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Candy Sushi

Candy Sushi
Lizzy turned 10 yesterday! I know it’s cliche, but time flies. Where is my baby? happy birthday lizzy We had a home party on Friday with some Rockband, hot dogs, cake pops and candy sushi. candy sushi by mommyknows The sushi was inexpensive and easy, more importantly the kids had fun. Here’s how it’s done: rice krispie treats I used this recipe to make up a batch of Rice Krispie squares. trimmed Once they had cooled, I trimmed up the slabs of Rice Krispie treats into nice neat rectangles and stacked them on wax paper for the party. ready for the party In the end, I made 3 full batches of Rice Krispie Squares one after the other, to get 8 thin slabs for the party and a couple of practice slabs for Georgia and I. I’ve never made candy sushi before, so I thought I’d better practice before I tried it out on the kids. twizzlers and gummy worms work well Add candy. roll tightly Roll the Rice Krispie treats around the candy. looking good Don’t roll it more than one full roll. trim excess my mom rocks!

How to Make Chocolate Liquor Cordials - Now Extra-Helpful! Is there any greater pleasure than consuming a tiny chocolate bottle of your favorite alcohol? Think about it: a rich, bittersweet shell of chocolate hides a wafer-thin shell of sugar. At the first bite, a rich "snap" rewards your efforts, which is soon followed by the warming flush of a small sip of liquor. The flavors mingle, interact, explode! But wait... Where's the cobra whiskey candy? "Oh," you may be saying to yourself, "if only we could make these candies at home, the happy drunken sky would be the limit!" Well, I'm here to tell you that your heartbreaking search is at an end - you can make these confections yourself... and it's easier than you think.

homemade cherry pie larabar Recipe: homemade cherry pie lärabar Rather than being dismayed at how quickly February has disappeared, I’m actually excited for March. March is when the big storm tracks blow into Colorado. March is the transition to spring skiing. March is when I start hitting the road to shoot. March is longer daylight hours. That’s not to say February wasn’t good. sushi with my sweetie splashes of color after sunset sleeping in the sun after a much-needed bath jupiter, venus, mercury, and the moon having a little party in the night sky I made that last one extra big so you could actually see Mercury. lärabar – cherry pie My girlfriend, Marianne, introduced us to LÄRABAR a few years ago on a summer hike. dried cherries, dried medjool dates, almonds pit the dates roast the almonds At nearly $1.50 each LÄRABAR, I had a lot of incentive to attempt making my own version at home. process the dates and cherries into a semi-paste chop the almonds pour everything into a bowl knead the nuts and dried fruit together
