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100 Very Cool Facts About The Human Body The Brain The human brain is the most complex and least understood part of the human anatomy. There may be a lot we don’t know, but here are a few interesting facts that we’ve got covered. Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as 170 miles per hour. Hair and Nails While they’re not a living part of your body, most people spend a good amount of time caring for their hair and nails. Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the body. Internal Organs Though we may not give them much thought unless they’re bothering us, our internal organs are what allow us to go on eating, breathing and walking around. The largest internal organ is the small intestine. Bodily Functions We may not always like to talk about them, but everyone has to deal with bodily functions on a daily basis. Sneezes regularly exceed 100 mph. Sex and Reproduction As taboo as it may be in some places, sex is an important part of human life as a facet of relationships and the means to reproduce. Senses

Biology For Kids - W. Norton & Company | Discover Biology, 3 ed. 8.1: Tutorial: Photosynthesis This tutorial explores how plants and other photosynthetic organisms capture energy from sunlight and store it inside energy carriers, such as ATP and sugars, in the form of chemical bonds. 8.1a: Process Animation: Photosynthesis: The Flow of Energy » View animation 8.1b: Process Animation: Photosynthesis: Overview of Reactions » View animation 8.1c: Process Animation: Photosynthesis: The Light Reactions » View animation 8.1d: Process Animation: Photosynthesis: Carbon Fixation Reactions » View animation 8.2a: Process Animation: Catabolism: Glycolysis » View animation 8.2b: Process Animation: Catabolism: The Citric Acid Cycle » View animation 8.2c: Process Animation: Catabolism: Oxidative Phosphorylation » View animation 8.2d: Process Animation: Catabolism: Aerobic versus Anaerobic Respiration » View animation

La cellula eucariote e procariote La cellula procariote (quella dei batteri) è un tipo di cellula semplice, piuttosto primitivo, simile a quelle che per prime si svilupparono nei mari della Terra, oltre tre miliardi di anni fa. Nei procarioti (dal greco "pro" e "karion", che vuol dire prima del nucleo) esiste un unico filamento circolare di DNA, associato a proteine, libero nel citoplasma. Hanno dimensioni generalmente comprese tra 0,1 e 10 mm. Nonostante questa apparente semplicità, la loro capacità di adattamento le hanno rese capaci di occupare tutti gli ambienti del pianeta, anche i più ostili; si può dire che ovunque sulla Terra ci siano batteri. Morfologia della cellula procariote Fisiologia della cellula procariote La cellula eucariote presenta una struttura più complessa e articolata; si è sviluppata più tardi nel corso dell’evoluzione della vita. La struttura interna è suddivisa in numerosi organuli, interagenti tra loro, che si occupano di svolgere tutte le diverse funzioni vitali.

Evolution Games, Labs, Acivities Evolution Living things change over time! Learn about and review the mechanisms that cause genetic change in populations, as well as several lines of evidence for change over time. Also, explore how organisms are classified into groups and named. Evolution Video Games, Virtual Labs & Activities Snurfle Islands! Create a Snurfle with awesome adaptations and test his survival in several challenging island environments! Angry Aliens: Evolution Angry aliens are invading earth!

Concept Cartoons These concept cartoons were developed by Dianne Anderson and Kathleen Fisher (2002) as prompts for eliciting discussion about ideas in evolution. They can also be used as assessment tools. The cartoons are best suited for college non-majors and pre-college classes. The incorrect statements in the cartoons are derived from common naive conceptions. Cartoons can be downloaded in PDF format and can be transferred to transparencies or paper copies so long as the copyright notation to Anderson and Fisher is retained. For comments or questions please contact

Bioetica ELSI Research Program The Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program ELSI Research Program Overview The National Human Genome Research Institute's (NHGRI) Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program was established in 1990 as an integral part of the Human Genome Project (HGP) to foster basic and applied research on the ethical, legal and social implications of genetic and genomic research for individuals, families and communities. The ELSI Research Program funds and manages studies, and supports workshops, research consortia and policy conferences related to these topics. Top of page ELSI Research Priorities On February 10, 2011, Nature magazine published NHGRI's strategic plan for the future of human genome research, called Charting a course for genomic medicine from base pairs to bedside . Genomic Research. ELSI Research Funding Opportunities ELSI Research Program Announcements (PA) NIH-Wide Ethical Issues in Human Subjects Research Program Announcements

Ornithos Atlantic Rainforest Webcam World Land Trust uses cookies to make all features of the website work effectively, and they are essential if you wish to donate online. Some cookies on this site are essential, and the site won't work as expected without them. These cookies are set when you submit a form, login or interact with the site by doing something that goes beyond clicking on simple links. We also use some non-essential cookies to anonymously track visitors or enhance your experience of the site. By using our site you accept the terms of our Privacy Policy. (One cookie will be set to store your preference) (Ticking this sets a cookie to hide this popup if you then hit close. About this tool About Cookie Control

Erbe medicinali Biology Teaching & Learning Resources. Educational articles, drawings, experiments & PowerPoint presentations by D G Mackean Storia della Scienza per ragazzi La storia della scienza raccontata ai ragazzi Giovanni Di Gregorio Sciamani, filosofi e vecchie comari nella medicina classica Il mistico Keplero e le leggi dell’astronomia Bussola, portolani e polvere da sparo: l’esplorazione dei nuovi mondi Magia, alchimia e la trasformazione delle sostanze La sconfitta di Aristotele e la nascita della scienza moderna La riscoperta dell’anatomia tra autopsie e stampe illustrate La rivincita del microscopio e la scoperta di nuovi mondi Una mela, Saturno e leggi universali di Newton Linneo e il grande catalogo della Natura Ossa di drago e rocce dalla forma curiosa: la lenta nascita della geologia I fringuelli delle Galapagos e il mistero dell’origine della specie Louis Pasteur e l’evoluzione della ricerca medica Una piccola raccolta di immagini su ... Darwin, le Galapagos, i fringuelli, l'origine della specie ... e altre cose

Dipartimento di Botanica dell'Università di Catania Tavola periodica interattiva, descrizione aanche audio dei singoli elementi e video Lanthanum: the essentials Lanthanum is silvery white, malleable, ductile, and soft enough to be cut with a knife. It is one of the most reactive of the rare-earth metals. It oxidises rapidly when exposed to air. Cold water attacks lanthanum slowly, and hot water attacks it much more rapidly. The metal reacts directly with elemental carbon, nitrogen, boron, selenium, silicon, phosphorus, sulphur, and with halogens. Lanthanum: historical information Lanthanum was discovered by Carl Gustaf Mosander at 1839 in Sweden. Carl Gustav Mosander recognized the element lanthanum in impure cerium nitrate in 1839. Lanthanum: physical properties Melting point: 1193 [or 920 °C (1688 °F)] KBoiling point: 3743 [or 3470 °C (6278 °F)] KDensity of solid: 6146 kg m-3 Read more » » Lanthanum: orbital properties Read more » » Isolation For many purposes it is not particularly necessary to separate the metals, but if separation into individual metals is required, the process is complex. 2LaF3 + 3Ca → 2La + 3CaF2

Museo virtuale dell'elettricità I musei sorgono quando un popolo, raggiunto un alto livello di civiltà, comprende il bisogno di raccogliere e conservare oggetti vari e testimonianze delle epoche passate. Il Museo Elettrico prefigge questo scopo anche se in maniera virtuale grazie a rete internet alla sua diffusione globale. Perché elettrico ed elettricità, un po' nato per passione un po' per deformazione professionale. Soprattutto perché l'energia elettrica è, a mio modesto parere, l'energia più importante ed assolutamente indispensabile, dei giorni nostri. Anche i vostri computer funzionano grazie all'elettricità, facile inserire la spina e premere il pulsante power, ma dietro a questi due semplici movimenti vi sono dietro millenni di studi, esperimenti, ricerche, uomini, che hanno contribuito alla scoperta ed al perfezionamento di quest'energia, che non si vede ma che è di vitale importanza per la vita attuale e futura. Autore Disclameir-Copyright Informazioni Ringraziamenti Mappa Sponsor Fonti Amici del Museo Promuovi Email

Très intéressant pour une révision en classe sur la photosynthèse. Avec les gros plan, on peut bien située celle-ci. Néanmoins, la qualité de la voix de l'animateur laisse à désirer. Si vous désirez utiliser ce vidéo pour enseigner, je recommande de faire vous même les explications en désactivant le son lors d'un cours. by juliendemers Jan 26
