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Simple yet amazing CSS3 border transition effects

Simple yet amazing CSS3 border transition effects

Creating a Border Animation Effect with SVG and CSS The website of Carl Philipe Brenner has some very creative and subtle animations and today we want to explore how to recreate a border animation effect using CSS transitions on SVG lines. View demo Download source Today we’d like to explore a very subtle, but interesting border animation effect that can be seen on the creative website of Carl Philipe Brenner. When you hover over one of the white portfolio items in the grid, you will see a subtle animation happening: the grid item becomes transparent and the border lines of each side animate clockwise, creating a really nice effect. In this case, the effect is done by animating the widths or heights of several spans with some JS. We’ll try a different approach that uses SVG and CSS transitions. Let’s take a look at the basic concept first, and then we’ll work towards the final effect. Please note that we’ll be using CSS transitions on SVGs which might not be supported in all browsers. The next step is to add the other lines. And that’s it!

How to Make AJAX Requests With Raw Javascript Javascript frameworks have turned simple AJAX functions into one-liners. This is quite incredible, considering the fact that it would require more than twenty to accomplish the same thing with raw Javascript. Nevertheless, it's important to learn what's "under the hood". This is a relatively simple script that will allow you to asynchronously request pages by using a "load(URL, CALLBACK)" function. onreadystatechange will fire five times as your specified page is requested. 0: uninitialized1: loading 2: loaded 3: interactive 4: complete A value of "4" is what we're searching for. Modern browsers utilize the "XMLHttpRequest" object to make asynchronous requests. Instead, you could just write "var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();". If making multiple requests, you might consider moving your code into its own object. I've no doubt that some of you will leave a comment stating something along the lines of, "Why would I ever do this when it can be done with just one line of jQuery?"

angularjs - Using scope.$watch and scope.$apply Wireframing with HTML and CSS View codePlay Walkthrough Description This walkthrough shows the creation of a small wireframing framework which targets elements using attribute selectors and draws sketchy lines on one or more sides using the border-image property. The border-image property uses a translucent cloud image which is possible to create in most graphic editing programs If we decide to skip graphic editing programs and directly code wireframes, it opens up new possibilities for exploration such as: Adding responsive capabilities right from the wireframing stage. With the web making a big leap towards transitional interfaces, use of CSS3 animations, aniamted SVG, detailed user interaction, etc code driven wireframes could be of great help.

3D Hover Effect for Thumbnails and Images View codePlay Walkthrough Description A simple CSS3 3D experiment showing the conversion of an image into a realistic 3D cuboid on hover with a cool shadow effect. The bottom surface of the cuboid is made using a pseudo element which inherits the background image of the thumbnail and is positioned perpendicularly to create the 3D box effect. The second pseudo element uses a translucent background and box-shadow to create a blurred dark shadow for the cuboid. Illustration by Mikael Gustafsson

How to close Bootstrap modal only when user clicks on close image? fig-standards/ at master · php-fig/fig-standards Writing WebSocket client applications - WebSockets WebSockets is a technology, based on the ws protocol, that makes it possible to establish a continuous full-duplex connection stream between a client and a server. A typical websocket client would be a user's browser, but the protocol is platform independent. Note: We have a working example of the chat/server system used for code snippets that will be made available once our infrastructure is in place for hosting WebSocket examples properly. Availability of WebSockets The WebSocket API is available to JavaScript code whose scope is either a DOM Window object or any object implementing WorkerUtils; that is, you can use it from Web Workers. Note: The WebSockets API (and the underlying protocol) are still in active development, and there are many compatibility issues across browsers at this time (and even among different releases of the same browser). Creating a WebSocket object The WebSocket constructor accepts one required and one optional parameter: url protocols Optional Connection errors
