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3000+ Flash effects, Flash animation, text animation

3000+ Flash effects, Flash animation, text animation
Key features High-Quality Patterns Over 100 effect patterns, each of them enabling you to achieve... Show/Hide Effects FlashEff has been such a successso far mainly due to its high... Text Effects The main purpose of FlashEff isto improve the way text... Symbol Effects These effects treat the entireobject (symbol or text) as a... View features and prices

Drag to Share We’ve all seen the brilliant functionality on Mashable where news stories and interesting articles can be shared to social networking sites; the functionality is driven by the images accompanying the articles; you click and hold on an image and can then drag it into a toolbar to share it. It’s brilliant and intuitive, and in this article I’m going to show you how we can replicate this behavior with jQuery and jQuery UI. The following screenshot shows what we’ll have at the end of the tutorial: Getting Started The latest version of jQuery comes with jQuery UI and in this example we only need the core, draggable and droppable components, so make sure only these are selected in the download builder. Once the jQuery UI archive has been downloaded, unpack the js folder from the archive (we don’t need the development bundle or CSS framework in this example) in a working folder.

Commerce de proximité de produits régionaux Trouvez des Etudes qui correspondent à votre projet et consultez gratuitement les Résultats partiels. Achetez les Résultats complets et un rapport vous sera envoyé pour chaque Etude. Pour toute information, consultez notre FAQ ou contactez-nous directement.

stardust-particle-engine - ActionScript 3.0 Particle Engine This project started off as a student practice project. Some example source files are still outdated; however, I do not intend to update this project in the near future. Sorry about that. Migrating to Stardust 1.3 You can grab the latest revision from the mercurial repository using TortoiseHg The manual and tutorial videos are for version 1.2 and are out-of-date. 10 Techniques For a Fantastic Footer A strong footer can leave your visitors with a lasting positive impression. There are tons of creative ways to boost the cool factor of your footers by focusing on both form and function. Below you’ll find 10 simple ideas to inspire you towards footer greatness. 1: Make It the Primary Navigation Tool

Tribalista - Listez les lieux que vous aimez. Partagez les avec vos amis. Obtenez des réductions et exclusivités! Après LE ROI LION et ses 1,3 million de spectateurs, STAGE ENTERTAINMENT FRANCE a le plaisir de collaborer une nouvelle fois avec Disney Theatrical pour LA BELLE ET LA BETE qui investira le théâtre Mogador à partir de l'automne prochain. Ce mythe français universel, issu d'un conte publié en 1756, puis du long-métrage d'animation Disney sorti en salle en 1991, est mis en scène pour la première fois en 1994 à Broadway au Palace Theatre. Il reprend les chansons intemporelles d'Alan Menken (qui signe ici son troisième musical à Paris) et de Howard Ashman, ainsi que de nouveaux titres issus de la collaboration d'Alan Menken et Tim Rice.

MovieClip - Adobe ActionScript® 3(AS3 )API リファレンス MovieClip クラスは、Sprite、DisplayObjectContainer、InteractiveObject、DisplayObject および EventDispatcher クラスを継承します。 MovieClip オブジェクトには、Sprite オブジェクトとは違ってタイムラインがあります。 Flash Professional では、MovieClip クラスのメソッドは、ムービークリップをターゲットとするアクションと同じ機能を提供します。 Viewable with Any Browser: Accessible Site Design Guide Below are some useful tips and links that can help to make your site accessible by all browsers, and better in general. This is not meant to be a complete guide to HTML, just a look at web design from an accessibility point of view. I have tried whenever possible to provide links to sites with more indepth information than what is here- please let me know of any sites that would enhance the usefulness of any of the sections below, or if I have missed any important topics in accessibility. Remember when reading this page that the advice provided is as general and thorough as possible to make it the most useful to the most readers.

Accueil ActionScript 3.0 で parent を指定したときにコンパイルエラーが発生する件。 ActionScript 3.0 (以下、 AS3)で、親 MC に設定したラベルを使って場面を移動したりするときのお話。 「_parent」は AS2 の書き方なので「parent」と書くのは前提として(←でも一応載せておく)、ついやっちゃうのはこういう↓書き方。 addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler); function clickHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void { parent.gotoAndPlay("labelname"); } 一見間違いなさそうですが、このまま実行しようとすると 1061:未定義である可能性のあるメソッド gotoAndPlay を、静的型 flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer の参照を使用して呼び出しました。 みたいな感じで怒られます(Flash の「コンパイルエラーパネル」に表示)。 Flash Twitter Buttons for your website Free PSDs & Resources for Web Designers by Orman Clark パーティクル表現のためのAS3ライブラリ「Stardust」 ざっくばらんにいろんなライブラリを紹介するシリーズ第三段目。Stardust (スターダスト)という海外のパーティクルライブラリの紹介。2Dにも3Dにもどちらにも利用できる表現の自由度が高いライブラリです。とりあえず、Papervision3Dと組み合わせてデモを作ってみました。蝶が飛んだ軌跡に発生している粒子部分がStardustの効果になります。 Facebook Share
