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Database of Digital Art

Database of Digital Art

JESS3™ Take a More Realistic Approach to Your To-Do List with the 3 + 2 Rule There are SO many grammar and spelling problems in this article, I found it VERY difficult to follow what the author was trying to say. Normally I can look the other way, but when the grammar is so bad it interferes with the message, it needs to be fixed. "Why bother why you will be working the whole day anyway?" * should be: Why bother when you will be working the whole day anyway? "Or sometimes I haven't been switching for a longer time and then I completely loose track about the project and it took me hours to get on the track again." * s/b: Or sometimes I go a long time without switching and then I completely lose track of the project and it takes me hours to get on track again. "Context switching is ridiculously easy because this way you don't switch just very few times per day!" * s/b: Context switching is ridiculously easy because this way you only switch a few times per day! "…considering how easy is to switch between (small number of) projects, just do switch!" #corrections

Statistical modeling, causal inference, and social science: Blog of Andrew Gelman's research group, featuring Bayesian statistics, multilevel modeling, causal inference, political science, decision theory, public health, sociology, economics, and literatu Container Village: arredi multifunzionali (con)temporanei - Design Context “Container Village – Living in a box” è il progetto che ha visto coinvolti gli studenti della Facoltà di Design e Arti della Libera Università di Bolzano durante il semestre estivo 2013. Voluto e diretto dei docenti Claudio Larcher e Gianpietro Gai, il programma prevedeva lo sviluppo di idee e la successiva realizzazione di prototipi e arredi funzionali destinati agli spazi di un container. Oggetti che sono stati allestiti in un vero e proprio villaggio del ‘temporaneo’, grazie alla collaborazione con l’azienda altoatesina Niederstaetter, che ha fornito una struttura composta da tre moduli abitativi, provvisti di terrazza sul tetto. Le proposte di arredo, che dovevano rispondere a tre precisi ambiti di sviluppo (living, working e fun), avrebbero dovuto adeguarsi alle esigenze multifunzionali di trasformabilità e trasportabilità. PROGETTIBITTA è un set di sgabelli salva-spazio pensati per essere appesi alla parete. Un SÉPARÉ nato dall’unione di una scala con un tappeto.

logTool: Revealing the Hidden Patterns of Online Surfing Behavior logTool [] is a data visualization tool that displays your online activity, based on data from the powerful network packet sniffing tool Carnivore. By analyzing the different IP addresses and ports, the visualization is able to determine and represent what kind of application or service sends or receives the packets. Developed for the magazine Weave, logTool was used to digest the surfing behavior of several interaction designers, artists and developers. The time period of a whole day was split into 288 timeslots, 5 minutes each, represented by a radial bar graph. The gray bars show the overall outgoing Internet traffic while the purple bars show all the packets that were received by the user. The dotted line is a more detailed view of all HTTP requests. Both tool and source code can be freely downloaded. See also and EyeBrowse.

Weave Data Tutorial Weave Data TutorialTutorial for Weave Magazine 03.10 about visualizing network data Client: Weave Magazine / Page publisher We all use twitter, write emails, skype and blog all day long. There isn’t a single day we are not going to visit websites like google, youtube, the website of our favorite newspaper or social network and browse through the web. Despite that, or actually because of it, everybody tends to use the web in a different manner. Even if you are not using your computer at all, it is heavily communicating with the internet by sending and receiving so called IP-packets from all different kind of software that is installed on your PC. By analyzing your personal internet traffic logfile using the custom written software you get a distinctive and unique visualization of your online activities. Collecting the Data To collect the needed data we wrote a little packet sniffing tool using processing and the open source carnivorePE library. Weave Article How to read kiefer_100224

submap Live map of London Underground trains Loading... Powered by Leaflet — Map tiles © Thunderforest, data © OpenStreetMap contributors. Live London Underground map By Matthew Somerville. Data collected: Mon, 05 Sep 2016 08:33:02 +0100 <div style="border: solid 2px #cc0000; padding: 5px; width: 70%; margin: 1em auto;"> I'm afraid that this page requires JavaScript to draw the maps and plot move the trains, which isn't possible with just HTML. More information Hide What is this? This map shows all trains (yellow dots) on the London Underground network in approximately real time. I have similar things for the London buses and National Rail, and an awesome bookmarkable train times journey planner. — Matthew How does it work? Live departure data is fetched from the TfL API, and then it does a bit of maths and magic. Who did this? Matthew Somerville (with helpful hinderances from Frances Berriman and James Aylett). Originally built at Science Hackday, June 2010.

Visual Data Web - Visually Experiencing the Data Web Protovis Protovis composes custom views of data with simple marks such as bars and dots. Unlike low-level graphics libraries that quickly become tedious for visualization, Protovis defines marks through dynamic properties that encode data, allowing inheritance, scales and layouts to simplify construction. Protovis is free and open-source, provided under the BSD License. It uses JavaScript and SVG for web-native visualizations; no plugin required (though you will need a modern web browser)! Protovis is no longer under active development.The final release of Protovis was v3.3.1 (4.7 MB). This project was led by Mike Bostock and Jeff Heer of the Stanford Visualization Group, with significant help from Vadim Ogievetsky. Updates June 28, 2011 - Protovis is no longer under active development. September 17, 2010 - Release 3.3 is available on GitHub. May 28, 2010 - ZOMG! October 1, 2009 - Release 3.1 is available, including minor bug fixes. April 9, 2009 - First release on Google Code. Getting Started

Quantified Self | Self Knowledge Through Numbers OpenLayers: Home Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software
