folders, allowing members of an organisation to share essential Outlook information with one another.

Getting Things Done with Your Mac by Giles Turnbull 03/08/2005 I'd like to tell you about my new PDA. I'm a journalist and a dad. I frequently need to make rapid notes and reminders of important tasks, dates, phone numbers, or URLs. I often get inspiration for new articles when I'm away from my computer, so I need to record those ideas, too.

Online Project Management, Collaboration, Project Scheduling Simplicity Projects are complex. The tool you use to schedule them doesn’t have to be. Meet the easiest multi-project scheduling system on the planet. Xsigo Systems: I/O Virtualization Solutions Oracle is currently reviewing the existing Xsigo product roadmap and will be providing guidance to customers in accordance with Oracle's standard product communication policies. Any resulting features and timing of release of such features as determined by Oracle's review of Xsigo's product roadmap are at the sole discretion of Oracle. All product roadmap information, whether communicated by Xsigo or by Oracle, does not represent a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract.

iGTD: Strong OS X app with powerful Quicksilver integration iGTD & Quicksilver As I mentioned on MacBreak Weekly the other day, I'm very impressed with what I've seen so far in iGTD, a new "Getting Things Done" application for OS X. It feels like a solid, powerful, and practical tool for managing action, and I'm pleased to say it's steered clear of a lot of the GTD-ish visual theatricality that, in my opinion, has made some of the apps out there more pretty and fun to use than they are useful in the context of a mature, streamlined system. I mention iGTD here because, in playing with it yesterday, I turned up this excellent page about iGTD's Quicksilver integration. Pretty mind-blowing (albeit geeky) stuff, since the detailed syntax allows you to enter tasks via QS from anyplace, while still identifying project name, context, priority, date due -- and even allowing you to add a note. (BTW, that image will make more sense after you read the whole page)

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