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Audio/Video Lectures Live Worksheets Maker - Getting started guide Making interactive worksheets is very easy with ourLive Worksheets MakerTry it now!! Getting started guide 1. Open the Live Worksheets Maker and upload your worksheet Click here to open the Live Worksheets Maker. 2. Click, hold and drag to draw text boxes. 3. Write the right answers in the text boxes. 4. Click the preview button to see your live worksheet in action and check it. 5. If you like the result, click the save button. 6. If you want, you can share your interactive worksheet with other users. 5b. If you are not happy with your worksheet, click the discard button to upload a new one. More options 7. (Exercise 2 in this example) You can offer a list of options for your students to choose from. 8. (Exercise 3 in the example) Just enter "select:yes" on the right answer, and "select:no" on the wrong answer(s). 9. (Exercise 4 in the example) Enter "join:" followed by the same number on the answers that should be joined with an arrow.The numbers mustn't be repeated. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Addition Number Square Challenge Addition, iPad Compatible After teaching children how to use a number square to develop basic addition skills using this number square resource, this resource is ideal for providing an opportunity to practise. It has the same look and feel, but whereas the other resource is designed for demonstration this one sets questions. After tapping Begin the 1 minute timer starts and an addition question appears at the right of the screen. The resource is compatible with all modern devices, both tablet and desktop, and so should be usable in most classroom situations as well as being recommended for children to continue using it at home to consolidate their skills. Go to addition challenge resource.

kostki wirtualne Nature Knows: Amazing macro-photography of individual snowflakes [10 Pictures] Photographer Alexey Kljatov takes incredible close-up photos of snowflakes in his backyard in Moscow. "I capture snowflakes on the open balcony of my house, mostly on glass surface, lighted by an LED flashlight from the opposite side of the glass, and sometimes in natural light, using dark woolen fabrics as background." Source:

30 Techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class One day, in front 36 riotous sophomores, I clutched my chest and dropped to my knees like Sergeant Elias at the end of Platoon. Instantly, dead silence and open mouths replaced classroom chaos. Standing up like nothing had happened, I said, “Thanks for your attention––let’s talk about love poems.” I never used that stunt again. After all, should a real emergency occur, it would be better if students call 911 rather than post my motionless body on YouTube. I’ve thought this through. Most teachers use silencing methods, such as flicking the lights; ringing a call bell—see Teacher Tipster’s charming video; raising two fingers; saying “Attention, class”; or using Harry Wong’s Give Me 5––a command for students to: Focus their eyes on the speaker, Be quiet, Be still, Empty their hands, and Listen. There’s also the “three fingers” version, which stands for stop, look, and listen. Below you’ll find a collections of lesser known techniques for all grade levels. Quieting High School Students

Addition Arranger Addition, iPad Compatible, Number Use this challenging iPad, Android or IWB resource to teach and practise mathematical reasoning based on column addition skills. All of the numbers to make a complete addition are given by the resource. The player needs to switch the tiles around to make it correct. Go to column addition arranger resource. For a similar (much harder) challenge but using multiplication see this teaching resource. warsztat 30 Heartwarming Vintage Photographs of New York City ~ ThePhotomag New York can rightly be called one of the most beautiful cities on earth. Every one of you would like to visit the busy city and especially for photographers it is not less than a paradise to take a dream shot. But our today’s post is not to show you the modernity of the New York City. In the post below you will find some of the most beautiful Vintage Photographs of New York City to honor the legacy of your dream city. Grand Central Terminal, New York City (1941) Painters on the Brooklyn Bridge (1914) Manhattan from Union Square (1942) Parachute Jump, Coney Island (1951) Boys in Central Park (1972) 30 Rockefeller Center Plaza (1932) Beneath the Brooklyn Bridge (1918) C Train (1985) City Hall Subway Station (1904) Chinatown (1900) Clouds Over the Brooklyn Bridge (1946) Downtown Mist (1953) Cops in the Train, the Bronx (1981) Dock View (1946) Fulton Street Dock (1935) Fulton Fish Market (1943) Harbour (1947) Harlem (1987) Lunch Atop a Skyscraper (1932) Manhattan Bridge in Progress (1908) Little Italy (1905)

Jeopardy Style Review Game Creator The Instant Jeopardy Review Game has been designed and dramatically improved to make it the perfect review game for a wide variety of classroom uses. This tool is a fun and interactive way to review content in your classroom, meeting, conference, or other group setting. The new and improved version of the Jeopardy Review Game includes the following features: Simple insertion of pictures on Question and/or Answer slides Full support for symbols, such as exponents and wingdings style fonts Better support for foreign language Question and/or Answer slides Simpler visual editing process Embed anything in your question slides, even Youtube videos, flash objects, etc. Simple scorekeeping system Works on portable devices such as smartphones, iPad, and iPod Touch!

Numeracy Basics See a review of the Numeracy Basics app and lots of educational technical advice at Colour My Learning. The resource and IWB resources are identical although screen resolutions may create some superficial differences. Older computers may also impact on the performance. The IWB resources may need you to use full screen on your browser. Numeracy basics is an app for the iPad all of the following resources are included in the single app. The reason Numeracy Basics has been produced is that schools often use things like movable clocks, 100 squares,number tracks, magnetic numbers and multiplication tables with children. The Numeracy Basics app provides these in an interactive and conveniently packaged format. An important point to realise with this app is that it is designed to support teaching in the way that physical clock faces and number squares etc are used. The 6 resources included in this pack are described here: 100 Square Use this to support teaching adding and subtraction.
