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Once Upon, atelier architecture transmedia, spécialiste des nouvelles écritures et de la production transmedia

Once Upon, atelier architecture transmedia, spécialiste des nouvelles écritures et de la production transmedia
Expérience interactive | sortie mai 2014 Description « Easy Coming out le coming out facile® » est une expérience interactive et documentaire sur le coming out. Le coming out est ce moment où une personne révèle à une autre qu’elle est homosexuelle. C’est aussi ce moment où une personne entend une autre lui révéler son homosexualité. Le coming out concerne tout le monde.

Related:  Transmedia

Come fare (bene) transmedia storytelling: analisi della campagna The Scarecrow Come ragionare in un’ottica integrata superando la tradizionale divisione online/offline? Questa è la domanda che i brand si fanno prima di lanciare una campagna. Le pratiche vincenti ci indicano che – per progettare una comunicazione coerente – bisogna partire dai valori di fondo e dalla mission e, solo successivamente, sviluppare strategia e tattiche.

Transmedia Storytelling: Ten Frontiers for the Future of Engagement What is Transmedia Storytelling? Transmedia storytelling involves telling a story across multiple media platforms – including TV shows, movies, graphic novels, books, games, mobile apps, microsites, social networks, online communities and offline events – in a way that each platform explores different aspects of the same storyworld. Media organizations, changemakers, and brands are using transmedia storytelling to create immersive storyworlds that drive participation, action and loyalty. The Hyp Replacement: Multimedia Storytelling On Twitter, Tumblr, Blogspot and YouTube Social media has changed the face of storytelling. Characters, real and fictional, tell their stories in 140 characters or less on Twitter; filmmakers have found storytelling outlets in YouTube and Vimeo; stories are told on blogs, through all sorts of media from text to photos to news clippings, on Facebook walls and beyond. E.A Marciano, a Brooklyn-based writer, has turned to these channels to tell the story of four Brooklynites in The Hyp Replacement, an experimental literary project told through Twitter, Tumblr, Blogspot and YouTube. I had the opportunity to speak with Marciano to find out more.

What Audiences Want: Possible Futures for Storytelling + Share this Download the study report for The Future of Storytelling: Phase 1.Update: the report for Phase 2 is now available. Earlier this year, Latitude set out to understand audiences’ evolving expectations around their everyday content experiences—with TV shows, movies, books, plot-driven video games, news, and even advertising. We began by speaking with leaders in the emerging “transmedia” space to investigate the challenges and the opportunities that today’s storytellers are encountering. Then we asked 158 early adopters from across the world how they’d like to experience stories in the future.

4 storytelling tips for making 6-second short films with Vine from the folks behind - beanstalk - Your Town Some people have wondered if six seconds is too short a time span to take videos in Vine, Twitter's new video social sharing app. Is there anything beyond taking short clips of cats or babies within that timeframe? The folks behind would say six seconds is plenty of time to tell a story. They've been releasing six-minus-one second-length comedy shorts on their site and on their YouTube channel daily since 2008. There's not much to the series of popular mini films, which has starred actors like Patton Oswalt and Juliette Lewis.

Lost e i 7 principi del transmedia storytelling [spoiler free] Ieri notte (o stamattina per chi è in Italia) è andata in onda la puntata finale della sesta ed ultima stagione di Lost (non c'è bisogno che vi spieghi cos'è Lost vero?). Per celebrare degnamente questo evento, vi propongo una mia personale traduzione e sintesi dei sette principi del transmedia storytelling (narrativa trans-mediale) enunciati da Henry Jenkins durante il suo intervento "Revenge of the Origami Unicorn" al Futures of Entertainment 4 (per chi volesse leggere l'originale, oltre al video, c'è anche una traccia in due parti della relazione sul suo blog: parte 1, parte 2). La sintesi è corredata da esempi tratti da Lost. Ma partiamo dalla definizione. Si tratta, secondo Jenkins, di "un processo nel quale elementi integrali di una fiction vengono sistematicamente dispersi su molteplici canali di distribuzione con lo scopo di creare una esperienza di intrattenimento unificata e coordinata.

Transmédia (1/2) : la convergence des contenus On a longtemps pensé la convergence numérique comme la « fusion » d’appareils jusque-là très différents : le téléphone, la télévision, l’ordinateur et la chaîne hi-fi ne faisant plus qu’un, fédérés par l’internet. Même si, au final, on a plus souvent constaté une divergence qu’une convergence : la multiplicité des terminaux induisant une multiplicité d’usages. La connexion de tout avec tout conduit plutôt à une complexification qu’à une rationalisation, expliquait déjà Daniel Kaplan en 2006. La convergence des outils et des technologies conduit-elle à la convergence des contenus ou à leur divergence ? C’est peut-être ainsi qu’on pourrait résumer l’enjeu qui sous-tend la question du transmédia, sujet coeur des Masterclass internationales du Transmédia qui se tenaient à Marseille la semaine dernière.

Le « story telling » et la gestion de projets Le 8 février dernier j’ai assisté à une conférence sur le storytelling par monsieur John Sadowsky organisée par Rezonance. La conférence avait comme titre “L’art du storytelling: devenir leader grâce au récit”. L’idée de base est que l’être humain adore les récits, qu’il s’identifie davantage à une mission, un objectif s’il s’inscrit dans un récit cohérent et authentique. Lors de la conférence, Monsieur Sadowsky nous a donné des exemples de leaders qui ont pu amener les autres avec eux grâce à leur capacité d’intégrer leur histoire dans leur message, par exemple Nelson Mandela et Barack Obama pour nommer les plus célèbres.

Thing 4: Digital Storytelling Our next topic is Digital Storytelling. In the past this topic was combined with Presentation Tools, since the two topics are so intertwined. After all, giving an effective presentation is really all about good storytelling. Transmedia storytelling and branded content FREE digital magazine
