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Alchemy and the Endocrine System - an interview with Jose Barrera

Alchemy and the Endocrine System - an interview with Jose Barrera

New International Mevlana Foundation Mevlevi Order & Sema The discipline of Mevlevi Order was established by Mevlevi’s son Sultan Veled, his disciple Chalabi Husameddin, and his grandson Ulu Arif Chalabi in order to pass on his teachings to future generations. Ever since then, the “order” has been presided over by a Makam Chalabi (Chief Master) elected from among Mevlana’s offspring. The Mausoleum and the Mevlevihane are both regarded as “cult” by Mevlevi followers. The Mevlevihanes have been divided into two kinds: “Asitanes, which are authorized to give education for up to a 1001 days and secondly, Zaviyes”, which are relatively smaller and have no network for education. The education in Islamic Mysticism was a harder task than the Medrese (theological university) education. Having completed the 1001 day training period, Can (fellow soul) would be granted the title of “Dede” at a special ceremony. In summary, Mevlevihanes have always served as sort of conservatories or art academies, while giving education on Hz.

Santos Bonacci: How To Connect To The Christ Within You | in5d Last updated on December 26, 2011 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News * Visit in5D Connection where you can find your soul mate or join one of our amazing groups. EVERYONE is welcome! Santos Bonacci gives a detailed explanation of how to connect with the Christ within you, along with how every major fairy tale and nursery rhyme is tied into astrotheology. Be sure to check out the moon charts as this will be an important aspect of attaining the Christ within. Fairy Tales, Nursery Rhymes & Astrotheology Little Red Riding Hood: Little Red Riding Hood is the sun. Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs: Snow White is the sun as a beautiful white aura. Cinderella & Prince Charming: Cinderella is the dawn, Prince Charming is the sun. 4 and 20 blackbirds are the 4 and 20 hours (in a day). “Little Red Riding Hood is the evening sun, which is always described as red or golden; the old Grandmother is the earth, to whom the rays of the sun bring warmth and comfort. Sex and Your Moon Sign source Moon Tables

How to Learn Japanese: A Beginner’s Quick and Dirty Guide | Unillogue Wanna learn Japanese huh? Maybe you want to live in Japan some day, you’re a business man, or you simply really like Japanese culture (and watch heaping fistloads of anime). Well, I’ve been in your shoes before and they smelled faintly of a soy sauce laden man who desperately wanted advice on how to learn Japanese. Basically, if I could go back in time and advise myself, here are the suggestions I would make. Romaji The english version of the Japanese alphabet. Hiragana and Katakana First off I’d recommend learning Hiragana and Katakana with Kanji Ahh, yes. I’d go the Heisig way and learn with the book “Remembering the Kanji: A Complete Course on How Not to Forget the Meaning and Writing of Japanese Characters”. When I first started out, I used RTK with Anki SRS but then switched over to Textfugu. Japanese grammar greatly differs from English, or any romance language for that matter. Kim Tae’s Guide to Japanese Grammar. Pros: Cons: Uses Kanji without any furigana Textfugu.

12 Astrological Houses and Their Meanings | One way to put the components of your astrological chart into a real world context is to look at the twelve Houses of the Zodiac. Each sector of the Zodiac deals with a different aspect of our life. By examining the placement of the Planets and Signs in the various Houses, the image of your 'astrological make up' is further sharpened. If, for example, your chart finds Uranus, the Planet of Rebellion, in the First House, the House of Self, you may seem a little odd to others because you wear your individuality on the surface. Technically speaking, to place the Houses within the chart wheel, divide the wheel into twelve equal pie-shaped pieces (see an example of this below). The first piece of this astrological pie begins at the nine o'clock spot and heads south: That is the First House. The first Sign of the Zodiac, Aries, is the ruler of the First House; Taurus, the second Sign, rules the Second House, and so on around the wheel. The First House - House of Self

Learn Japanese | Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese five levels awareness Revised, August 5, 2008 One way to think about dynamic psychology is to recognize that people operate on several levels of consciousness at the same time. I've been able to discern five of them: (1) open expression; (2) secrets; (3) self-deceptions; (4) unconscious beliefs and feelings; and (5) things never considered. These levels may be appreciated as forms of what one can express openly, admit to others or oneself--or not, as the case may be. Level 1 refers to whatever tends to be expressed relatively freely in a given situation. Level 2 refers to what can be admitted to oneself and perhaps confided to trusted friends or one's psychotherapist. Level 3 involves those thoughts which are only occasionally admitted to oneself; indeed, much of the time such thoughts are actively avoided, denied, or even countered by opposite thoughts. Level 4 involves those ideas which are not admitted to oneself. Level 5 refers to those ideas which have not previously been considered. Regarding Level 4.

Free Japanese Lessons - Hiragana - The Japanese Alphabet (Hiragana Chart) - Learn to speak the Japanese language online for free! Want audio on this lesson? Register for our Members Area and get audio for Hiragana - The Japanese Alphabet. It's FREE! The first step to learning the Japanese language is to learn the alphabet. There are 5 vowels in Japanese. Here is a Printable Hiragana Chart (PDF - get Adobe Acrobat Reader). Exceptions: 1. Click here if you'd like to know why these two exceptions exist. Note: You probably noticed in the chart above that there are 2 characters pronounced "zu" and 2 characters pronounced "ji". Some people wonder why "yi", "ye", "wi", "wu", and "we" are missing. For more help on the subject of Kana (Hiragana and Katakana)...

Cymatics Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration. Typically the surface of a plate, diaphragm, or membrane is vibrated, and regions of maximum and minimum displacement are made visible in a thin coating of particles, paste, or liquid. Below a short introduction and demonstration by Evan Grant at TEDTalks The study of the patterns produced by vibrating bodies has a venerable history. Leonardo Da Vinci noticed that vibrating a wooden table on which dust lay created various shapes. On July 8, 1680, Robert Hooke was able to see the nodal patterns associated with the modes of vibration of glass plates. (Sources: Wikipedia and Michael Faraday, the English chemist and physicist, studied what he termed 'crispations' between February and July 1831. Margaret Watts-Hughes, a Welsh woman, experimented with a device she invented in 1885 and named the 'Eidophone.' Mary Desiree Waller (daughter of a famous English physiologist, August D. (Source: Wikipedia)

The Musical Universe Andy Dilks, GuestWaking Times What is it about music that moves us in so many different ways? The rhythm begins and we slide onto the dancefloor, gyrating to the beats; a guitar strikes a chord and we throw ourselves into the crowd, surfing across a sea of hands; a favourite song comes on the radio and we sing along at the top of our voices, oblivious to the looks of bemusement coming from other drivers stuck in the traffic jam. I recently had the good fortune to attend a live performance of Beethoven’s legendary 9th Symphony. This is an example of the immense power music can have over us. The idea that music connects us to something divine and spiritual is not a new one. “The final aim and reason of all music is nothing other than the glorification of God and the refreshment of the spirit.” From Apollo, the Greek god of music and light, to the Gregorian chants of the Roman Catholic Church, the association between music and the divine is deep-rooted in culture and history.
