OASPA | Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association Open Access Journals | Texas Digital Library What if libraries and universities could bypass the high costs of print journals by providing less costly outlets for scholarly work? What if any faculty member with the willingness to do the work could start up his or her own peer-reviewed journal without prohibitive start-up costs? What if scholarship were available to the many instead of the few? With TDL Electronic Journals, faculty members, libraries, and universities can produce refereed, open-access scholarly journals, ensuring the availability of important scholarship to researchers across the world. TDL Electronic Journals are powered by Open Journal Systems (OJS), an open-source journal management and publication software produced by the Public Knowledge Project. What is a TDL Electronic Journal? Using Open Journal Systems software, faculty at TDL member institutions can set up and publish an online journal (or migrate an existing journal) without any costs for the software or TDL technical assistance.
Works Skip to main content ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst Part of the Materials Science and Engineering Commons Works in Materials Science and Engineering Molecular Engineering Strategies for the Design and Synthesis of New Organic Photovoltaic Materials, Paul J. Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers by Solvent Vapor Annealing, Mechanism and Lithographic Applications, Xiaodan Gu Doctoral Dissertations 2014-current Ionic Copolymers for Alkaline Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (AAEMFCs), Tsung-Han Tsai Doctoral Dissertations 2014-current Mechanical and Transport Properties of 3- Dimensional Alginate Hydrogels For Cell Encapsulation, Whitney L Stoppel Doctoral Dissertations 1911-2013 Motion of Particles as a Probe: Dynamics and Assembly in Gel Networks/Aqueous Media, Cheol Hee Lee Doctoral Dissertations 2014-current Creasing Instability of Hydrogels and Elastomers, Dayong Chen Doctoral Dissertations 2014-current Helical Ordering in Chiral Block Copolymers, Wei Zhao Dissertations Advanced Search Browse Links
Materials Science and Engineering | Open Access Articles | Digital Commons Network™ Structure-Property Relationships Of Polyisobutylene-Block-Polyamide Thermoplastic Elastomers, Morgan Dunn Heskett 2016 University of Southern Mississippi Structure-Property Relationships Of Polyisobutylene-Block-Polyamide Thermoplastic Elastomers, Morgan Dunn Heskett Master's Theses Thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) are a class of polymer fit for a wide variety of applications due to their customizability. Nanostructured Morphologies In Glassy Polymer Networks, Brian Greenhoe 2016 Nanostructured Morphologies In Glassy Polymer Networks, Brian Greenhoe Dissertations The body of this work describes a novel approach for the dispersion of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in a high Tg epoxy prepolymer matrix using a twin screw high-shear continuous reactor. Stress Singularity Study Of Functionally Graded Material Based On Coherent Gradient Sensing Method, Jinjun Zhang 2016 Arizona State University Kevin Lee Sandia National Laboratories Composites at Lake Louise (CALL 2015) Purdue University Elton Graugnard
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