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Boost Creativity: 7 Unusual Psychological Techniques

Boost Creativity: 7 Unusual Psychological Techniques
Looking for the last piece of the puzzle? Try these 7 research-based techniques for increasing creativity. Everyone is creative: we can all innovate given time, freedom, autonomy, experience to draw on, perhaps a role model to emulate and the motivation to get on with it. But there are times when even the most creative person gets bored, starts going round in circles, or hits a cul-de-sac. 1. People often recommend physical separation from creative impasses by taking a break, but psychological distance can be just as useful. Participants in one study who were primed to think about the source of a task as distant, solved twice as many insight problems as those primed with proximity to the task (Jia et al., 2009). ◊ For insight: Try imagining your creative task as distant and disconnected from your current location. 2. Like psychological distance, chronological distance can also boost creativity. 3. The mind is desperate to make meaning from experience. 4. 5. 6. 7. Everyday creativity

Twelve Things You Were Not Taught in School About Creative Thinking 2382 516Share Synopsis Aspects of creative thinking that are not usually taught. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. And, finally, Creativity is paradoxical. Tags: adversity, contemporaries, creative education, creative geniuses, creative life, creative thinker, creative thinking, education, lighting systems, masterpieces, minor poets, motions, picasso, practicality, profitability, rembrandt, self-help, shakespeare, sonnets, special person, symphonies, thomas edison, wolfgang amadeus mozart Les 7 avantages de créer en Intelligence collective | Le Blog du Les bénéfices de la co-création. les 7 facteurs clefs de succès, le principe du Savoir Vouloir et Pouvoir coopérer et quelques illustrations. Les motivations incitant à la création d’entreprise peuvent être aussi des causes majeures d’abandon ou d’échec à la création ou au développement d’un projet. Travailleurs indépendants ou dirigeants de (très) petites entreprises souffrent de la « solitude du chef d’entreprise » (48%). C’est peut être notre instinct grégaire qui nous pousse à agir en collectif ou simplement notre envie de co-produire… Les 7 bénéfices de créer collectivement 1. Se relier aux autres. 2. Se nourrir de l’expérience et des compétences des uns et des autres Ce qui constitue un ensemble dans lequel chacun est à la fois formateur et formé, enseignant et enseigné, maître et élève. et autres. 3. L’homme est avant tout un imitateur avant d’être un créateur. 4. Faire face à des situations inédites et complexes grâce à la pluridisciplinarité et de l’interdisciplinarité 6. 7.

The Secret Phrase Top Innovators Use - Warren Berger How do Google, Facebook and IDEO jumpstart the process that leads to innovation? Often by using the same three words: How Might We. Some of the most successful companies in business today are known for tackling difficult creative challenges by first asking, How might we improve X … or completely re-imagine Y… or find a new way to accomplish Z? It’s not complicated: The “how might we” approach to innovation ensures that would-be innovators are asking the right questions and using the best wording. Proponents of this increasingly popular practice say it’s surprisingly effective — and that it can be seen as a testament to the power of language in helping to spark creative thinking and freewheeling collaboration. Tim Brown, the CEO of the innovation and design firm IDEO, says that when his company takes on a design challenge of almost any type — and IDEO does everything from designing new products to envisioning new ways to deliver healthcare — it invariably starts by asking How Might We.

Zen Habits How Constraints Drive Creativity "Constraints drive creativity." You’ve probably heard this quote (or some variation of it) before. I see it all the time. But I always find myself asking: “What is it about constraints that make us more creative?” Is it a mindset we get into, that forces us to think deeper about the underlying problem we’re trying to solve? While I like to think that on our very best days designers might actually reach enlightenment, I think the answer is more simple than that. When designing, the act of removal changes everything. But the real odd bit about this is that it really hasn’t made us more creative, just more focused. Innovation: 10 trucs pour faire germer les idées créatives - str Formation de Philippe Meunier sur la créativité - Source: Jeune chambre de commerce de Montréal «La créativité est essentielle en affaires. Lorsqu’une entreprise, peu importe son domaine d’activités, perd le désir d’aller dans des zones d’inconfort et cesse d’explorer de nouvelles dimensions, elle perd toute son intelligence et sa vitalité», soutient Philippe Meunier, chef de la création et associé principal chez Sid Lee, une agence de marketing, design, communication et publicité. PLUS: La clé du leadership en affaires: la créativité Dans le cadre du volet «Prendre sa place, laisser sa marque!» du programme Leadership action de la Jeune chambre de commerce de Montréal, Philippe Meunier a invité une trentaine de convives de la relève d’affaires à plonger dans l’univers de la création. Aux comptables, ingénieurs, conseillers en gestion et autres professionnels présents, le cofondateur de Sid Lee a affirmé que chacun d’eux a un côté créatif. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Life Check: What Are Your Life Patterns? Recently I watched a video of Ray Kurzweil’s presentation on TED where he explained the exponential growth of technology. The number of transistors in a chip, for instance, increases exponentially over time. As a result, projects like Human Genome Project took much less time to complete than the initial expectation. There is a statement in the video that interests me. I believe a similar thing happens in life. The problem is we often take single events too seriously. What you should do is looking for the patterns in your life. So do a life check by looking for your life patterns. 1. I wrote previously that passions are essential for achieving success. Looking at your life patterns will help you find your passions. What were the moments that make you excited? While looking at those moments and activities individually may not be meaningful, looking for the patterns across them could be enlightening. 2. Looking at how your life has been helps you project how your life will be. 3.

Jonah Lehrer on How to Be Creative Créativité.Net - Consultation, coaching, formation, gestion d&#0 Creating a Couple’s Vision If you are married or partnered, it is important that you and your significant other literally sit down and create a Couple’s Vision—how you both envision your life together and the expectations you have. Allow me to use my husband Victor and I as an example. About nine years ago, we decided to sell our house in New Jersey and move to the New York Berkshires. I was planning on slowing down my therapy practice, and Vic was looking for a home with space for a large barn to convert into a studio for his work (he is a crazy talented award-winning illustrator, if I can brag on him for a sec) and lots of land for a garden. About a year ago, it became obvious that I was not doing the slowing down part of our vision and, really, neither was Vic. Whether there is a major life event or not, Vic and I sit down at least once a year to revisit our life together and where we want that life together to go. This process keeps expectations clear and transparent, which leads to growth and harmony. Terri
