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The Best 9 Free Websites That Offer Free eBooks for Teachers

The Best 9 Free Websites That Offer Free eBooks for Teachers
Education nowadays is talking digital and probably by the year 2020 most of the schools in the US and Canada will have already embraced digital textbooks. Digital learning is gaining ground day after day and the sooner we embrace it the better. There are several ways teachers can benifit from this digital boom in education. One of them is digital reading. 1- Scribd The best definition for this website is to call it YouTube for documents. 2- Free eBooks This website offers unlimited reading for all kinds of work be it fiction, romance, literature and non fiction. 3- Many Books This one here provides more than 29.000 eBooks for Kindle, Nook, iPad and most other readers. 4- Bartleby This is one of the preeminent Internet publisher of literature, reference and verse providing students, researchers and the intelectually curious with unlimited access to books and information the web for free. 5- Flat World Knowledge This is one of the world's largest and open college textbooks. 6- eBooks Directory

Liens Utiles, plus de 45000 références pour tout connaître ! Create Your SMART Lessons from home for free! Jul Picture this: You are at home and you have this awesome idea for a Smart Lesson but your not at work to build it. You look at your computer and you don’t have Smart Notebook installed. If we head over to to the Smart Notebook Express Website , we will be presented with 2 options. Here we can create a new notebook file or open one that you already have done. I will say this application does have some limitations, it is a little bit “laggy” and its not the fastest thing in the world. The Express edition would also be great for stations in a classroom where you could set up a different assignment (like a grammer activity where they have to correct the sentence) at each station. If you need ideas for your lessons, check out my previous article “ So you got a Smartboard, Now what? How could you use this in the classroom? Thanks No related posts. TJ Houston is the Director of Technology at Huron City Schools.

Nick Brandt : Photography BlendKit Course Introduction The BlendKit Course is a set of subject matter neutral, open educational resources related to blended learning developed by Dr. Kelvin Thompson and available for self-study or for group use. Periodically, these materials will also be used as the basis for a facilitated open, online course. Course Components/Navigation Course Home | Schedule | Learning Activities | DIY Tasks | Readings | Blogging | Badges | Recordings | Stories Your BlendKit Stories Around the world many individuals and institutions have made use of the BlendKit Course to advance their blended learning practice in a variety of ways. Map of User Access to BlendKit Course Materials (2018) Mailing List Get on the mailing list to stay informed about BlendKit developments, including information on the next facilitated cohort. Make It Better If you choose to re-use or remix any of the BlendKit Course materials in your own organization, we would love to hear about it!

50 Meilleures Photographies - Gallery Wallpaper - du magazine National Geographic 25 Ways To Use iPads In The Classroom by Degree of Difficulty In case you haven’t heard the news, we’re putting out a special mini-issue early next week. It’ll be available in the Edudemic Magazine iPad app and, best of all, FREE to subscribers! If you’re not (yet) a subscriber, it’ll be just $0.99. The following is an excerpt from just one of the articles in the mini-issue. It’s all about iPads in education, Apple’s role in the future of learning, and much more than that. Want to get the mini-issue free when it comes out? So you’ve got one or a few iPads that you want to use in the classroom. Les mutations du livre à l'heure de l'internet NEF (Net des études françaises) - Dossiers du NEF par Marie Lebert, septembre 2007 Un ouvrage de synthèse de 1971 à nos jours, basé sur le suivi de l'actualité francophone et internationale, et issu des multiples liens tissés sur la toile avec nombre de professionnels du livre au fil des ans. Version PDF [version NEF, Toronto] (1,3 Mo) Version PDF [version miroir, France] (1,3 Mo) Version TXT (706 Ko) Sommaire L'internet et les technologies numériques bouleversent le monde du livre. Le présent livre est publié en ligne sur le Net des études françaises (NEF). Commentaires Olivier Gainon, fondateur et gérant des éditions CyLibris: "Signalons la publication d'un nouveau livre de Marie Lebert, figure historique de l'édition littéraire sur internet, Les mutations du livre à l'heure de l'internet. Jean-Paul, des "Le texte de Mutations est comme d'habitude chez Marie Lebert: clair, exhaustif, méthodique. Le livre numérique: chronologie 1971-2007 (août 2007) [version HTML]

50 resources for iPad use in the classroom The transition to the more extensive use of technology in classrooms across the West has resulted in the integration of bring your own device (BYOD) schemes, equipping students with netbooks and tablet computers, and lessons that use social media & online services. Gesture-based technology is on the rise; according to the latest NMC Horizon Report, gesture-based technological models will become more readily integrated as a method of learning within the next few years. The iPhone, iPad, Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect technology are examples of these kinds of developments, and in particular, resources for Apple products in education are becoming widely available online. For teachers, some of which are just beginning to use tablets and mobile devices in class, these resources can be invaluable in promoting more interactive classrooms and understanding how best to use and control such products. Tutorials: 1.) iPads for learning: Getting started 2.) 3.) 50 iPad2 tips and tricks 6.)

L'homme sur Mars : Les contraintes d'un voyage vers Mars Une mission humaine vers Mars pose de nombreux problèmes. On ne peut pas en effet prévoir, dans l'état actuel de nos connaissances, les effets sur un organisme humain d'un vol aussi prolongé que le vol vers Mars. En moyenne, un aller simple vers Mars prend entre 6 à 9 mois. L'homme n'a pas séjourné plus de 14 mois dans l'espace, ce record étant détenu par le cosmonaute Valeri Poliakof à bord de la station spatiale Mir. Cela indique certes que l'homme doit pouvoir supporter sans trop de dommage un voyage vers Mars, mais cela ne nous donne aucune indication sur ce qu'il risque de subir et d'éprouver une fois à la surface de la planète rouge. Que savons nous finalement d'un vol prolongé en absence de pesanteur, des conditions de travail à la surface de Mars et de la capacité des astronautes à supporter un retour à la gravité terrestre après un séjour de plusieurs années dans l'espace ? Gravité zéro ! Le mal de l'espace Fragilisation des os Atrophie musculaire Action sur le système respiratoire

Adaptive Release : Content Management : Learning Management System : The University of Melbourne Intellectual property in the LMS All course material on the LMS is the intellectual property of the University and the teaching staff who have created it. Teaching materials include the subject content which you create and share with students through the LMS, such as lecture notes, powerpoint presentations, subject guides, examination marking guides, and subject readers. The University, under the terms of the Copyright Act, is permitted to allow third party material (such as journal articles) to be used for teaching and educational purposes, according to strict guidelines. Links to external sources Not every resource that you wish to share with your students will be available through the University Library or in text format. When linking to external content it is very important to consider copyright obligations. Copyright for guest access and external users

Un extrait d'une vidéo YouTube exportable sur Facebook et Twitter, c'est maintenant possible! La start-up française Viewrz, spécialiste de la capture et du partage de vidéo, innove avec une nouvelle fonctionnalité : couper une vidéo YouTube pour en faire un extrait exportable directement sur Facebook et Twitter. En 4 jours, plus de 2000 VU ont été enregistrées sur le site de Viewrz, et ce sont les scènes cultes de films comme La Classe Américaine et OSS 117 , et des passages courts de sketches célèbres qui sont le plus plébiscitées par les utilisateurs. En moyenne, les séquences embedées sur Facebook sont de 15 secondes, et sont postées en commentaires. Pour le moment, cette fonctionnalité n’est disponible que sous Androïd et sur ordinateur, mais la start-up compte motiver YouTube à développer ce levier de viralité sur iPhone et sur tablettes. Lancée en 2011, Viewrz a développé une technologie capable de récupérer le flux de programmes vidéo, et de partager les séquences en quelques secondes sur les réseaux sociaux.

There is More to iPads in the Classroom Than Apps  In a previous post, Evaluating Apps with Transformative Use of the iPad in Mind, I describe my ambivalence about teacher asking my for the “perfect” app to teach this or that. I have teachers ask me frequently about app recommendations for different subject areas.“What app could I use to teach subtraction?”“What app would you recommend for my students to practice writing?” In a recent article, titled ” How the iPad Can Transform Classrooms” by Ben Johnson on Edutopia, raises awareness of the difference between using the iPad as a way to teach students versus the iPad as a tool to learn for students. The lesson planning questions I hope my teachers will learn to ask will change from “How can I teach this content?” He calls for the paradigm shift in seeing the iPad as a TOOL TO THINK WITH: images used with permission from Andrea Hernandez @edtechworkshop You can download all four images as a pdf. iPad apps and Bloom’s Taxonomy iPad apps and The Digital Learning Farm Related 27. 15. 20.

ėléphant Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools
