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Depression Treatment: A Cure for Depression using Magnesium?

Depression Treatment: A Cure for Depression using Magnesium?
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Obesity Taking one substance will not make you well either nutrient or pharmaceutical. Having a complete balanced nutritional diet will go a long way to protect you against the many intrusions to health. Environmental factors that we deal with whether man made or natural occurrences can create serious disease issues regardless of how healthy you are and how well you maintain nutrition. In general if you consume a diet that is an abundance of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and enough protein and fats (please note grains in moderation) you will be among the healthiest. Not having enough of the nutrients that our bodies require will lead to disease states whether there are environmental factors or not. In my many years of researching the essential nutrients, I have found that the balance of the nutrients is the necessity for health. Magnesium is extremely important in our biological reactions. The balance of these minerals is extremely important for the electrical function of the heart. Like this:

Magnesium and the Brain: The Original Chill Pill Magnesium is a vital nutrient that is often deficient in modern diets. Our ancient ancestors would have had a ready supply from organ meats, seafood, mineral water, and even swimming in the ocean, but modern soils can be depleted of minerals and magnesium is removed from water during routine municipal treatment. The current RDA for adults is between 320 and 420mg daily , and the average US intake is around 250mg daily. Does it matter if we are a little bit deficient? Well, magnesium plays an important role in biochemical reactions all over your body. It is involved in a lot of cell transport activities, in addition to helping cells make energy aerobically or anaerobically. That doesn't mean that magnesium is unimportant in the brain. Magnesium is an old home remedy for all that ails you, including "anxiety, apathy, depression , headaches, insecurity, irritability, restlessness, talkativeness, and sulkiness." Let's look at Eby's case studies from his paper:

Benefits of Magnesium – OBESITY & DIABETES | This product is available to purchase In my view, unless you nourish your body correctly and “not go for quick wacky ways of losing weight”, your battle will continue. Your body is your temple, and the most important vehicle you will EVER have to move around and LIVE IN during this life on earth. Regardless of what you have done with your body over the years, it is very forgiving and WILL become better with your better management of it. The composition of basic foods or nutrients that most people eat today is vastly different from what early humans consumed a century ago. One would think that eating too much would result in an abundance of nutritional support for cells. Overweight people more often than not suffer from gross malnutrition because the nutritional values of the basic foods available to us have been steadily dropping for the last 50 years even as toxic exposures increase. Excessive calorie intake is the fast track to lepton resistance. Obesity is Starvation Leptin Magnesium

Magnesium Citrate and Lamictal drug interactions - This review analyzes the effectiveness and drug interactions between Magnesium Citrate and Lamictal. It is created by eHealthMe based on 125 people who take the drugs. The review uses reports from FDA and social media, and is updated regularly. For patients like me, how are my drugs? On Apr, 8, 2014: 125 people who take Magnesium Citrate, Lamictal are studied Drug combinations in study: - Magnesium Citrate (magnesium) - Lamictal (lamotrigine) Drug effectiveness over time : Drug interactions over time * : Drug effectiveness by gender : Drug interactions by gender * : Drug effectiveness by age : Drug interactions by age * : * Some reports may have incomplete information. How to use the study: print a copy of the study and bring it to your health teams to ensure drug risks and benefits are fully discussed and understood. If the study doesn't answer your question, you can: Related topic: Lamictal, Magnesium Citrate You can also: Check symptoms: is your symptom caused by a drug or a condition? Reply Reply

Magnesium deficiency causes heart disease (NaturalNews) Many people think that calcium is the only nutrient necessary for strong bones. This is a dangerous myth that needs to be addressed.(1) In fact, it takes 18 different nutrients to make durable bones. It is vitally important to understand that calcium and magnesium are in an endless and dynamic dance within our cells.(3) These two key metabolic minerals are actually biological antagonists, and through their opposing actions, activate many of the vital functions we take for granted. Allopathic medicine is slowly recognizing the following facts about calcium and magnesium:(4) a. b. c. d. Let's say that again. Here's how magnesium carries out its crucial role in calcium metabolism. Think of it this way. FACT: Every 24 hours our hearts beat 103,000+ times and pushes 20,000 pounds of blood around our body. FACT: The highest concentration of magnesium in our body is in the heart ventricles, which are the muscles that "pump" all that blood.(12) "Stress!" 2. 3. 4. 5. References: 1.

Magnesium: The Key to Health and Life Aside from the fact that the following conditions are epidemic in modern America, what do these all have in common: Cardiovascular disease (including heart attacks, cardiac arrhythmias, angina and congestive heart failure),[1-3] osteoporosis,[4-6] hypertension,[7-9] insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes,[10-12] inflammation,[13-15] asthma,[16-18] chronic stress,[19-21] noise-induced hearing loss,[22-24] colorectal cancer,[25] alcoholic brain damage,[26] depression,[27] tension and migraine headaches,[28-29] attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,[30-32] preeclampsia (a pregnancy disorder),[1] kidney stones,[33] hyperlipidemia, [34,35] muscle cramps and weakness,[27] and poor memory?[27] The answer: Every one of these conditions can be caused by or is strongly associated with cellular magnesium deficiency, and many of these conditions have been successfully treated with magnesium supplementation. Mainstream nutritionists generally assume that magnesium deficiency is rare in America.

Magnesium for IBS Magnesium has worked wonders for me in eliminating my IBS symptoms. It is a supplement I have stumbled upon totally by accident. I had made an appointment with a biomedical doctor for my son who was having a cough that wouldn't go away. Since a biomedical doctor is similar to a holistic doctor in that they believe in treating the whole self, we also began discussing my son's insomnia. Since I have also been a long time sufferer of insomnia, which I believe is another side effect of IBS, I decided to also give this supplement a try. Not surprisingly, after I had received my own test results from this same doctor, it was discovered I had a magnesium deficiency! The Many Functions of Magnesium The ability of this mineral to produce regularity appears to happen by two different mechanisms. Even though magnesium does have a softening and regulating effect, it does not carry the risk of dependence from long term use as is the case with laxatives. Return to IBSSOS home from Magnesium for IBS

Magnesium provides a natural remedy for anxiety (NaturalNews) Anxiety can affect our lives dramatically. In a time when our society is more stressed than perhaps ever before, feelings of anxiety have become an everyday occurrence in many people`s lives. Anxiety disorders are also becoming evermore prevalent. Because of this, natural anxiety remedies are more relevant than ever. Magnesium, a vital mineral nutrient, is perhaps one of the most important natural anxiety remedies because of its effectiveness, record of safe use, availability and value. Anxiety and Your Health Anxiety impairs concentration and causes sleeplessness; it increases the risk for illness, chronic back problems, and even fatal accidents. Although there are numerous anxiety medications in the market today, these medications can only relieve some of the symptoms of anxiety and are not a long-term solution. Side effects of anti-anxiety medications include low libido, constipation, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, fatigue, trouble concentrating and many more.

Magnesium deficiency and metabolic syndrome: stre... [Magnes Res. 2010 Mg for Pituitary
