100 Free and Useful Tools for AP Students and Teachers High school students who opt to take AP classes may do so to become more prepared for college, to try to gain admittance to a top-notch school, or to get college credits and save both money and time on their education. These students and their teachers strive for a deeper level of education and understanding of the material they are studying. Luckily, there are plenty of free tools ranging from AP test prep to online courses and open courseware classes to student organizers to reference materials to research tools and beyond. AP Test Prep These tools and resources will help students prepare for their AP tests. AP Potential. Online AP Courses and Resources for AP Courses Students can take these online courses prior to testing or use these resources to learn about other online resources. University of California College Prep. Open Courseware Materials MIT OpenCourseWare. Student Organizers These organizers will help busy students keep up with grades, time management, schedules, and more.
Raíces de empatía Alfabetización Emocional Los padres con su bebé visitan el aula tres semanas durante el año escolar. En este aprendizaje experiencial, el bebé es el “Maestro” y una palanca, que el instructor utiliza para ayudar a los niños a identificar y reflexionar sobre sus propios sentimientos y los sentimientos de los demás. Esta “alfabetización emocional” sienta las bases para que las aulas sean más seguras y afectuosas y en las que los niños son los “agentes de cambio”. Los niños son más competentes en la comprensión de sus propios sentimientos y los sentimientos de los demás (empatía) y por lo tanto es menos probable que físicamente, psicológicamente y emocionalmente se hagan daño unos a otros a través de la intimidación y otras crueldades. En el programa Raíces de Empatía los niños aprenden cómo desafiar la crueldad y la injusticia. Empatía El aspecto cognitivo de la empatía es la toma de perspectiva y el aspecto afectivo es la emoción. Currículum Raíces de Empatía Indicadores:
For Teachers | Scholastic How We Can Help Writopia Lab is thrilled to serve as the Regional Affiliate for The Writing Awards in Greater Washington this year. We are available to: answer questions about registration and submission,make classroom visits to inform and inspire your students,help students write quality pieces through our after-school workshops, special events, and private sessions, andprovide promotional materials such as posters and postcards. Please contact us at dc.scholasticawards@writopialab.org This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Why do students participate in The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards? College Preparation: To develop the skills and vision needed for college admissions. Scholarships and Cash Awards: To earn scholarships from a pool of over $3.5 million in tuition support, the largest source of funding for teens in the arts. Publications: To be published in one of The Alliance’s publications for award-winning writers, including Best Teen Writing and Spark. Next Steps
Letters About Literature | Read.gov | The Library of Congress Letters About Literature 2018-19 official rules and details are now available! Entries will be accepted online starting on November 1, 2018. Please note that the online submission forms will not be live on the submission platform until November 1, 2018. For deadlines, online submission forms and more information, select your state: 2018-19 Documents Video Guides Watch our video series for guidance on participating in Letters About Literature and writing your letter. About the Contest Letters About Literature is a reading and writing contest for students in grades 4-12. The 2018-19 Letters About Literature contest for young readers is made possible by a generous grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation, with additional support from gifts to the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress, which promotes the contest through its affiliate Centers for the Book, state libraries and other organizations. Dear Rick Riordan:
Understanding Digital Children - Ian Jukes One element of my professional reading at the moment is reading through Ian Jukes “Understanding digital children (DK's) Teaching & Learning in the New Digital Landscape”. Ian looks at the difference between digital kids and teachers and the impact that this has on teaching and learning. At one point Ian summarises the differences between Native Learners (screenagers) and Teachers. We know that experience, like using a computer, will change the structure of our brain, This is a concept called Nueroplasticity. We also know that, the more intense the experience, the more profound the change. Our students, who often have a greater exposure to technology, are likely to be more nuerologically adapted, but adults can as easily be "Digital Natives". Media Exposure Mark Prensky - in his papers digital natives and Digital immigrants, highlighted the exposure our students have to different forms of media. Increasingly, the readings and research are converging towards the same point.
fuquastjohn : About to present. #nanowri... English/Language Arts - Advanced Academic Services English Language Arts Support for Advanced-Level and Gifted Students Pre-Assessment Give pre-assessments so that students who already know the material do not have to repeat it but may be provided with instruction and activities that are meaningful. Enrichment National Council for Teachers of English provides books, resources, professional learning, conferences, English Language Arts standards, online webinars/podcasts/courses, tutorials, and online communities to support English Language Arts teachers. At each grade level, the Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) provides guidelines for interdisciplinary, independent learning experiences and research projects that teachers can adapt and use with GT students. Free curriculum and resources that support literacy enrichment. Discussion
Ecriture collaborative et apprentissages info-documentaires Hint Fiction Contest, Judged By Stewart O’Nan (2009) In the last two weeks of April 2009, I hosted a Hint Fiction Contest at my blog. Writers could submit two stories each. They could be either original or reprints. We received over 200 entries, all of which were read blindly. First place winner: HOUSE HUNTING by Gary A. The fence is tall. Second place winner: DEPARTURE by Donora Hillard The terminal is unkind. Third place winner: PROGRESS by Joe Schreiber After seventeen days she finally broke down and called him “daddy.” Honorable Mentions: PEANUT BUTTER by Camille Esses He was allergic. THE MALL by Robley Wilson What he liked best about the affair was not the shopping, but parting the tissue wrap to remove the clothing that had first enticed her. A SNAP DECISION by Jamie Felton Her finger tapped against her teeth. And the other 14 finalists: PHILIP by Jason RiceWAITING by Brendan O’BrienTHE MAN OF TOMORROW OR MAYBE YOU’VE HEARD THIS ONE BEFORE, BUT YOU’VE NEVER HEARD IT LIKE THIS by Will PanzoUNTITLED by Samuel J.
High Level Projects All italicized text and charts are from "Effective Practices for Gifted Education in Kansas" manual. You will be able to access the document in its entirety at the Kansas State Department of Education (Handbook is out of date and is no longer available online) Permission granted for use by Bruce Passman, State Director, Kansas State Department of Education 120 S.E. 10th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas 66612 Please e-mail me with your feedback and let me know how you have used this site. You may also suggest activities that you have found to add to A Different Place. Thanks for visiting. Nancy Bosch Do you have any questions? Also Visit The Broken Arrow Enhanced Learning Center
Pensamiento Crítico: educando ciudadanos competentes Cada vez somos más conscientes de la necesidad de analizar el gran volumen de información que recibimos cada día. Esta información nos ayuda en nuestro desarrollo cognitivo y participa en la construcción de nuestro esquema de percepción de la realidad. En el caso de los niños y jóvenes este esquema está en pleno desarrollo. El pensamiento crítico es un proceso cognitivo que propone el análisis sistemático de las informaciones, opiniones o afirmaciones que cotidianamente aceptamos como válidas o ciertas. No se trata de cuestionar toda la información que recibimos a diario, se trata de ser crítico con aquella que es relevante para cada uno de nosotros cuando nos formamos un criterio sobre un tema. Educar en el Pensamiento Crítico Implica... Transversalidad con la Educación en Valores Todas estas habilidades tienen una clara transversalidad con la educación en valores, tan de actualidad en este mundo cada vez más tecnológico y, para algunos, en proceso de deshumanización.