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The Best Google Features You're Probably Not Using

The Best Google Features You're Probably Not Using

Internet Archive Blogs | A blog from the Collections Team at How to Silence Your Noisy Computer (and Keep It Cool as a Cucumber) A couple more suggestions: Consider replacing a single, high speed fan with multiple slower fans. Generally, the slower the fan spins, the less noticeable noise will be (even for the same dBA). In my experience, dBA is not truly additive, so a single 40 dBA fan is more noticeable than two 20dBA fans, and may not move any more air. Many cases/motherboards come with PWM ([]) capable connections, which allows the OS to control the fan speed without needing an extra fan controller. Consider replacing your graphics card (or if you're feeling handy, your GPU's heatsink and fan). Not for the faint of heart, but consider undervolting. Happy tweaking!

Take this simple marketing quiz Not so simple, actually, and about more than just classical marketing: There are a hundred people in a room, perhaps a trade show or a small theatre. What's your choice: Sit in the back, watch, listen and learn.Cajole your way onstage so you can make a slick presentation that gets everyone on their feet, buzzing and excited, eager to do business with you or hire you.Set up a booth in the lobby that energizes and engages 12 of the people enough that they tell their friends, while it disturbs or mystifies two of the others and is ignored by the rest.Provide a service (like cookies and juice in a box at the exit) that many of the people there are appreciative of but few remember or talk about. Most people say they choose #2. Apple and Nike and Starbucks are trotted out again and again as marketing gold standards, because they are beloved by many and ignored or distrusted by few. The mass market is no longer.

Stuff You Don't Have to Buy Because You Can Print It Yourself for Free Some people aren't electronically oriented, and just don't get a warm fuzzy feeling from entering things in their phones. They'd rather write it out. I am firmly in the phone camp, but I can see the other point of view. LOTS of people (myself included) retain information best when they physically write it down. I think there's even an lh article floating around about that... Pretty stuff I can't argue with. The memory and retention is one of the points of wearables, though... Most of the "recall without gear" crew I don't fully get because I still retain most of the knowledge I have without being told a second time, but I'm aware that it's an innate skill I was born with and that developed with my frequent use of it and it's not a standard thing... but at the same time, why ever be without a wearable?

Tips Every Teacher should Know about Google Docs in Education ( Great Easy Guide ) Here is a list of some of the best features of Google Docs that teachers need to know about :It is free and very easy to useIt has a user-friendly interfaceIt lets you create Google documents, spreadsheets, and other file types and collectionsIt lets you upload, manage and store files and foldersIt allows you to share Google Docs, files and collectionsYou can preview your docs and files before you open or share themYou can also view images and videos that you have uploaded to your document listIt lets you search for items by name, type and visibility settingIt allows users to collaborate on documents in real timeIt also offers a chat functionality for collaborators to use while working on docs.Google Docs Templates for teachers Many Google Docs users are unaware of the fact that they can breathe life into their documents with templates. Google's new templates for Google Docs make it fast and easy to create all kinds of documents. I- Documents : Click on any title to read the tutorial

Build Your Own VPN to Pimp Out Your Gaming, Streaming, Remote Access, and Oh Yeah, Security How To Get 100,000 Facebook Likes For Your Blog Fan Page Editor’s note: James Altucher is an investor, programmer, author, and entrepreneur. He is Managing Director of Formula Capital and has written ten books. His latest books are I Was Blind But Now I See and 40 Alternatives to College. You can follow him on Twitter @jaltucher. I wanted to have 100,000 Facebook fans for my blog. We have entered the “Choose Yourself” era. [See also: "Self-publishing your own book is the new business card"] Now, if you want to spread the truths of your brand, of your ideas, of your products, of your message, you have to create your own platform, you have to spread it across all media, and then you have to manage each medium differently. For each medium, you have to ask: why this medium? BUT, on Facebook, as opposed to any other medium (other than twitter) you pay ONCE and then forever after you can market to that Fan for free. So here’s what I did. It basically took about 30 days to get 100,000 fans. Using this approach got me to the first 50,000 Fans.

20 Best Online To Do List Apps for Freelancers To do list task managers and full productivity software is essential to a freelancers business. The style of design your looking for in a to do list app will differ based on the size of your small business, the nature of the services you offer, and your personal preferences. You may be a one man freelancer and prefer a stripped down, easy to use task app that syncs well in the cloud and works with your preferred devices. Or you may regularly work with a team and need some specific features to have you all working in harmony and efficiently. While every user will have different needs in a to do list manager, there are some features that clearly add functionality, and looking at them will help you choose the best to do app for you. How a to do list task manager implements these features has a big impact on it's user base. Featured To Do List Apps If you're still lugging around a paper based day planner, then now is the time to switch to digital. 1. 2. 3. This app has been around for ages.
