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The eco friendly house, The superadobe. - The site of Zen Master

The eco friendly house, The superadobe. - The site of Zen Master
Le superadobe est une technique constructive de l´architecture de terre. Nous avons pu l´expérimenter à travers un cours de bioconstruction, organisé par un groupe de permaculture, s´étalant sur deux jours, sur un terrain montagneux près de Sao Paolo. L´objectif de ce cours était de construire un mur en forme de S en superadobe. Cette technique constructive a été inventée en 1988 par l´architecte d´origine iranienne Nhader Kahlili, installé aux Etats-Unis. Le superadobe est d´autant plus intéressant que son coût de construction est dérisoire, il est antisismique et sa mise en oeuvre ne demande pas de main d´oeuvre qualifiée. Le terrain : 1. 2. Les fondations : 3. sacs en nylon ou en toile (usuels pour stocker l´alimentation) avec un mélange de 1/3 de ciment et de 2/3 de sable. 4. 5. 6. Il est à noter que les murs peuvent également s´édifier sur des fondations en pierre. 9. 10. 11. 12. La toiture 13. Les ouvertures dans le mur 14. Les finitions 15. 16 . Related:  Earthbag Building

House sandbags from 50 m2 to 8700 euros - Blog Danactu resistance Dans les pays occidentaux, le secteur du bâtiment est énergétivore et fortement émetteur de gaz à effet de serre. De plus, construire une maison engloutie les budgets des ménages. Le concept de maison en sacs de terre permet d'utiliser des produits locaux (terre trouvée sur place) et à un coût dérisoire. Les sacs peuvent être remplis de terre, de sable (ou autre matériau), en fonction des ressources disponibles localement. Un sac de terre ou de sable, cela ne bouge pas du tout (il existe plusieurs systèmes pour que l'adhérence des sacs entre eux soit totale : fil de fez barbelé, effet velcro etc.), la maison est très stable. Cette maison, un vrai bunker, est presque indestructible. En secteurs fortement déboisés (Haïti, Afrique subsahélienne etc.) le concept d'EcoDome apporte un avantage majeur : sa construction ne nécessite pas de bois (pas de charpente). De la lune à la terre... - Olivier - "The real form of poverty is the poverty of hope. "Je n'ai rien inventé. Les fondations - lit

maison en sacs de sable de Nader Khalili février 16th, 2011 by Laetitia S’il y à bien un nom d’architecte, en avance sur temps, à se souvenir dans la construction environnementale, c’est bien Nader Khaili! J’ai suivie un reportage en 2007, sur cet architecte américain d’origine iranienne et ses créations. Il est aujourd’hui, malheureusement, décédé mais il à pu faire aboutir son projet en proposant une solution concrète : Créer des habitations pour les sans-abris du monde entier, quelle en soit les causes, naturelles ou humaines. Jusqu’en 1975, il a excercé comme architecte spécialisé dans les gratte-ciel et à été primé par le Prix Aga Khan suite à l’exposition Alter Architecture pour le « Cal-Earth Institute », l’institut pour l’architecture et l’art de la terre de Californie, qu’il animait à Hesperia. Technique de construction : Avantages : Inconvénients Peu de choix dans la création des volumes, couleurs et matériauxfaire une bonne étude de terrain pour que la maison soit environnanteObtenir un permis de contruire .

Building a house in Super Adobe at a ridiculous cost 8700 euros pour 50m2 et en plus c’est beau ! MAJ : Janvier 2016 Suite à de nombreuses demandes, nous mettons quelques liens de sites que vous pouvez contacter pour des stages d’apprentissage. Cordialement Les maisons en super Adobe par Nader Khalili ! Dans les pays occidentaux, le secteur du bâtiment est énergétivore et fortement émetteur de gaz à effet de serre. – Comme dans les églises, la structure en dôme permet, par gravité, le maintien de l’ensemble de la structure. Nader Khalili est un architecte irano-américain qui a travaillé sur l’architecture lunaire dans les années 80 et a développé des constructions en sacs de sable, qu’il appelle « Super Adobe ». Le concept de maison en sacs de terre permet d’utiliser des produits locaux (terre trouvée sur place) et à un coût dérisoire. Cette maison, un vrai bunker, est presque indestructible. Les sacs de terre ou de sable sont d’ailleurs utilisés par l’armée comme abris anti-obus, mais aussi pour lutter contre les inondations.

Domoterra Earthbag Construction EarthBag Homes - you're standing on the building materials... earthbag home Long sandbags are filled on-site and arranged in layers or as compressed coils. Stabilizers such as cement, lime, or sodium carbonate may be added to an ideal mix of 70% sand, 30% clay. Straw may also be added. The earthbags are then plastered over with adobe. earthbag home Plastic bags recycled into plastic bags -- if plastic does not break down for a thousand years, this building is sure to last several lifetimes. earthbag construction Foundations differ as per site. earthbag construction The time consuming part, filling the bags. earthbag construction Testing the strength of an arch. earthbag home Project Seres, Guatemala., earthbag home CalEarth -- Emergency Shelter Village, Hesperia, California. earthbag home Cal Earth -- Emergency Shelters. earthbag home CalEarth let the layers show. CalEarth -- this might not be totally earthbag, but like the fish face. Resources: Lessons:

ECO-DOME: A Small House "Moon Cocoon" - Learning To Build An Eco-Dome House We Stand For NO SYSTEM Kindom (Do No Harm Communities) is the dream for freedom, but it is the dream for the freedom of those around us who also live the dream of freedom, because it is in living for the freedom of others that we get our freedom. When we live for the dreams of Kindom of those around us, we live life as a gift because we live for (dedicate our lives to) their dream of freedom, truth, peace, joy, abundance, etc, just as they live for our Kindom dreams too. This is true co-creation (cooperation) with no attack on the uniqueness of each of us. When we live this way, we have no need for any man-made system - everything/everyone has already been taken care of by our love for life. Just as we do not have to jump 10 feet across the room to grab our next breath, neither do we have to worry about food, water and shelter because it has all been taken care of as we each co-create Kindoms/Kin-Domains for everyone. We live for NO SYSTEM. Sequential Order The Cristian Family Declaration

Earth house | Natural Building Earthbag Building How-to Videos Earthbag Dome Workshop in Tepoztlan, Mexico The focus of this workshop was building in a way that connected the structure and the people to the energy flows of the universe. Stella reminded participants to use all of their six senses to touch, listen, taste, smell, see, and intuit their surroundings. Extra care was taken to build this dome as a living structure with breathable walls and natural waterproofing and plasters. The building will serve as a meditation dome and was built with a mix of raw earth and scoria rock. Lime was used as a stabilizer in the foundation and stem walls. 18 participants built the 2.5 meter (8ft) dome during the 5 day course. If you are interested in hosting a workshop or participating as a student please contact us at: and check out our blog at Adine (Stella) Michaels Neil Decker

Build-It-Solar Blog: Earthbag Construction I added a new (small) section on Earthbag home construction here... This was prompted by seeing a TV program on the home of Kelly and Rosanna Hart in Colorado. Its an earthbag house that they constructed themselves over a three year period. The house is beautifully done with with each room hand crafted for its purpose. The home uses a lightweight volcanic rock for the bag fill in order to increase the insulation value. I'm still not clear on what the actual R value of the walls/roof are -- anyone have a good source of information on this? The outer covering of the house (over the earthbags) is papercrete. Total cost of the house was $49,900 including land and a solar electric system! The and the Earthbag Building book that are listed are both quite good -- lots of hands on material. The TV program mentioned above is Offbeat America, season 3, episode 1 on The Travel Channel -- it has a nice 10 minute tour of the house. Gary

La Casa Vergara This residence was designed by José Andrés Vallejo and built in Bogotá, Colombia in just 5 months, early in 2011. Architecture in Balance is a design platform that specializes in sustainable architectural solutions. Architecture in Balance implements alternative technologies, construction of low environmental impact, integrating contemporary design to create innovative projects and balanced environments. Architecture in Balance encourages the use of unprocessed construction materials such as soil, and uses different methods such as superadobe systems, among others. The design of La Casa Vergara explores the potential of seismic resistance with superadobe as the construction technology and contemprary design. The superadobe uses three elements: earth/concrete, tubular bags and barbed wire.

Eccentric Aesthetics: DIY Eco-Friendly Earthbag Homes The phrase “form follows function” has morphed in meaning over time and is, perhaps rightly, open to interpretation. One interesting extension of this idea is that the form of a building can follow the functions of its constituent parts – that the visual result can reflect the process of construction and that this, in turn, makes the architecture more educational or “honest” – a way to learn the history of a building simply by taking a look at how it was made. In addition to their do-it-yourself, easy-to-build and other sustainability-related benefits, “earth bag” homes – constructed of bags filled with local dirt, mud, sand and/or rock – are also potentially extremely expressive as works of design. Their structural properties and the ways in which they are stacked certainly preclude some design possibilities but they enable others.

Spiral Shelter Office As things heat up in the Middle East and the potential for trouble spilling into the rest of the world increases, I bet there are a few folks wondering how a simple shelter could be built without a permit, in a backyard, and serve as something like a home office on a daily basis. Well even if that scenario hasn’t crossed your mind yet, let me share with you a design concept for a stout yet tiny earthen building. The Shelter Office design is a modified spiral made from earthbags. The walls pictured here are about 2-feet thick and the roof is a 7 1/4-inch thick reinforced concrete slab with 2-feet of earthbags on top. The main room is just 55 square feet, which is just enough room for a desk, chair, rolling files, and a bit of storage hidden behind a false wall. Even in the unlikely case of a distant nuclear war, this little building could shield you from most of the radiation from fallout outside the front door. Radiation can penetrate thin walls and doors, but it can’t turn corners.

Tiny Earthbag Homes Constructing an earthbag home is considered by many to be the most inexpensive method of building a home simply because the material is free and usually already onsite. The major cost associated with earthbag homes are the bags used to hold the earth which makes up the structure. The most common type of bags used are solid-weave polypropylene. These bags typically hold rice and grain during shipment and can be reused for building an earthbag home. You can of course buy the bags new as well. Once the structure of the house has been built, a material such as plaster, stucco or adobe is usually used to finish the walls to prevent water and insect damage and to insulate the home completely from the elements. It’s possible that an earthbag home could be used for folks interested in living small. Here is a quick gallery of I have added to give you an idea of what’s with earthbag construction.
