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RT @OWStarr: Next time you're about to kick an anthill... [video] #architecture #nature #ants

RT @OWStarr: Next time you're about to kick an anthill... [video] #architecture #nature #ants

RT @OWStarr: Ever meet an Arctic Fox? Description: The Arctic Fox is the only native land mammal to Iceland. It came to Iceland at the end of the last ice age, walking over the frozen sea. Habitat: The Arctic Fox has a circumpolar range, meaning that it is found throughout the entire Arctic, including the outer edges of Greenland, Russia, Canada, Alaska, and Svalbard, as well as in Subarctic and alpine areas, such as Iceland and mainland alpine Scandinavia. Notes: Photo taken in Hornvik, in the Hornstrandir nature reserve in the West Fjords of Iceland. No species ID suggestions Map Data Map data ©2016 Google Imagery ©2016 TerraMetrics Map DataMap data ©2016 Google Imagery ©2016 TerraMetrics Satellite Map Iceland Shot With Shotgun Multiple Times & Survived | Punchbaby Stand Up Comedian Chris Turner’s Amazing Freestyle Rap Chris Turner may look like he’s a nerd who couldn’t rap for shit, but just wait until you see him in action. Taking suggestions from the crowd for subjects to use—the more unfunny they are the better—he then proceeds to make a rap from these disparate elements. Keep reading → Cute SD Card Micro-Mecha Robot Transformation Memory cards, they’re robots in disguise! Keep reading → Learn Some Smooth Moves With the A-Z of Dance Do you know your Memphis Jookin from your East Coast Swing? Keep reading → 2 Girls 4 Punches As dumb ideas go, this is up there with the best. Keep reading → What DJs Do These Days (Spoiler: It’s a Lot of Button Pushing) DJs have to train very hard these days—and they have to train one particular part of their anatomy, which is their index fingers. Keep reading → Ultimate Car Crash Compilation Prepare your “HOLY SHIT!!!” Keep reading → 50 Cent Dubbed Over Jehovah’s Witnesses Telling Deaf People To Stop Fapping Keep reading →

Comment fonctionnent nos neurones? - Sciences Le cerveau vu grâce à l'IRM de diffuson DR © Radio France Le cerveau est, sans conteste, l’organe le plus fascinant du corps humain. Au cours des dernières décennies, les chercheurs ont commencé à percer ses secrets les plus intimes. L’un des derniers en date est celui qui fait la Une du magazine Science et Vie du mois d’octobre. Nos cellules nerveuses, les neurones, seraient capables de modifier leur propre génome ! Elles s’affranchiraient ainsi de la loi qui régit pourtant toutes les cellules du corps humain. Parallèlement aux découvertes dues à de la génétique et à l’étude des cellules nerveuses elles-même, se développe une autre exploration du cerveau qui concerne le fonctionnement des quelque 100 milliards de neurones qu’il contient. A quel point sommes-nous arrivés aujourd’hui dans notre compréhension du fonctionnement du cerveau ? Peut-on percevoir les progrès encore possible dans ce domaine ? Invités: et François Lassagne, rédacteur en chef adjoint de Science & Vie. Radio : Vidéos :

RT @OWStarr: Situation growing dire 4 #WildLifeFriendsFoundationThailand Endangered animals 2b taken, killed. Help? pls RT I am seriously concerned for the welfare of both animals and staff at the Wildlife Friends Foundation in Thailand, who are currently being intimidated by Thai officials. Both Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT) and Elephant Nature Park (ENP) were raided by armed officials of the Department of National Parks (DNP) and police units. The officials claim they received an anonymous phone call. Both WFFT and ENP feel they have been targeted for speaking out on the recent elephant killings at Kaengkrachan National Park and Kuiburi National Park, and the involvement of officials, politicians and wealthy businessmen. The ENP was founded by Sangduen (Lek) Chailert who has won numerous conservation awards including Hero of the Planet by the Ford Foundation, Hero of Asia by Time Magazine in 2005 and the Earth Day Award. Her work has been featured in National Geographic, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, BBC and in print media throughout the world. Please help!

High fliers: 5 great paper airplane designs You might think of them as child's play, but there's a surprising amount of history behind paper airplanes. Thought to have been invented by the Chinese several thousand years ago, these useful toys have helped guide some of history's most famous aviators. Leonardo da Vinci built them to test his ornithopter. The Wright Brothers used them to prototype their historic Flyer. During the early part of the 20th century, designers at Lockheed and Heinkel put them to work in the development of new warplanes. But today, even with the benefit of modern aerodynamics, physics, and materials, the creation of a good paper airplane is still as much art as it is science. The Record Holder Where better to start than with a world record holder? The Sabertooth The cool split nose of the Sabertooth makes it a mean-looking contender. The Cobra Satisfyingly ingenious to build, the cunning design of the Cobra is made easy to follow by this clear video. The Spirit Ready for something a little more intricate?

SpaceX veut fonder des colonies martiennes autonomes a le vent en poupe depuis ses derniers exploits aérospatiaux. A tel point qu’Elon Musk, son co-fondateur, ne rate jamais une occasion de nous promettre Mars . Sa dernière déclaration en ce sens, lors d’une conférence devant la le 16 novembre dernier, va encore plus loin. Cette fois-ci, Musk nous promet d’envoyer 80.000 colons sur Mars pour la modique somme de 500.000 $ le billet d’embarquement. Crédits : SpaceX Pour les envoyer à si faible prix, Musk vise la création d’une fusée réutilisable, décollant à la verticale et qui placerait en orbite terrestre une poignée de volontaires pour Mars. Musk avance le prix-clé de 500.000 $ le billet vers Mars en argumentant que ce tarif, même onéreux, reste accessible à une grande majorité de citoyens vivant dans des pays développés. Des serres agricoles martiennes (crédits inconnus). Musk oublie également un point très important de la colonisation de Mars : sa pérennité économique.

“Sorry For The Inconvenience We Are Trying To Save The WORLD”…Mato Woksabe April 23, 2012 This is what a Wolf Warrior looks like. Mato in front of IDFG in Boise, Idaho, protesting the slaughter of wolves. Take heed Warriors. Every single one of us has the ability to do what Mato is doing. Remember the Idaho hunt is not over. The time for silence is over!! Photo: Courtesy Mato Woksabe Posted in: Wolf Wars, Activism, Wolf Warriors, Wolf Wars Tags: IDFG, Mato Woksabe. Like this: Like Loading... RT @OWStarr: Just when you thought you'd seen the worst: [warning graphic] With all of the outrage concerning the Josh Brandford wolf torture photos, an effort has been made by hunting and trapping groups to downplay the event. They claim that this type of brutality is the exception rather than the rule. A couple of days ago, I was made aware of a horrific video showing coyotes being killed in the most extreme manners possible including through the use of explosives. These two thugs call themselves “Coyote Control Specialists” and they have numerous videos on YouTube that show them slaughtering coyotes and other wildlife. They even make a video that shows them shooting ground squirrels for fun. Like Josh Bransford these are the faces of the modern “sportsman.” **Warning** Very Graphic Content **Warning** Share these videos far and wide. Like this: Like Loading...

RT @OWStarr: Why is did "Wildlife Services" kill >50k animals since 2000? (many endangered): @ConservationNW @foxewise The US Department of Wildlife services is "a killing business and it ain't pretty," says Carter Niemeyer, a 26 year veteran of the department. He's referring to the US Department of Wildlife Services, a government agency that is tasked with government-funded wildlife control. In practice this means the agency is a tax-payer supported operation that is paid to kill animals, some of which are considered among this country's most iconic. According to the Sacramento Bee, wolves, coyotes, foxes, wolverines, bears and mountain lions are among the animals agents of this department regularly kill using means as cruel and indiscriminate as leg-hold traps, snares and explosive poisons as well as ariel gunning. Even more upsetting, the agency has also slaughtered some 50,000 non-targeted animals by accident since 2000. In all Wildlife Services has killed over 150 different species of animal, many of them endangered in the past 12 years. Tell Secretary Salazar to defund this agency.
