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Max Winston's Art and Such hitRECord Existentialsim by Roger Jones Download putty ssh for windows The roots of existentialism began with Kierkegaard in the first half of the 19th century. He was critical of Hegel's philosophical system which analysed being (or existence) in an abstract and impersonal way. Kierkegaard was concerned with the individuals subjective experience of what it is to exist as a human being. For Kierkegaard the individual constantly has to choose what s/he is to become without recourse to the findings of science and philosophy. Edmund Husserl The German phenomenologist Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) was influential in the development of methods that were later used by the existentialists. Martin Heidegger Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) studied under Husserl. Jean Paul Sartre Jean Paul Sartre (1905-80) is, perhaps, the best-known existentialist. Albert Camus Albert Camus (1913-1960) was a journalist, novelist and philosopher. Existentialism in the 20th century reflects the loss of certainties in the post-modern world. To contents (home)

Saul Williams - La luz del sol volcánica :: Welcome to Dr. Alderete on line :: Maciek Janicki The streets are paved with paper. This delicate animation follows the charming rise and fold of a fragile metropolis. Captured by an unseen helicopter, the narrative unfolds through winding roads, erupting forests and emerging mountains. Paper City grows in one fluid take, with skyscrapers rising from the page – only to crumble, wrinkle and gently crease back into the ground.Animation, Computer Animation, Motion Graphics2013 Animation, Effects, Edit, Sound Design : Maciek Janicki. Showreel contains work for various clients from 2010-2012.Animation, Motion Graphics, Visual Effects2012 Collaboration between X 79TH.Limited Skateboards and T-shirts.Drawing, Graphic Design, Product Design2012 Some little test of tracking and adding elements to a scene. 21st of June is a worldwide go-skateboarding day.

Philosophy and the proof of God's existence by Roger Jones Download putty ssh for windows One of the most far-reaching consequences of the rationalism of the Enlightenment was the undermining of basic Christian faith among the educated classes. The effect was unintended because the project of many Enlightenment philosophers was to prove the existence of God using reason: Descartes and Leibniz assumed that God's existence could be rationally proved, indeed God was a necessary part of their philosophy. There are many traditional "proofs" for the existence of God, and we will look at three of them: The argument from design, the ontological argument and the cosmological argument. Traditional "proofs" of God's Existence 1) The argument from Design. If you found a clock and examined the mechanism within it, you would probably think that this intricate mechanism was not the outcome of mere chance, that it had been designed. 2) The ontological argument God is the perfect being. 3) The cosmological argument (God as "First cause") Pascal's Wager Kant Hegel

Salesman Pete Voilà, notre premier turn ! Il s'agit du Bad-guy principal, en gros, le personnage le plus important après Pete. Le rendu n'est pas définitif, nous (surtout Max) sommes en pleine phase de recherche, pour obtenir le meilleur effet 2D possible tout en gardant ce qui fait l'intérêt de la 3D (comme l'éclairage complexe), tout est WIP, on aimerait des ombres plus tranchées, un peu moins de brillance, entre autres, mais je pense qu'on s'approche... Bad-guy turn from Salesman Pete on Vimeo. (Allez le voir sur Vimeo en plus grand...) Et comme on a du mal à obtenir une vidéo de meilleure qualité sur vimeo, quelques images : (So that's the main bad-guy of our short, it's still in progress (the shadows are too soft), but we're already quite happy about this first result) P.S : Merci encore à Vinz' pour son setup de fou !

Sylvia Ji romainquirot Inside a cartoonist’s world - Liza Donnelly Liza Donnelly's website: In 2007, Donnelly joined the United Nations initiative Cartooning for Peace. She travels worldwide to speak out about freedom of speech, world peace, and other global issues. Donnelly contributes to as the editor of World Ink, which publishes the timely, political cartoons of artists from around the globe. She's a founding member of the Cartoonists Association and also taught Women’s Studies at Vassar. When Liza Donnelly joined The New Yorker in 1982, she was the youngest cartoonist on staff and one of only three women to hold the job. New Yorker cartoonist Liza Donnelly shares a portfolio of her wise and funny cartoons about modern life -- and talks about how humor can empower women to change the rules. This history of cartoons:
