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The Six Simple Principles of Viral Marketing

The Six Simple Principles of Viral Marketing
Editor’s Note: Dr. Wilson first published this article in 2000. He then updated it in 2005. We updated it a third time, in 2012. I admit it. But you have to admire the virus. In a few short generations, a virus population can explode. Viral Marketing Defined What does a virus have to do with marketing? Off the Internet, viral marketing has been referred to as “word-of-mouth,” “creating a buzz,” “leveraging the media,” “network marketing.” The Classic Hotmail Example The classic example of viral marketing is, one of the first free web-based email services. Give away free email addresses and services;Attach a simple tag at the bottom of every free message sent out: “Get your private, free email at stand back while people email to their own network of friends and associates;Who see the message;Sign up for their own free email service; and thenPropel the message still wider to their own ever-increasing circles of friends and associates. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Related:  jasonlevasseur62

Facebook viral marketing: When and why do apps “jump the shark?” Excel spreadsheet download For those of you who are interested in the gory details, please download the following spreadsheet here: Viral and Retention Excel Model (Click to download) Math warning! This blog post will be a little more technical than usual, so I apologize to those of you who are bored by this. Anyway, let’s get started. See this image before? That’s what happens when you “jump the shark” and your app goes from successful to completely not successful. Modeling user acquisition First off, let’s look at some ways to model user acquisition. Invite conversion rate % = 10%Average invites per person = 8.00Initial user base = 10,000Carrying capacity = 100,000 (note that these are just example numbers) To understand how these constants work, you basically want to think about how viral marketing works. That means that in the first time period, you have 10k. u(t) = u(0) * (1 + i * conv)^t where u(0) = 10k, i = 8.00, conv = 10%, and t is the # of time periods Does this make sense? Ouch.

8 Ways to Discover Content Ideas From Your Readers Are you looking for creative ways to discover what your readers’ interests are? Imagine your online community is a group of hungry people who walk up to a table where you have a spread of finger foods and appetizers. That’s your online content. By watching which items disappear quickly, you learn what your audience truly wants. In this article I’ll show you 8 ways to discover what topics satisfy the hunger in your online community. #1: Ask your community Most businesses assume that they know what their online community wants to hear from them. Start by creating a list of 10 topics you believe your audience wants to hear. Ask them to say “yes” or “no” for each topic.Ask them to rank the topics in order of interest.Ask them to pick their 3 favorite topics. Always include an option for “other” so they can fill in any topics that you didn’t include in your list. You can easily create smart professional surveys. #2: Check your blog comments Which blog posts get the most comments? It’s Your Turn

Comment une vidéo devient-elle un phénomène Internet? Chaque minute, 72 heures de vidéo sont mises en ligne sur YouTube. Et chaque jour, ce sont plus de 4 milliards de vidéos qui sont visionnées sur la plate-forme de Google. Le défi est de taille pour les producteurs de contenus. Comment faire en sorte de se démarquer aujourd’hui parmi ce flot spectaculaire de vidéos? Le «Harlem Shake» est le dernier phénomène YouTube en date. Humour, décalage et surenchère «Si on connaissait la recette miracle, ce serait très bien!» Les plus puissantes selon lui? Emotions viscérales Jonah Berger, professeur assistant à la Wharton School de l’université de Pennsylvanie, qui a publié une étude sur les vidéos virales, est de son côté persuadé que leur succès est lié aux émotions viscérales qu’elles suscitent. Eléments déclencheurs Mais cela ne suffit pas. En plus de ces personnalités qui «donnent le ton», Kevin Allocca souligne également l’importance des «communautés» en ligne. «Les gens adorent être plus que des spectateurs» Anaëlle Grondin

Let's just add in a little virality It happens all the time. I’m meeting with an entrepreneur, who is telling me about a really innovative product idea for a consumer website. And I’m liking it. The most disappointing answer is when they say “Oh, we’ll just make it viral.” Virality is something that has to be engineered from the beginning…and it’s harder to create virality than it is to create a good product. That’s why First Round Capital’s website has always said: “Too many companies treat marketing and sales as a tactical afterthought. Customer acquisition (also called distribution) is the number one challenge facing consumer web properties. Jeu concours et viralité Différentes mécaniques marketing sont utilisées pour recruter une base de données qualifiée pour un annonceur. Un des moyens les plus utilisés pour promouvoir des produits ou services, animer une relation client ou attirer de nouveaux prospects qualifiés est l’organisation de jeux-concours. La viralité est incontournable à la création d'un jeu-concours Ces jeux-concours sont généralement des mini sites d’animation, outil très puissant dans l’univers du web pour générer du prospect et développer la base de données du client. C’est une technique qui marque les esprits via une dotation attractive qui va engendrer un buzz et de la viralité grâce à l’avènement des réseaux sociaux. Les objectifs d’un jeu-concours En tant qu’agence, la première préoccupation est l’acquisition de nouveaux clients et la fidélisation des clients existants. La dotation, clé d’un jeu-concours Edouard Lhuerre, Fondateur de l’agence Base&Co La viralité, incontournable à la création d’un jeu-concours

Going Viral in 6 Questions, Part One: Spymaster Many web apps claim virality; very few actually find it. In a new series exploring the anatomy of truly viral apps, our first specimen is Spymaster, the Twitter- and Facebook-based social game that exploded with tens of thousands of users within hours of the creators throwing up a simple page and absolutely no media coverage. From creating addiction to managing site traffic, read on to learn how they did it and what they're doing next. What kinds of outreach did you do during the early days? Chris Abad, CEO of Irata Labs, the company that developed Spymaster, revealed that their early promotions were extremely minimal "We threw up a splash page, but didn't talk about it too much. To give some context, Abad told me that I personally had signed up for the game within a couple hours of its launch; by that point, I had already seen a few tweets and a DM about the site and was completely intrigued. "The media buzz (there was a lot in the first few weeks of Spymaster)... provided the fuel.

Définition Marketing viral linéaire. Qu'est-ce que le marketing viral linéaire ? Pour cette première catégorie d'outils, les utilisateurs ou clients participent à la promotion d'un site en en parlant autour d'eux en avertissant un nombre limité d'autres internautes, soit parce que leur niveau de motivation est faible, soit parce que les outils qu'on leur propose pour avertir leur pairs ne sont pas très facile à utiliser. Avec le marketing viral linéaire, un site peut espérer attirer entre quelques personnes et centaines de milliers de visiteurs. L'effet viral existe mais on observe pas de logique exponentielle d'adoption d'un service (par opposition au marketing viral exponentiel). Voici 5 applications de marketing viral linéaire:Le bouche à oreilleLe parainnageLes communautésLes services de pages persoLes goodies transmises par email

Untitled Document Case Study #1 "How Hotmail grew to 12 million users ... in just 18 months!" When Microsoft launched their Hotmail e-mail service, they wanted to grow fast. Hotmail attached a tiny advertisement to the bottom of every e-mail people sent using their service, offering FREE e-mail accounts. Here's what it looked like: So every e-mail sent by a Hotmail user became a word-of-mouth referral for the company! In just 18 months, Hotmail grew its subscriber base from zero to 12 MILLION users -- faster than any company in any media in the history of the world! In the process, they built a multimillion-dollar business... ... and blew other free e-mail providers, with their ultra-expensive ad campaigns, right out of the water! ISSUE: Unless you have a product people MUST share to use, this viral marketing technique will be difficult for you to implement!

Définition Marketing viral exponentiel. Qu'est-ce que le marketing viral exponentiel ? Le potentiel du marketing viral exponentiel est largement supérieur à celui du marketing viral linéaire, puisque certaines entreprises ont réussi à faire adopter leur produit par plusieurs centaines de millions de personnes à travers le monde entier. Quelle est la différence entre les deux familles d'outils ? Cela a deux conséquences : la promotion du service par les utilisateurs est tout à fait naturelle et indolore mais surtout l'utilisation du service est beaucoup plus fidélisante. Voici 5 applications de marketing viral exponentiel: Cartes postales virtuelles Mail gratuit Instant messenging Générateur de mailing-lists Le Peer to Peer

What’s your viral loop? Understanding the engine of adoption What’s a “viral loop?” A term I’ve heard tossed around frequently in real life, but not in the blogosphere is the term “viral loop.” In fact, when googling it, I only saw one mention from Jia Shen (cofounder of RockYou, with $120M raised from Sequoia/Softbank), a very smart guy: “The viral loop of people inviting each other to most social networks revolves around a user posting a widget to their page and having friends see their page.The viral loops for Facebook (there are multiple) revolve around the news feed, the mini-feed and the invite request. Not around people coming to your page and interacting with it” Anyone who cares about this topic should read the entire VentureBeat article Q & A with RockYou — three hit apps on Facebook, and counting. To define the viral loop, you can think of it as: The steps a user goes through between entering the site to inviting the next set of new users1 Simple enough? What’s an exampleNow let’s look at the viral classic, YouTube. … and so on. That’s it!
