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How to paint trees, watercolor free lesson

How to paint trees, watercolor free lesson
Mix a green using yellow ochre and ultramarine. Using the side of the brush, drag it across the rough paper to produce a broken effect, leaving sky holes between the foliage. Add some more ultramarine to darken mix. Allow to dry. With mix of raw sienna and burnt umber. applythe foreground using a dry brush technique. With our original mix add some shrubs either side of our tree. Mix some burnt umber with a touch of alizarin crimson. Add more burnt umber to darken the mix and paint in the shadow areas. With raw sienna and a touch of burnt umber, paint in trunk and branches. Using our original mix of green, apply foreground with bold fast strokes. Using our green mix, paint the foliage apply with the side of the brush, producing the broken effect. Add a darker green to the shadow side, while paint is still wet. Using burnt umber, paint in all the trunks and branches, and then with raw sienna, paint the foreground using downward strokes in the direction of the bank. By Rod Webb Related:  `test 1024`test 1024

peinture How to Edit Your Own Writing The secret to good writing is good editing. It’s what separates hastily written, randomly punctuated, incoherent rants from learned polemics and op-eds, and cringe-worthy fan fiction from a critically acclaimed novel. By the time this article is done, I’ll have edited and rewritten each line at least a few times. Here’s how to start editing your own work. It doesn’t matter how good you think you are as a writer — the first words you put on the page are a first draft. Writing is thinking: It’s rare that you’ll know exactly what you’re going to say before you say it. My former writing teacher, the essayist and cartoonist Timothy Kreider, explained revision to me: “One of my favorite phrases is l’esprit d’escalier, ‘the spirit of the staircase’ — meaning that experience of realizing, too late, what the perfect thing to have said at the party, in a conversation or argument or flirtation would have been. Now, let’s look at how to do the actual editing. Overuse of jargon and business speak.

How to regrow a forest: Get out of the way This story was produced in partnership with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting and the National Geographic Society. Imagine a black hole in the center of a green donut, Malcolm North said. A USDA forest ecologist in the Sierra Nevada of eastern California, North was at the center of a new experiment in forestry with global implications. In September 2014, the King Fire ripped through 150 square miles (390 square kilometer) of the Eldorado National Forest. North was part of a team of scientists studying new ways to bring the forest back. That put him at the center of one of the hottest new fields of climate adaptation—and a quiet revolution in his own field. They called it “pines in lines,” and over the last century it became industry standard as the Forest Service replanted the native mixed-species forests of Western conifers with trees for commercial harvest. So the hunt is on for ways that tomorrow’s forests can better care for themselves. The promise of reforestation

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idh_quic Please note that DISQUS operates this forum. When you sign in to comment, IBM will provide your email, first name and last name to DISQUS. That information, along with your comments, will be governed by DISQUS’ privacy policy. By commenting, you are accepting the DISQUS terms of service. Please note that DISQUS operates this forum. La récup' dans la déco, le détournement d'objets /  WoDesign Avec un peu d’imagination et quelques vieilles planches qui ont vécu il est possible de créer de belles ambiances. Pour preuve les photos qui vont suivre, elles démontrent parfaitement que la décoration est une affaire d’accords, de tonalités, un peu comme une partition de musique en fait, peu importe finalement les matériaux utilisés, le tout est d’avoir l’art et la manière de les accorder pour donner tout son sens à une pièce. L’imagination est aussi une des clefs d’une décoration réussie, car il faut bien le dire, il en faut une bonne dose pour voir dans quelques vieilles planches désuètes, quelques morceaux de bois ou dans des palettes, la possibilité de les transformer en quelques choses d’utiles ou de décoratifs. Le détournement d’objets est aussi dans l’air du temps, comme le témoignent les bureaux jumeaux : une simple table séparée par une bibliothèque, astucieux et pratique. Sources : The style divison, apartment therapy, then let it be

Le Douanier Rousseau expliqué aux enfants 26 novembre 2012 à 11:50 | par La rédac´ Le web documentaire du mois Au début du 20e siècle, un étrange artiste apparaît dans le milieu de la peinture. Il s’agit d’Henri Rousseau, plus connu sous le nom de « Douanier Rousseau ». C’est un drôle d’artiste, parce que personne ne peint comme lui. Découvre la vie et les tableaux de ce peintre dans notre Web documentaire du mois. 10 novembre 2012 La vie du Douanier Rousseau Henri Rousseau n'est pas un peintre comme les autres. En t'identifiant sur le site, tu pourras accéder aux éléments suivants : Ajout des commentaires Si tu es abonné au magazine, tu pourras accéder aux éléments suivants : Texte du dossier

If we build it, why would anyone care? – Hacker Noon A prospective founder must ask: is my idea viable? But this question also must be addressed throughout the startup’s life. This story is my cheat sheet for evaluating the viability and strategy of startups. I spent 10 years with Pivotal Labs (now Pivotal), working with hundreds of startups. Some like TrueCar, TaskRabbbit and Twitter matured and succeeded. Others did not. Of course they will come I was sitting in Verve Coffee, listening to a founder tell me about her startup. One day, during a different conversation with a fledgling entrepreneur, I had a thought. I had been invited to give a talk at a local university entrepreneurs club. I don’t fault a founder for such conviction; if you don’t believe in your idea, why would anyone else? But it’s better to be a skeptic and ask, “If we build it, why would anyone care?” The Field of Dreams Test The Field of Dreams Test is a diagnostic tool that helps me organize key questions and considerations about a startup. User Pain User Experience Costs

If we build it, why would anyone care? – Hacker Noon A prospective founder must ask: is my idea viable? But this question also must be addressed throughout the startup’s life. This story is my cheat sheet for evaluating the viability and strategy of startups. I spent 10 years with Pivotal Labs (now Pivotal), working with hundreds of startups. Of course they will come I was sitting in Verve Coffee, listening to a founder tell me about her startup. One day, during a different conversation with a fledgling entrepreneur, I had a thought. I had been invited to give a talk at a local university entrepreneurs club. I don’t fault a founder for such conviction; if you don’t believe in your idea, why would anyone else? But it’s better to be a skeptic and ask, “If we build it, why would anyone care?” The Field of Dreams Test The Field of Dreams Test is a diagnostic tool that helps me organize key questions and considerations about a startup. user painuser experienceeconomics User Pain What is the frequency and severity of the pain? User Experience Costs
