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The World Cafe Community - Hosting Conversations about Questions that Matter

Differentiating Between Social Media and Community Management As someone who works with social media managers and community managers, it seems the line between the two types of positions is not terribly clear – and maybe doesn’t need to be – but I think it would be helpful to distinguish between the two. Why? Jim will often say that everyone is a community manager and he is right – everyone has a group of constituents which could be cultivated to drive better performance. However, not all companies want, need to, or can cultivate a community. Community infers the following: Tight interlinking relationships between a significant percentage of membersAn acknowledgment of shared fate or purposeA potentially wide range of topics/conversations within that shared purposeA distributed leadership network – sometimes with a single leader, sometimes notA core membership that is relatively stable and active Social media on the other hand infers the following: To me this means that communities and social media are good for different types of business outcomes. - Was ist ein Trackback? Wie Trackbacks funktionieren Das ist Helmut. Und Helmut hat ein Weblog. Helmut nennt sein Weblog jedoch einfach nur Blog, wie das viele machen, außerdem klingt das viel cooler. Helmut ist damit einer von sehr vielen Bloggern, weltweit sind das mehrere Millionen Blogger, und alleine in Deutschland gibt es mehrere hunderttausend Blogger. Helmut schreibt mehrere Einträge pro Tag in sein Blog, und es kommen auch regelmäßig Besucher auf seinem Blog vorbei, die in den Beiträgen kommentieren. Heute hat Helmut einen Beitrag über seinen Hamster geschrieben, der hat nämlich schon 3 Tage nichts mehr gefressen und sitzt nur noch in seinem Häuschen rum, langsam macht sich Helmut Sorgen und berichtet davon in seinem Beitrag. Ute, die den Beitrag von Helmut gelesen hat, schreibt darauf hin einen eigenen Beitrag in ihrem Haustier-Blog und gibt dort verschiedene Tipps, was man machen kann, wenn ein Hamster keinen Hunger mehr hat. Jetzt veröffentlicht Ute den Artikel. Wann man einen Trackback setzt

Collaborate only when necessary | WiserEarth Blog On April 2, we were attending a Tools for Catalyzing Collaboration workshop organized by Eugene Kim of Blue Oxen Associates who also happens to be a WiserEarth advisor. One of my favorite sessions of this Open Space gathering was around the definition of collaboration. Eugene shared his definition: Two or more people working together towards in the pursuit of a shared, collective, bounded goal. We talked about the pressure many of us feel to collaborate, partly at the request of funders, as if collaboration was an end in itself. Then, as is the case in Open Space meetings, another person, in this case Diane Johnson-McCarthy, joined our group. Networking: Exchanging information for mutual benefit. When you simply network, you are reflecting an initial level of trust, limited time availability, and a quite reasonable reluctance to ‘share turf’. Coordinating requires more trust and time investment but critically does not yield access to each other’s turf. 0share Print Friendly

Unlocking the passion of the Explorer About the Shift Index We developed the Shift Index to help executives understand and take advantage of the long-term forces of change shaping the US economy. The Shift Index tracks 25 metrics across more than 40 years. These metrics fall into three areas: 1) the developments in the technological and political foundations underlying market changes, 2) the flows of capital, information, and talent changing the business landscape, and 3) the impacts of these changes on competition, volatility, and performance across industries. For more information, please go to Executive Summary In a world of uncertainty and mounting performance pressure, organizations face a significant challenge. While much work has been done to understand and improve employee engagement, employee engagement is no longer enough. We must figure out how to thrive—and not simply survive—in this new uncertainty, and we believe that individuals with worker passion will be the key. The challenge

Soziale Netzwerke - Facebook schaltet unbemerkt Freunde ab - Meldung - Stiftung Warentest [Update 14.03.2011] Änderungen sukzessive Facebook teilte auf Anfrage mit, dass die Änderungen in den Einstel­lungen „sukzessive“ erfolgen würden. Bei manchen Facebook-Nutzern wirken sie sich also schon etwas länger aus, bei anderen sind die Änderungen noch ganz frisch. Keine Auskunft erteilte Facebook darüber, wie häufig und auf welche Weise Nutzer mit einem Freund über die Platt­form interagieren müssen, damit Meldungen dieses Freundes stets ange­zeigt werden. [Ende Update] Nur noch rege Freund­schaften werden ange­zeigt Viele Facebook-Nutzer wundern sich, dass sie plötzlich viel weniger von Ihren „Freunden“ zu lesen bekommen als bislang. Änderungen rück­gängig machen Sie können diese Änderungen rück­gängig machen. Nächster Schritt: Im Menü, das sich nach dem Klick auf „Optionen bearbeiten“ öffnet, können Sie auswählen, dass Sie wieder Beiträge von „allen deinen Freunden und Seiten“ sehen wollen. Auch die Freunde müssen Einstel­lungen verändern Tipps

Broadcast Institutions, Community Values There is a long history of businesses trying to harness the power of online communities for commercial ends. Most of these attempts have failed, for the obvious reasons. There are few products or services people care about in a way that would make them want to join a community, and when people are moved to speak out about a commercial offering, it is usually to complain. Media organizations, however, would seem to be immune to these difficulties, because online media and online communities have the same output: words and images. Even here, though, there are significant obstacles to hosting community, obstacles peculiar to the nature of media. Much of the discipline a broadcast organization must internalize to do its job well are not merely irrelevant to community building, but actively harmful. If you were a broadcast media outlet thinking about community building, here are five things you would think about: 1. #1. Audiences are connected through broadcast. #2. #3. #4. #5. Hard Work

What is thrivability? On personal, institutional, and global scales we’re often told that sustainability is our ultimate goal. Universally defined, sustainability aims to ‘meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’ This is undeniably a noble mission, but when push comes to shove, does sustainable development have what it takes to engage society with the appropriate tools to tackle the pressing challenges we face? An increasing number of people are recognizing that it does not, that efforts should be made to better capture our potential to not merely sustain or survive, but to thrive into the future. This, in essence, is exactly what thrivability aims to do. To properly understand thrivability, it is helpful to take a deeper look into the modern sustainability discourse, and why it has been falling short of its intended goals. 1. 2. 3. Thrivability: The New Frontier of Socio-Ecological Development Thrivability builds on itself. Regenerating Living Systems

lokalisten community: freunde, chat, online games & partyfotos
