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List of unsolved problems in neuroscience

List of unsolved problems in neuroscience
Some of the yet unsolved problems of neuroscience include: References[edit] External links[edit]

Comparative Mammalian Brain Collections | Anjin Anhut on game design, pop culture and art. 8-Circuit Model of Consciousness The eight-circuit model of consciousness is a theory proposed by Timothy Leary and expanded on by Robert Anton Wilson and Antero Alli. The model describes eight circuits of information (eight "brains") that operate within the human nervous system. Each circuit is concerned with a different sphere of activity. Leary, Alli and Wilson have written about the model in depth and how each circuit operates, both in the lives of individual people and in societies. The term "circuits" came from the first wave of cybernetics research and development in the United States in the 1970s. The eight circuits[edit] 1. This circuit is concerned with nourishment, physical safety, comfort and survival, suckling, cuddling etc. This circuit is activated in adults by opioids such as morphine and heroin. A positive imprint sets up a basic attitude of trust. This circuit is said to have appeared in the earliest evolution of the invertebrate brain and corresponds to the reptilian brain of triune brain theory. 2. 3.

8 Books For a Higher Existence Books are magical inventions. By carrying meaning, they gives us glimpses of experience and knowledge from a different world. Phonetic language, being cut-off from time and place, the Now, helps both to encapsulate the ego more, but also to offer guidance to make it poriferous, letting Eros free. If you’re done reading this list and want to level up more – check out part two! Thus Spoke Zarathustra – Friedrich Nietzsche Thus Spoke Zarathustra is Nietzsche’s most prophetic book in which he offers his teachings through the words of Zarathustra, based on the Persian prophet Zoroaster, who, after spending ten years on a mountain in meditation only accompanied by his Eagle and Serpent, comes down to offer his wisdom to the world. Becoming Animal – David Abram Abram’s first book The Spell of the Sensuous convincingly argued that being human is inseparably interconnected with everything that is not human. Cloud-Hidden, Whereabouts Unknown: A Mountain Journal – Alan Watts Original photo by June

Serotonin, Social Interaction and Making Decisions The role of specific neurotransmitters and neurotransmitter circuits in decision making is being explored in a variety of ways. Dopamine appears to have significant research support for a key role in making decisions related to reward.The role of serotonin in decision making is less well studied but also appears to be important. Robert Rogers, Ph.D. recently presented some of his lab's research at the Warren Frontiers in Neuroscience lecture in Tulsa, Oklahoma. (Additionally, I have reviewed and placed a link to a recent research manuscript from Dr. Serotonin mechanisms in human research is aided by the safe ability to modulate brain serotonin levels. Depleting serotonin or augmenting serotonin can be combined with a variety of behavioral and brain imaging techniques. Dr. Photo of Coopers Hawk from the author's private collection. Rogers RD (2011).

Carl Jung and the Artistic Impulse: Madness in the Creative Spirit A brief look at some historical examples of artistic geniuses and it is tempting to believe that there is something approaching madness in the creative spirit.Tweet The artistic impulse permeates throughout history: from the “primitive” cave art of the Upper Palaeolithic through to the introduction of perspective and foreshortening during the Renaissance, rules which would later be subverted beyond recognition by the artists of modernity, who sought to express new ways of seeing and ushered in an era of visual experimentation. Either as creators or consumers, art remains ever-present in the modern world, both a vehicle for expressing our innermost thoughts and desires and a medium through which we can escape into new realities and emotions. What is it that leads us to create art? Is there a psychological drive at work, a subconscious force which simmers away beneath the surface before emerging in an explosion of creativity? The Artist as an Outsider The Creative Impulse

History of writing The history of writing is primarily the development of expressing language by letters or other marks[1] and also the study and description of these developments. In the history of how systems of representation of language through graphic means have evolved in different human civilizations, more complete writing systems were preceded by proto-writing, systems of ideographic and/or early mnemonic symbols. True writing, in which the content of a linguistic utterance is encoded so that another reader can reconstruct, with a fair degree of accuracy, the exact utterance written down[A 1] is a later development. It is distinguished from proto-writing which typically avoids encoding grammatical words and affixes, making it more difficult or impossible to reconstruct the exact meaning intended by the writer unless a great deal of context is already known in advance. One of the earliest forms of written expression is cuneiform.[2] Inventions of writing[edit] Writing systems[edit] Proto-writing[edit]

Introduction To Making Games Part 1: Picking A Game Framework | Jesse Freeman Whether you are a seasoned game developer or just getting started making your own game, chances are you are going to need a good game framework to build upon. A game framework could be as simple as a collection of code packed up into a library in a specific language, like JavaScript, or a more complex system of scripts, tools, and workflow built on a specific platform. Both types are designed to help speed up your game’s development. The last thing you want to be doing, especially when getting started, is reinventing the wheel. Here is a quick rundown of things to look for in a good game framework: Speeds up development by including collision and physics, and handles input Has good documentation and an active community to help answer questions Is easy to pick up and matches your skill level (drag and drop for non-coders and low-level access for seasoned developers) Easy multi-platform distribution, allowing you to get your new game on as many platforms as possible
