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Wikipedia’s Next Big Thing: Wikidata, A Machine-Readable, User-Editable Database Funded By Google, Paul Allen And Others Wikidata, the first new project to emerge from the Wikimedia Foundation since 2006, is now beginning development. The organization, known best for its user-edited encyclopedia of knowledge Wikipedia, recently announced the new project at February’s Semantic Tech & Business Conference in Berlin, describing Wikidata as new effort to provide a database of knowledge that can be read and edited by humans and machines alike. There have been other attempts at creating a semantic database built from Wikipedia’s data before – for example, DBpedia, a community effort to extract structured content from Wikipedia and make it available online. The difference is that, with Wikidata, the data won’t just be made available, it will also be made editable by anyone. The project’s goal in developing a semantic, machine-readable database doesn’t just help push the web forward, it also helps Wikipedia itself. Below, an early concept for Wikidata: Dr.
Nos livres DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books Search Browse Advanced search 7956 Academic peer-reviewed books and chapters from 209 publishers News Register for newsletter Archive Our Sponsors Directory of Open access Books is provided by OAPEN Foundation in cooperation with SemperTool © SemperTool Librairie numérique & Moteur de recommandation Chargement des résultats... Loading ... Le saviez-vous ? Votre recherche commence ici, écrivez ce que vous voulez. Le livre central est le résultat de votre recherche. Cliquez sur la table, gardez le curseur appuyé et faites tourner les livres. Découvrez de nouveaux titres en déplaçant ce livre au centre de la table. Vous ne trouvez pas votre bonheur ? Découvrez ici d'autres titres de l'auteur disponibles en numérique. Nous travaillons à l'enrichissement de ce livre. Une catégorie vous intéresse? Une petite astuce : cliquez sur un auteur et une recherche se lance automatiquement sur son nom. Faites varier les prix en poussant la molette et ajustez l’offre en fonction de votre budget. Chaque format possède ses spécificités, sélectionnez les en fonction de vos besoins. EPUB : l'EPUB tend à devenir le standard de la lecture numérique, ce format possède une mise en page qui s'adapte au support sur lequel il est ouvert. PDF : C'est toujours le format le plus répandu pour le livre numérique.
Microsoft Messenger blocking links to The Pirate Bay If you're a Windows Live Messenger user who happens to drop your friends links to The Pirate Bay, it looks like you'll have to use another chat service. At this moment, links to The Pirate Bay are blocked when trying to send them through Windows Live Messenger — the service spits back an automated reply reading "the link you tried to send was blocked because it was reported as unsafe." This occurs when using Microsoft's native clients as well as when trying to send through third-party tools like Adium or Pidgin. It doesn't appear to be part of any "anti-piracy" initiative, however — links to sites like Demonoid worked without incident. iLivri LibriVox Ebooks libres et gratuits Microsoft keeps it old-school with a pricey text adventure game, Visual Studio 2010 Microsoft has jumped onto the free-to-play bandwagon with its latest game, a text-driven adventure called Visual Studio 2010. The innovative new game marries the traditional interactive fiction text adventure with its arcane commands and exploration with the free-form, open-ended gaming pioneered by the likes of SimCity. There are two major modes to the game, a textual spell-casting game, and a more complex interactive puzzle mode. Play starts with the spell game. In the hardest mode, a second gatekeeper, the even more cantankerous "linker," must also be satisfied. Spells are used to quell the compiler and create dungeons. Visual Studio 2010 breaks from the traditional roguelike, giving the player rich tools to examine and even modify his environment. To re-enter the dungeon, another spell must be cast. Visual Studio 2010 offers a free-form gaming experience. The gameplay can be very uneven. Visual Studio 2010 is a free-to-play game, but here is where some of the biggest problems lie.
The Digital Comic Museum