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HTML - Instant search in HTML and other developer documentation

HTML - Instant search in HTML and other developer documentation

Flash CS4 Professional ActionScript 3.0 Language Reference The ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform contains the ActionScript language elements, core libraries, and component packages and classes for the tools, runtimes, services and servers in the Flash Platform. Filter by product using the preset filters This reference combines the information about the ActionScript language elements and libraries for the following Adobe products and runtimes. Click on a product name below to filter this reference to show only the content for the latest version of that product and related runtimes: Filter by product using the filter controls Use the controls at the top of the page to customize your view of the reference: Use the filters to include or exclude content for specific products and runtimes.

Creating geometric patterns in Illustrator | Veerle's blog Sometimes when I create a pattern background in Illustrator I don’t end up with a Pattern Swatch. Instead, I create a Symbol of the repeating element and I create a whole background repeating this Symbol: duplicating 1, then 2, 4, 8, 16 and so on. It’s just not always that simple to create perfectly seamless patterns, especially with geometric forms. Inspiration I found this beautiful pattern on FFFFound and I thought, this is perfect for a tutorial. Creating a hexagon shape Select the Polygon Tool from the Toolbox and draw a hexagon. Give the hexagon a dark red fill and brown border of 75 pt. Rotate the hexagon Select the Rotate Tool from the Toolbox and click in the right corner of the hexagon to us as rotation point. Add a vertical line to the hexagon Make sure your Rulers are turned on: go to View > Show Rulers or hit command/control + r. Turn strokes into fills Hit command/control + a to select everything. Tweak the brown border Duplicate and rotate 180° Create a pattern symbol

LAlex devblog v6 html - Javascript to figure out which button was pressed Learn to Program, by Chris Pine A Place to Start for the Future Programmer I guess this all began back in 2002. I was thinking about teaching programming, and what a great language Ruby would be for learning how to program. I mean, we were all excited about Ruby because it was powerful, elegant, and really just fun, but it seemed to me that it would also be a great way to get into programming in the first place. Unfortunately, there wasn't much Ruby documentation geared for newbies at the time. And it wasn't very good. What saved me was that I made it really easy for people to contact me, and I always tried to help people when they got stuck. A couple of years later, it was getting pretty good. :-) So good, in fact, that I was ready to pronounce it finished, and move on to something else. It took me another year, but now I think it's really good, mostly because of the hundreds of brave souls who have helped me write it. What's here on this site is the original tutorial, more or less unchanged since 2004.

How To Create 70+ Adobe Fireworks Resources - Is there a future for Fireworks? : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources Adobe Fireworks resources seem to be few and far between, what is happening? Has Fireworks ran its course? Photoshop was always the better and more powerful (definitely, harder to use), it seems to have totally taken over. I use Fireworks all the time for quick mock ups, and Photoshop for everything else. Anyway, here are the Best (maybe, the only) 70+ Adobe Fireworks Resources. Fireworks Resource Portals Adobe Fireworks CS4 Homepage DMXzone Phireworx FWKit Playing with Fire Fireworks Tutorials Directories Adobe Fireworks – Tutorials Fireworks Tutorials on Layers Magazine Community MX – Tutorials – Tutorials – Tutorials – Tutorials – Tutorials Fireworks Weblog – Tutorials – Tutorials TW Design – Tutorials Vector Babe – Fireworks Tutorials – Fireworks Tutorials Firetuts Fireworks Extensions Adobe – Fireworks Exchange Phireworx Senocular John Dunning FW Extensions Fireworks Styles RevButton : le web design puisé à la source Here is a simple popup contact form (modal popup) A popup contact form has many benefits. You can add a button/link in every page that pops up the contact form in a modal popup. That makes the contact form easily accessible from any part of the website. Your web site visitors do not have to ‘hunt’ for the ‘contact us’ page. Download the popup contact form code You can download the contact form that best fits your needs and then customize as required. Features of the popup contact form Easy to customizeStandards compliant (100% XHTML 1.0 strict validated, uses CSS)Secured against spam bots and attacksAjax submission.Hosted on your own web serverFree! Installing the contact form on your web site Unzip the downloaded contact form code.Edit contactform.php and edit the email address to your email address Customizing the form To change the style of the form, edit popup-contact.css. You can add any type of additional fields to the form. For client side validations, this script uses the JavaScript validation library. License Be Sociable, Share!

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