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A Smarter Planet Blog Un psychopathe à la tête de la CIA Traduit par Résistance 71Chalmers Johnson a appelé la CIA l'armée privée du président. La Rome impériale avait sa garde prétorienne. Elle servait et protégeait l'empereur. Les renégats de la CIA travaillent de la même façon. Ils font même bien plus que cela. Johnson a dit que les présidents américains avaient "un contrôle sans partage sur la CIA, ceci constitue probablement leur seul pouvoir extraordinaire." Cela les préserve et les mets au-dessus des lois et des contrôles. La CIA a cinq missions originales. La cinquième est très vague. Ce mandat a transformé la CIA "en une armée personnelle, secrète et redevable devant personne sauf le président." La CIA est plus active que jamais a dit Johnson. "Son sac à malice est le reflet de la définition de la présidence impériale." Le 8 Mars, des sénateurs renégats ont approuvé John Brennan à la tête de la CIA, ils le firent à 63 pour et 34 contre. Il omit d'expliquer ce qui est le plus important. Il a menti.

THE SECOND COMING — A MANIFESTO By David Gelernter Stewart Brand, David Ditzel, John C. Dvorak, Freeman Dyson, George Dyson, Douglas Rushkoff, Rod Brooks, Lee Smolin, Jaron Lanier, David Farber, Danny Hillis, Vinod Kholsa, John McCarthy on "The Second Coming - A Manifesto" by David Gelernter Marc Hauser, Milford Wolpoff, V.S. Responses to "The Second Coming - A Manifesto" by David Gelernter Stewart Brand: The sequence is clear. David Ditzel: Gelernter is ahead of us all in peering through the fog that we call the future of technology. John C. Feeman Dyson: I suspect that he has a one-sided view of computing. George Dyson: Let us hope that Gelernter's prophecies continue to be fulfilled. Douglas Rushkoff: ...the trick to seeing through today's interfaces — a way of envisioning information architecture that David does effortlessly — involves distinguishing between our modeling systems and the models they build. Jaron Lanier: This reminds of Marx's vision of what should happen after the revolution. From: Stewart Brand Date: June 11, 2000

Portal:Systems science edit The Systems science Portal Systems are sets of entities, physical or abstract, comprising a whole where each component interacts with or is related to at least one other component and they all serve a common objective. The scientific research field which is engaged in the interdisciplinary study of universal system-based properties of the world is general system theory, systems science and recently systemics. This field investigates the abstract properties of matter and mind, and their organization, searching for concepts and principles which are independent of the specific domain, substance, and type of system, and of the spatial and/or temporal scales of its existence. Systems science can be viewed as ... Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering, that focuses on the development and organization of complex artificial systems. edit Selected Systems scientist ...Archive

Category:Systems A system is a set of entities, real or abstract, comprising a whole where each component interacts with or is related to at least one other component and they all serve a common objective. For the purpose of organizing articles into categories, there are four major type of system which can reasonably be expected to contain every type of system under its category tree: Physical systems, Biological systems, Social systems, and Conceptual systems. Subcategories This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total. Pages in category "Systems" The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total. Main Page - WikipediaPlus Cory Doctorow’s » News Swarmwise – The Tactical Manual To Changing The World. Chapter Two. Launching a swarm is an intense event, where you can get hundreds or thousands of new colleagues in less than a day. You have a very short window for appreciating their interest, or they will take it elsewhere. OK, so you have a provocative idea. A traditional method would be to go about an advertising campaign to generate interest. On the other hand, a swarm will form as long as you present a compelling enough idea that people feel that they can be part of. To traditional marketers, this sounds ridiculous. When I started the Pirate Party in Sweden, I took its website online and wrote two lines in a file-sharing hub’s lobby chat. Hey, look, the Pirate Party has its website up after New Year’s. The site had a manifesto which was rough and unpolished, but which came across as credible, tangible, inclusive, and world changing. The first website of the Pirate Party, translated for reference. And that’s it. Don’t worry about advertising. Onward to chapter 3 >>

Apprendre le hacking - Les bases du hack et la sécurité informatique, le site du vrai hacking My PortfolioBrian's WebWorks | Brian's WebWorks Please note that the images below are live thumbnail screenshots & that all may not load right away, depending on each site’s server load & Internet connection speed. Also note that any Flash ® or JavaScript generated or controlled images do not render here, as well as some page elements & positioning (particularly advertising). To see a site, just click on the thumbnail (opens in a new window). [php function=1] Web Design I design, maintain & repair websites & provide custom coding to suit your exact requirements. eCommerce eCommerce is more than just selling something online . Social Media Marketing Social Media has become the “water cooler” of the Internet. 24/7 Support I provide 24/7 support for all websites that I service. About Me I have been “geeking” for over 50 years, so I am an expert in web development, server installation & maintenance, & all aspects of Information Technology. Read More About Me Testimonials Dr. I am not computer literate yet Dr. Read More Testimonials

monochrom Hedonistika 2016 will take place at Cinematheque Holon (near Tel Aviv) as part of Print Screen Festival! Hedonistika is an interactive exhibition of gastronomical robots, cocktail machines, and experimental food performances. Created by artists collective monochrom from Vienna, Hedonistika is a travelling festival which moves from city to city and culinary landscape to culinary landscape, find local curatorial partners and cooperate with local hackers, builders, chemists and food phreaks to present a tour-de-farce of new approaches and discourses. Hedonistika says: don't let us trick ourselves into the absurd belief that organic food and machines are enemies. They aren't. You don't play with food? Opening: Wednesday | June 22, 2016 | 20:00-23:30Exhibition: Thursday | June 23, 2016 | 20:00-23:30 Saturday | June 25, 2016 | 19:00-23:30 Amalettomat (Zwax) Misobot (DASH) Schnapsorgel (Onkel Olli) Spritzerbot (monochrom & urstruktur) Upgrate / Hard Cheese Drive (monochrom & urstruktur)

25 ways to improve your presentationsBad Language All of us have at some point been bored to tears by a presentation. If you are lucky, you have also been informed, excited and inspired by an outstanding one. If you haven’t there are plenty of good examples on TED. Nobody wants to be a presentation zero. To learn how to be a PowerPoint hero, check out these 25 tips. The topic Love your topic. The format Time limit. The content Short and sweet. The preparation Know how to use your tools. The day Take everything you need (and a backup). World's Healthiest Foods 100 foods that can serve as the basis of your Healthiest Way of Eating Links to the articles about these foods can be found below. In addition to questions about our foods, we often get asked about beverages and sweeteners. In the beverage category, water and green tea have been especially popular topics, and in the sweetener category, so have honey and maple syrup. Of course, there are many nutritious foods other than those included on our list that we feel are wonderful, health-promoting foods; if there are other whole foods - such as fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds, whole grains, etc - that you like, by all means enjoy them. Just because a food is not on our list doesn't mean we don't think it can be included in a diet geared towards the Healthiest Way of Eating as long as it is a whole, natural, nutrient-rich food. To find out why some of your favorite nutritious foods are not included in our list, read The Criteria Used to Select the World's Healthiest Foods. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
