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The Natural Child Project - Celebrating attachment parenting and unschooling since 1996

The Natural Child Project - Celebrating attachment parenting and unschooling since 1996

Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves | Naomi Aldort Sold in 13 languages worldwide The Ph.D. by the author's name in this book is an error. Naomi Aldort has no degree in psychology. Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves is a parenting self-help book with ideas developed by the author based on her own studies and experience. Gold Award - Parenting Resources Winner Mom's Choice Award "Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves operates on the radical premise that neither child nor parent must dominate. "...reading your book, It felt like I was 'remembering' something that deep down I knew all along but was clouded with years of being told differently. Every parent would happily give up ever scolding, punishing or threatening if she only knew how to ensure that her toddler/child/teen would thrive and act responsibly without such painful measures. "In this stunning insight into human nature, Naomi Aldort opens a window into harmonious family living. Veronika Robinson Editor of The Mother magazine, UK John Breeding, Ph.D. James Prescott, Ph.D.

San Francisco Holistic Pregnancy & Postpartum Guide | Larson Acupuncture Here is it folks, our user-tested and approved guide to holistic pre- and post-natal resources. The Bay Area happens to be one of the best places in the country to have a baby in terms of all the fabulous classes, groups and practitioners to support parents-to-be. From pre- and post-natal Pilates to mindfulness in labor workshops to handmade lactation cookies, if you can imagine it, you can probably find it here. Birth Preparation Classes Whether you are planning a homebirth without pain medications or a Cesarean section, there are a number of great classes to help prepare you and your partner for labor, birth, and parenthood. Birth and Postpartum Doulas A doula provides specialized care for women (and sometimes their partners) during labor and/or postpartum. Midwives Midwives are highly trained birth professionals who may actually deliver babies either at home or in the hospital. Acupuncture Fitness Massage & Bodywork Placenta Encapsulation Physical Therapy Food Delivery Lactation Support Stuff

Adharshila Learning Centre Sudbury Valley School • About Us. FAQ A Bird's Eye View of Sudbury Valley n the spring of 2000, Mimsy Sadofsky was interviewed by Dr. Daria Brezinksy on her live radio show, "Children Come First" (see An audiotape of the interview is available from The Sudbury Valley School Press. Daria: How did this school begin, when did it begin, and for what reason? Mimsy: The school began in 1968. Daria: So learning for children, quantitatively speaking, has to do with meaning in your estimation – the meaning and the relevance of everyday life – rather than subjects that are irrelevant to whatever is happening concurrently in a child's life. Mimsy: Yes. Daria: Describe for us some of the things that are happening around the school. Mimsy: They're playing basketball and riding bikes and reading books. Daria: Your facility is a very large large house, and there are grounds. Mimsy: It's a beautiful place. Mimsy: Well, that is a little hard to do since English and mathematics don't really need specific areas.

Naomi Aldort - Parenting Advice, Attachment Parenting, Family Guidance How To Go Diaper Free With Your Baby - Raised Good Are you considering trying elimination communication (EC) with your baby? Congratulations! You’ve already taken the hardest step – opening your mind and embracing an alternative to diapers. Modern parenthood has become synonymous with the burden of poopy diapers and babies’ bottoms with rashes and infections. EC offers a natural, gentle and logical approach to taking care of our babies’ needs. But, chances are you don’t know anybody who’s practiced EC with their babies. There’s no right answer to this question. Some say there is a golden window of opportunity from 0-4 months in which it’s easiest to start EC. Andrea Olsen, of Go Diaper Free, has written two age specific books which take this into consideration. Here’s a short list of a few things you need to get started with EC: Baby Potty – most potties are designed for older toddlers so you’ll need to find a potty for small babies. Natural timing. Diaper-free time. Learning signals. Introduce cues. Trust your instincts.

SelfDesign Global | Nurturing the Love of Learning Švietimas: individualaus, laisvo, privataus link Šiame scenarijuje aptariamos dabartinės švietimo sistemos problemos ir siūloma, kaip jas spręsti, siekiant gerinti švietimo sistemą ir priartinti prie sistemos, grindžiamos privačia iniciatyva ir rinkos dėsniais. Scenarijaus autoriai – Lietuvos laisvosios rinkos instituto prezidentas Žilvinas Šilėnas ir ekspertas Emilis Ruželė . Kaip manote, ar kuriant tokią švietimo sistemą, grindžiamą privačia iniciatyva, lyderiai būtų reikalingi? Juk galima teigti, kad, vadovaujantis rinkos dėsniais, daug ką nulemia būtent jie... Emilis: Kaip tik priešingai. Laisva, privačia iniciatyva grįsta švietimo sistema yra pati geriausia terpė rastis naujoms mokymosi formoms ir turiniui, inovatyvumui. Pateikiate privačia iniciatyva ir rinkos dėsniais grindžiamą švietimo sistemos viziją... Emilis: Teisė į mokslą yra graži idėja tik iš pirmo žvilgsnio. Žilvinas: Nerimastingos mintys paremtos nesusišnekėjimu tarp ekonomistų ir tų, kurie vartoja ekonomikos sąvokas nesuvokdami jų prasmės. Dėkojame „Lyderių laikas 2“

3 Steps that Transform Sibling Conflict into Sibling Camaraderie None of these have been as effective, efficient, and satisfying to me (or to them!) as the method described below, a family-friendly adaptation of Dominic Barter's award winning Restorative Circles, which go by many different names around the world and are called Micro-Circles in our family. What I love about the micro-circle method is that: (a) it is fast and present-oriented - usually 6-10 minutes (b) it is empowering for those involved - By engaging participants in hearing each other and creating their own solutions, you decrease both the sense of helplessness (we don't know how to solve this) - and powerlessness (we don't have choice in how things are gonna go) - which often result from having a third party (even a well-meaning one) be judge and jury to one's conflict. (d) it is another way to live what I now believe to be the Most Important Thing to Know About Conflict Your tools for this phase are: "What do you want Listener to know?" "Is that it?" Refusal to Speak or Reflect Meaning

Humanity Family Sleeper, The Original Bed Top Sleeper, For Co-Sleeping in the Family Bed Safety, Comfort & Convenience with the Family Sleeper! Our patented bed-top sleeper makes bed sharing or co-sleeping a breeze! Prevents roll-offs. Large pad for mama and baby to sleep and breastfeed. Soft organic cotton to absorb leaks so no sleeping on wet sheets. Easy to use. Safety Love Co-sleeping even more. And just because the new baby is coming doesn't mean you have to stop co-sleeping with your toddler or older child. Comfort The bolster can be used before baby arrives! Convenience The Humanity Family Sleeper was designed with extended breastfeeding in mind. The Humanity Family Sleeper is easy to use, completely washable and made from safe eco friendly materials. The Humanity Family Sleeper is great when traveling. Sized to fit chidren from birth through toddlerhood. * please note- the Humanity Body pillow may extend past the Sleeper pad by several inches. Read Customer Comments & Product Reviews here for more information please see our FAQ page here

Articles and videos related to natural learning styles (home/unschooling) and resources for parents by asheerin Jun 27
