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WoW Pets Home | Mail Online Minecraft WoW Wiki Brain Pickings CraftHub ZAM WoW 2013 CSS Wishlist I'm pretty happy with CSS. I know it's common to complain about CSS and how it was never meant to build web pages like we do now and it's ill-suited to many tasks and yadda yadda. But I dunno. I work with it every single day and I feel like it's getting the job done pretty well. Maybe I don't have those fancy big thinker thoughts that can foresee alternate universes where more perfect languages exist. As Hakim says: Considering CSS was made to style text documents, it's pretty impressive what we can do with it today.— Hakim El Hattab (@hakimel) January 24, 2013 So what does 2013 hold for CSS? Honestly, I trust Tab's own instincts on how CSS needs to be evolved more than my own since he's so involved in it and has a mind for systems. 1. For instance, select a blockquote if it contains a paragraph. blockquote::contains("p") { } I feel like this comes up all the time and it seems weird it's not possible. 2. Content, meaning literally text content whether it's in another element or not. 3. 4.

Vindictus March 2014 Patch Notes Mar 18 2014 New threats are always on the rise in Vindictus, forcing mercenaries like Lann and Fiona to live a life of hardship as they struggle to hold back the tide of evil.
