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Second Life

Second Life

Gridjumper's Blog | Collaborative 3D Environments for Teaching and Learning Green Label Art Back in 2007, Mountain Dew started its Green Label Art program with a series of limited edition designs created by graffiti, tattoo, graphic, stencil, and collage artists.... Skateboard artist Don Pendelton is opening his solo exhibit today at Artists Republic 4 Tomorrow in Laguna Beach, CA. The exhibit, A Heart As Heavy As Night, features new work from the artist that was inspired by his father. You... Portland, OR TWEEQiM is the design studio of husband and wife creative duo miQ willmOtt and THUY3. miQ made an early name for himself creating art for Guns ‘N Roses, The Ramones, The Black Crowes and Skinny Puppy. Beware Mountain “My Yeti design is inspired by three characters: The Wampa from Empire Strikes Back, Snow Monster in the Matterhorn at Disneyland and The Abominable snow man from the claymation Christmas special Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.” Open Eyes “My bottle’s name follows my artistic philosophy. Los Angeles, CA Chris Pastras emanates natural creativity. New York, NY Dr.

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Comparison of Second Life and Facebook Interactions « sarahcbain Comparison of Second Life and Facebook Interactions The conclusive observation made overall concerning Facebook and Second Life entails the differences in motivations for projection of identity, network aesthetics, and the concept of communities. The common trend found in the examination of SL interactions was the need for escapism and to transform oneself into a false identity. The feelings associated with the first creation of a Second Life avatar are that of nervousness and intimidation. An island for newcomers was available for teleport and was less than empty, but the avatars that crammed the island were like androids, speaking to no one. After receiving the promotional clothing items, one of the main challenges presented in the game was essentially figuring out how to dress the avatar. It was impossible to differentiate whether the identities projected were authentic or inauthentic based on the vast amount of avatars present on the island. References Cupchik, G. Like this:

5 Most Outrageous Inventions Ever Many inventions are quite useful in everyday life, but these five could quite possibly be the most outrageous ever, or so we think. Tasty USB Hub FoodHub is definitely the most outrageous USB hub we've ever come across. Each handmade creation consists of the rice (USB 2.0 hub) and then four side dishes (USB sticks). Together, they form something so awesome that the USDA changed its name to the United States Department of Awesome just to regulate the import and export of it [Source 1 - 2] Time Table This nifty "Time Table" uses "electro-luminescent film to turn the entire top surface of the table into a subtle and tasteful digital clock." The table also includes alarm functions in case you fall asleep and don’t want to spend the whole night in front of the TV and a timer to switch the lighting off. [Source] Techno Privacy Scarf Created by Joe Malia, this "Techno Privacy Scarf" supposedly protects your privacy when using portable devices in public areas -- or at home. [Source] [Source]

Screen sharing for OpenSim I mentioned yesterday in an article about Utherverse that those guys have application sharing for their virtual world platform, but that there’s nothing equivalent for Second Life and OpenSim, except through third-party services. By coincidence, I was cleaning out my in-box yesterday, and found a link to just such a service: Screenleap. It’s free, and takes just a second to set up. The way it works is — once you tell it that you’re okay with running the plugin — you get a little pop-up window that asks you if you want to share the entire screen, or just a portion of it, and lets you pause or stop sharing. Next, it gives you a link to your sharing screen. What you do is copy that link and use it to set up a media-on-a-prim screen anywhere on your OpenSim region. You need to be using a viewer that supports media-on-a-prim, which includes Firestorm and any other v2 or v3-compatible viewer. I set this up, and pasted the URL they gave me on a screen in my virtual office.

Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters Large Event Preparation | Second Pandora Large Event Preparation There are a few things you can do to prevent that a large scale event involving many avatars on the sim will turn out to be a stuttering lag monster. Be aware that only one badly configured avatar can stop all movement on the entire sim. 1. Strip your avatar from any unneeded scripted parts, any fancy microprim jewels or microprim hair. I know, we all want to look good but each prim and prim texture has to be drawn by the sim server. 2. Watch Your Scripts Attaching complex objects TO YOUR AVATAR. Here is the list of performance killers: - Remove all Resizer scripts and unnecessary scripts in anything you are wearing. - Remove bling, remove any attachment you really don’t need they all add up, including gestures. - Remove all combat huds such as QUANTUM, PHENOM, MEPHISTO, XHUD, TOLERENCE ZERO. - Remove Scripted weapons when not engaged in active roleplay battle. - Set your draw distance to 100 meters max (Edit / preference / graphics / draw distance) Like this:

Duran Duran's Olympics Opening Show for Four Billion Viewers Expected to Feature Second Life Duran Duran has had an official presence in Second Life since 2006, which a lot of SLers have known, but here's some other people who will get a glimpse of what they do in SL: basically, the whole fricking world. This is because Duran Duran will perform in the opening ceremony of the Olympics next week, on July 27th, and their onstage act is expected to incorporate SL machinima from Duran Duran island, displayed on the big screens behind them. So Olympics viewers will see the place in SL with the giant lipstick and a Duran Duran dirigible and now (as the above suggests) avatars getting into an Olympic frame of mind. "We shot footage for the stage screens for the Duran Duran appearance in Hyde Park Olympic's opening event," Chrissy Welinder, head of Duran Duran's SL fan group, tells me. They're performing live onstage with folks like Snow Patrol and Stereophonics, and the expected audience for the opening is four billion viewers.

ScienceSim land grants announced Press release: Fashion Research Institute Announces ScienceSim Land Grant Program Awardees New York, NY – Fashion Research Institute has been collaborating with Intel Labs since 2009, helping to push the limits of content development, and overseeing the Science Sim Land Grant Program. The program consists of awards of campuses of four ‘supersized’ 3D volumes called regions, which can support 100,000 primitive units. These campuses are awarded for a six-month period to educators, scientists, and researchers who wish to explore using OpenSim for their work, and who need the power and control of their projects that a campus provides them. The 2011-2012 awardees, in alphabetical order: The Abyss Observatory The Abyss Observatory is a museum of earth science, undersea technology and also Sense of Wonder for the mysteries of Earth & Life in 3D virtual world, established mainly by Japan and US volunteers, supported by SciLands, NOAA, JAMSTEC, Open University UK and Science Circle. The Honor Engine

Almut Brunswick: Wissen fürs (zweite) Leben In Second Life, the British designer Graham Dartmouth is a well-known and experienced expert in the matter of 3D modelling and texturising. Since a long time, he is taking active part in developing and invention of Meshes in SL. Graham shared his knowledge about this vast field of topics in classes at the respected inworld school Builders Brewery. There I also had the opportunity to participate on his introduction lecture "Meshes and You". I consider Graham's presentation for so infomative and easy to understand that I asked Graham for permission to translate it into German. Thanks to Graham's generous permission, I'm able to provide the original English essay here as well. So what are meshes and how do they vary from sculpties? Actually, the entire grid is made up from meshes, you can see this if you switch your viewer to wireframe mode (PC: Ctrl + Shift + R, Mac: CMD + Shift + R). Everything on the grid (apart from avatars) is made from the basic SL building block, the humble cube.

Third Party Viewer Directory From Second Life Wiki Second Life Wiki > Official Policies > Third Party Viewer Directory Using third party viewers You may connect to Second Life using software released by a third-party developer. Viewer list The viewers in this first section participate in reporting crash statistics to Linden Lab, and are ordered from best to worst disconnect rate (% of sessions that end without the simulator seeing a logout). The rate used for each viewer is that of the most used version for that viewer in the sample period (a one week sample from Monday to Sunday). The official Linden Lab viewers are shown where they would be in this ranking using the same selection criteria. The following viewers are either based on code that does not include reporting of crashes or insufficient data is available to meet the ordering criteria described above. For developers: how to apply to list a viewer in this directory

About | Educators' first guide to Second Life This blog is just one component of a Master’s degree project in ICT and Learning at Aalborg University in cooperation with Aarhus University, Copenhagen Business School, DPU (School of Education – University of Aarhus) and Roskilde University Center, Denmark. MIL The title of the project is 3D Remediation and Virtual Educational Practice. Through our studies we have been introduced to intercultural Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (iCSCL). Like this: Like Loading...
