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Teachers Guide on The Use of QR Codes in The Classroom

Teachers Guide on The Use of QR Codes in The Classroom
What are QR codes ? According to Wikipedia, a QR code is " a specific matrix bar code ( or two-dimensional code ), readable by dedicated QR bar code readers and camera phones. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded can be text, URL, or other data." Here are some video tutorials to help you understand it all : Video tutorial : Introduction to QR Codes Video Tutorial 2 : Why Use QR Codes Video Tutorial 3 : How to Use QR Codes What do I need to start using a QR code ? A phone with a camera or a Smart phone. 1- Kaywa This is one of my favourites . 2- This one here lets you generate codes from URLs and has an option for tracking usage of the code. 3- Delivr This service allows you to shorten a URL and generate QR code from all kinds of URLs. 4- Sparqcode This tool helps users generate QR codes from phone numbers. 5- Qurify This one generates QR code from text. 12-QR Stuff This one has more options.

QR Codes - Create, Save, Print and Track Custom QR Codes for Business and Personal Use Blog Archive » QR Codes #9 Sharing Audio Posted by Allanah King on September 24, 2011 We all know how great Dropbox is don’t we team. If you don’t now about Dropbox it is an online storage space with some fabulous features. Think of it as your own personal, free server where you can store and back up your stuff. When you sign up for Dropbox you automatically get a Public Folder. Drop your audio file that you want to use into the Public Dropbox folder, wait for it to synch and launch the Dropbox website by clicking on the Dropbox icon and opening it. Copy this link into your QR Code generator- seeing I am on the computer I will use Google URL shortner to create the QR code. Done- easy as! I see this as a great way to easily share podcasts and other audio files with your class and other visitors. Do you have any other ideas for linking QR Codes to audio or video files this way?

Five Reasons I Love Using QR Codes in My Classroom There are so many tools that educators can use to get students interested and engaged in their work. Like most teachers today, I integrate technology into my instruction everyday. I'm lucky to work in a school with one-to-one technology and use iPads with my students throughout every school day. That makes it easy to use QR codes in my classroom -- and there are many reasons I love using QR codes! What is a QR Code? A Quick Response Code is a digital image that can be scanned without the beam of light needed to scan barcodes at the supermarket. What does this marketing tool have to do with education? How QR Codes Can Make a Difference in the Classroom 1. Instead of asking students to type in a long web address where they could easily make mistakes, a QR code will take them straight to a website. 2. We all want to avoid using search engines that might bring our students to the wrong website. 3. 4. Websites like allow you to generate your own QR code for free. 5.

15 Great Tools for Lesson Planning Earlier today somebody emailed me asking for web tools to create lesson plans and classroom projects. I have already post a list of some good lesson planning tools but today I am sharing with you this updated selection from our colleagues in Edudemic. Use these tech tools to pull together great lessons and design amazing and memorable student projects. Have great lessons to share? Looking for something to add to your classes? On this site you can do both, selling your own class materials and buying high-quality resources from other teachers. Make sure your lessons are organized and that your day runs smoothly with the help of this amazing online tool designed just for teachers. Timetoast is a pretty cool for student projects, allowing them to build sleek, interactive timelines in minutes. There are so many different ways that Capzles can be used in the classroom, there’s bound to be an application that fits your needs. Want to build presentations that will wow your students?

50 QR code resources for the classroom As mobile learning and technology is more readily integrated within classroom settings, QR codes can be used as an interesting method to capture a student's attention and make lesson material more interactive. Quick response codes, also known as 'QR' codes, are simple, scannable images that are a form of barcode. By scanning a QR code image through a mobile device, information can be accessed including text, links, bookmarks and email addresses. In the classroom, QR codes can be used in a variety of ways -- from conducting treasure hunts to creating modern CVs. Articles and tips 1.) 2.) 40 interesting ways to use QR codes in the classroom. 3.) 5 uses of QR codes in the classroom. 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 46 interesting ways to use QR Codes in the classroom. 8.) 75 Teched Out ways to say good job. 9.) 10.) Resources, software and lesson help 11.) 12.) 13.) 14.) 15.) 16.) 17.) 18.) 19.) 20.) 21.) 22.) 23.) 24.) 25.) 26.) 27.) 28.) 29.) 2 projects in math using QR codes. 30.) 31.) 33.) 34.) 35.) 36.)

Create a QR Code. QR Codes. QR Code. QR Code Generator. Make a QR Code. QR Code Tracking. NFC Tags. Delivr makes creating and tracking short URLs, QR Codes, and NFC Tags simple. - Delivr QR Codes Explained and Ideas for Classroom Use When I lead workshops or give presentations I typically don't distribute handouts in paper form. Instead I just give the link to my digital resources for that day's presentation or workshop. Recently, I have started to deviate from that policy just a little bit. Now I like to place printed QR codes in a dozen or so locations in the room. Those QR codes are linked to my slides and digital handouts. I started doing this because often people would miss the links when they're just on a slide at the beginning and end of the presentation. Distributing those QR codes before the presentation also creates a good segue into conversations about what QR codes are and how they can be used in schools. The following posts have more ideas about using QR codes in schools:Interactive Bulletin BoardsQR Codes in the ClassroomQRPedia - QR Codes for Wikipedia EntriesAssign QR Codes to Your DocumentsCreate a Mobile Language Lesson With QR VoiceTom Barrett's Interesting Ways to Use QR Codes

10 Excellent Alternatives to PowerPoint PowerPoint is absolutely one of the most popular presentation tool out there .I bet that the first presentation you have ever made was via PowerPoint, well at least that was the case with mine .There are, however, several other presentation tools that we can use as an alternative to PowerPoint and guess what ? they are way easier and simpler especially for use in education. I have handpicked some of such tools for you to check but you can also check this extensive list of some of the best presentation tools for teachers to explore more options. 1- Prezentit This is one of my favourite tools for creating presentations.It does not require any software download and all you need is a web browser. 2- Sliderocket Sliderocket is a great presentation tool that lets users easily create, collaborate and share stunning media-rich presentations. 3- SlideSix SlideSix is another great presenter application. 4- Vuvox You can use Vuvox to instantly produce dynamic interactive panoramas with hot-spots.

Aprender y Compartir: Códigos QR: “cápsulas informativas” capturadas con nuestros móviles inteligentes Este documento ha sido creado para publicar en el nº 15 del Boletín del Crmf de San Fernando ¿Qué son los códigos QR? Cada día surgen nuevas maneras de difundir la información y actualmente, paralelo al uso generalizado de los dispositivos móviles, se está extendiendo el uso de los códigos QR, aunque fueron creados casi hace 20 años. Los códigos QR nos permiten conectar elementos del mundo físico y el mundo digital, empaquetando en diversos formatos y a modo de "cápsulas informativas": textos, vídeos, enlaces a páginas, datos personales, formularos, información adicional sobre una obra de arte, etc., con una capacidad de hasta 4296 caracteres alfanuméricos. Para descifrar el mensaje o "cápsula informativa", necesitamos un lector de QR que descargaremos gratuitamente en nuestro Smartphone, Tablet o PC. Un poco de historia Resumiendo ¿Cómo capturar las “cápsulas informativas" de los códigos QR? ¿Cómo crear códigos QR? Seleccionar el tipo de código. Ejemplos y aplicaciones prácticas Genbeta.

The Active Class » Blog Archive » Mobile learning with QR codes QR codes (also called matrix codes, so you can see why I might feel an affinity with them!) are gaining in popularity in North America (they’re already big overseas in Japan and elsewhere). With more students buying smartphones, and more professors interested in developing mobile learning solutions, QR codes in the classroom are worth considering. A QR code is a fancy “quick response” barcode. In business, these QR codes serve many purposes having to do with linking the physical and the virtual worlds. QR codes are one way to “close the loop from print to mobile,” says Ted Ianuzzi, VP Sales and Marketing at Didmo. When I spoke to developer Erik Goldhar from QRe8 about using this technology on campus, he suggested that from an industry point of view QR adoption in North America “is no longer in its infancy—in fact we believe it’s now at the ‘toddler’ stage and growing fast.” The idea of using QR codes has one immediate drawback. Interested?

EducaDroid: #QRsondeo Los alumnos de Matemáticas del colegio S.Diego y S.Vicente están en plena campaña de recopilación de datos. Necesitan tu opinión y en especial las de sus compañeros sobre diversos temas para realizar una estadística en el proceso. Las puedes rellenar decodificando el QR (con un lector de QR) de cada una con el móvil. ¡Os animo a que rellenéis alguna! Estos son los cuestionarios sobre el colegio:

10 Free Organizational Tools for Students and Teachers Just a few weeks are left till the start of the new school year. As a part of the digital kit you might be recommending to your students, personal planners shoudl take some priority. Using these tools students will be able to organize their study materials online, make it easily accessible, collaborate and share links and resources with one another and above all improve their scholarly achievement. Here is a list of such awesome planners you might share with your students. Please share with your colleagues 1- Nexty Nexty is a nifty and easy to use to-do-list manager. 2- TrackClass TrackClass helps you get your school work organized. 3- Soshiku Soshiku is a simple but powerful tool that manages your highschool or college assignments. 4- Deadline Deadline is the simplest calendar ever made. 5- 43 Things 43 Things is the world's largest goal-setting community. 6- Squareleaf 7- Remember the Milk This is one of the best tools to use to manage your tasks and organize them online.

55 generadores en línea de código QR A medida que pasa el tiempo los códigos QR se van haciendo más y más populares. Es cosa de todos los días, la gente los escanea en línea, en publicaciones impresas y en muchos otros sitios, ya que existen escáners para cualquier plataforma de móviles con cámara. Una forma muy fácil de obtener información y dependiendo de la aplicación, podemos guardar esos datos, ordenarlos y muchas otras cosas más. Pero les hago una pregunta ¿ustedes tienen SU código QR? Si no lo tienen, pueden crearlo pues son muy prácticos como por ejemplo para intercambiar su información con otras personas, en lugar de andar llevando un tarjeta de presentación (business card). El código QR lo pueden generar con cualquiera de sus datos como por ejemplo nombre, dirección, email, sitio web y muchos otros más. Aquí tienen una lista que llevé a cabo con 55 aplicaciones en línea para generar código QR. Hector Russo es Fundador y Editor en Jefe de GeeksRoom.
