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International Zoo Yearbook Latest Volume Volume 47: Freshwater Fishes and their Conservation Guest Editors: Gordon McGregor Reid, Director Emeritus, North of England Zoological Society (Chester Zoo), Chester, UK; Professor of Conservation Science, National Zoonoses Research Centre, University of Liverpool, Neston, UK Freshwater fishes are globally valuable, and now threatened and in dire need of effective conservation action, including through zoo and aquarium programmes in the wild and off-site, at home and abroad. ‘Fishes’, a polyphyletic taxon, are a major component of global biodiversity, some 50% of all chordates; and ‘freshwater’ fishes are those living all or a critical part of their life in fresh, inland or brackish waters, including estuaries. This encompasses all ‘primary’ (salt intolerant or stenohaline) fishes, such as carps, catfishes and characins, and all ‘secondary’ (salt tolerant or euryhaline and sometimes migratory) fishes, such as salmon, many eels, some sharks, sawfish and rays.

Equine Veterinary Journal Equine Veterinary Journal © EVJ Ltd Edited By: Celia M. Marr Impact Factor: 2.286 ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2012: 8/143 (Veterinary Sciences) BBC News
