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C++ Reference [C++ Reference]

C++ Reference [C++ Reference]

Stroustrup: C++ Elliptic function Historically, elliptic functions were first discovered by Niels Henrik Abel as inverse functions of elliptic integrals, and their theory improved by Carl Gustav Jacobi; these in turn were studied in connection with the problem of the arc length of an ellipse, whence the name derives. Jacobi's elliptic functions have found numerous applications in physics, and were used by Jacobi to prove some results in elementary number theory. A more complete study of elliptic functions was later undertaken by Karl Weierstrass, who found a simple elliptic function in terms of which all the others could be expressed. Besides their practical use in the evaluation of integrals and the explicit solution of certain differential equations, they have deep connections with elliptic curves and modular forms. Definition[edit] Formally, an elliptic function is a function meromorphic on for which there exist two non-zero complex numbers and with (in other words, not parallel), such that for all , it follows that for any .

Software optimization resources. C++ and assembly. Windows, Linu See also my blog Contents Optimization manuals This series of five manuals describes everything you need to know about optimizing code for x86 and x86-64 family microprocessors, including optimization advices for C++ and assembly language, details about the microarchitecture and instruction timings of most Intel, AMD and VIA processors, and details about different compilers and calling conventions. Operating systems covered: DOS, Windows, Linux, BSD, Mac OS X Intel based, 32 and 64 bits. Note that these manuals are not for beginners. 1. This is an optimization manual for advanced C++ programmers. 2. This is an optimization manual for advanced assembly language programmers and compiler makers. 3. This manual contains details about the internal working of various microprocessors from Intel, AMD and VIA. 4. 5. All five manuals Download all the above manuals together in one zip file. C++ vector class library File name:, size: 682404, last modified: 2017-Jul-27.Download.

XPath Expression Syntax Introduction This document is an informal guide to the syntax of XPath expressions, which are used in SAXON both within XSLT stylesheets, and in the Java API. For formal specifications, see the XSLT and XPath standards, except where differences are noted here. We can classify expressions according to the data type of their result: string, number, boolean, node-set, and document-fragment. These categories are examined in the following sections. SAXON expressions may be used either in an XSL stylesheet, or as a parameter to various Java interfaces. Constants String literals are written as "London" or 'Paris'. Numeric constants follow the Java rules for decimal literals: for example, 12 or 3.05; a negative number can be written as (say) -93.7, though technically the minus sign is not part of the literal. There are no boolean constants as such: instead use the function calls true() and false(). Variable References It is an error to refer to a variable that has not been declared.

HTTP cookies, or how not to design protocols For as long as I remember, HTTP cookies have been vilified as a grave threat to the privacy of online browsing; wrongly so. That said, the mechanism itself is a very interesting cautionary tale for security engineers - and that will be the theme of today's feature. Cookies were devised by Lou Montulli, a Netscape engineer, somewhere in 1994. Lou outlined his original design in a minimalistic, four-page proposal posted on; based on that specification, the implementation shipped in their browser several months later - and other vendors were quick to follow. It wasn't until 1997 that the first reasonably detailed specification of the mechanism has been attempted: RFC 2109. Three years later, another, somewhat better structured effort to redesign cookies - RFC 2965 - proved to be equally futile. They have Internet over there, too? Perhaps the most striking issue - and an early sign of trouble - is the problem of domain scoping. 8K ought to be enough for for anybody "Oh, please.

C++ Operator Precedence [C++ Reference] The following table lists the precedence and associativity of C++ operators. Operators are listed top to bottom, in descending precedence. [1]The expression in the middle of the conditional operator (between ? When parsing an expression, an operator which is listed on some row will be bound tighter (as if by parentheses) to its arguments than any operator that is listed on a row further below it. Operators that are in the same cell (there may be several rows of operators listed in a cell) are evaluated with the same precedence, in the given direction. Operator precedence is unaffected by operator overloading. [edit] Notes Precedence and associativity are independent from order of evaluation. The standard itself doesn't specify precedence levels. const_cast, static_cast, dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast and typeid are not included since they are never ambiguous. Some of the operators have alternate spellings (e.g., and for &&, or for ||, not for ! [edit] See also

Necklace splitting problem In mathematics, and in particular combinatorics, the necklace splitting problem arises in a variety of contexts including exact division; its picturesque name is due to mathematicians Noga Alon [1] and Douglas B. West.[2] Suppose a necklace, open at the clasp, has k ·n beads. Example of necklace splitting with k = 2 (i.e. two thieves), and t = 2 (i.e. two types of beads, here 8 red and 6 green). Alon explains that the problem of finding k-splittings of small size arises naturally when k mathematically oriented thieves steal a necklace with k · ai jewels of type i, and wish to divide it fairly between them, wasting as little as possible of the metal in the links between the jewels. If the beads of each colour are contiguous on the open necklace, then any k splitting must contain at least k − 1 cuts, so the size is at least (k − 1)t. Further results[edit] One cut fewer than needed[edit] In the case of two thieves [i.e. k = 2] and t colours, a fair split would require at most t cuts.

High Performance Heterogeneous Container Download source - 21.37 KB Contents Introduction A heterogeneous container is a container that can store elements of different types. For strongly typed languages like C++, such kind of container isn't a natural or built-in feature. This article presents a fixed-size heterogeneous container, named tek::record, that tries to achieve the best possible performances in terms of both size and speed. Existing Solutions This chapter lists the most known and popular solutions to implement a heterogeneous container, and their main drawbacks. Classical Polymorphism In the classical polymorphism solution, the container holds pointers to a base class from which several classes are derived. Limitations: Virtual functions can't be inlined in this case Impossibility to directly use built-in types Loss of type identity and traits specific to the derived classes Union-like Elements A container of unions simulates a heterogeneous behavior, since the value of a union can be interpreted through multiple types.

OpenJDK: Download and install Debian, Ubuntu, etc. On the command line, type: $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre The openjdk-7-jre package contains just the Java Runtime Environment. Fedora, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, etc. $ su -c "yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk" The java-1.7.0-openjdk package contains just the Java Runtime Environment. $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre The openjdk-6-jre package contains just the Java Runtime Environment. $ su -c "yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk" The java-1.6.0-openjdk package contains just the Java Runtime Environment. BSD Port For a list of pointers to packages of the BSD Port for DragonFly BSD, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, NetBSD and OpenBSD, please see the BSD porting Project's wiki page.

Free C++ Tutorials : C++ Language Tutorials Index Note that the tutorials are displayed in order of difficulty! (From beginner to experienced.) In this first C++ programming language tutorial we are going to look at the history of the C++ language. The C programming language was devised in the early 1970s by Dennis M. Ritchie an employee from Bell Labs (AT&T). Many other programming languages are derived from the C language. Posted in C++ Tutorials | A compiler is a program that translates one language (high level) into another language (e.g., assembly language or machine specific language). We start the tutorial series with one of the simplest programs that can be written in the C++ language. In this C++ programming tutorial we take a look at variables and data types. Variables If you declare a variable in C++ (later on we will talk about how to do this), you ask the operating system for a piece of memory. In this tutorial we will take a look at constants and escape codes. Constants Assignment In C++, I/O is performed by using streams.

the free encyclopedia Breaking Up The Monolith: Advanced C++ Design without Compromise a new book by Matthew Wilson Breaking Up The Monolith describes techniques for writing and working with C/C++ libraries effectively, efficiently and with minimal coupling. It illustrates how to write high-quality C++ software that does not need to sacrifice on important software quality characteristics such as robustness, performance, expressiveness, flexibility, modularity, portability, and discoverability & transparency. The principles of C++ software engineering espoused in this book are: Software quality is important, and compromise should be, and can be, minimized. The concepts, patterns, principles and techniques described in Breaking Up The Monolith have enabled the development of: FastFormat, the most robust, most flexible, and fastest C++ formatting library Pantheios, the fastest, flexible, and only 100% type-safe C++ logging library VOLE, a library for driving COM/OLE automation servers from C++ with a natural, 100% type-safe, and efficient syntax.
