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Almost Untouched Nature - Waterfall Restaurant, Philippines

Almost Untouched Nature - Waterfall Restaurant, Philippines
Image credit Visiting this interesting Waterfall Restaurant located in San Pablo City, Philippines at the Villa Escudero Plantations and Resort can be a truly unique and memorable experience. Visitors can enjoy in lunch served on bamboo dining tables while the crystalline running water flows under their feet. Besides enjoying the authentic local cuisine, you can enjoy the almost untouched nature of the region formerly occupied by a farm and coconut plantations. Image credit Also, guests have the opportunity to watch the Philippine Experience Show where the country’s rich culture comes to life, from its ethnic diversity to its colonial legacy. Image credit Image credit If you are admirer of bird watching this is the place for you. With close to 600 recorded bird species, 30% (181) found only in our islands, the Philippines has the highest rate of avifauna biodiversity per square kilometer in the world. Image credit Image credit Source: 1, 2, 3, 4 Related:  `test 1028`test 1028

Actualités High Tech, Robot, Électronique, DIY et Arduino. - Page 10 Salut à tous, nous voilà de retour nous une nouvelle année bien productive. J’espère que vous avez passé de bonnes vacances et que vous avez bien rechargé vos batteries. Perso, je suis passé dans un mode assez « hors-ligne » pour l’été en ne m’occupant que de la boutique et le reste de temps, c’était plutôt « Apéro-BBQ », […] Lire la suite

Alpha Brain Waves: Definition, Functions, & Benefits | Brain Waves What are Alpha Brain Waves? Alpha Brain Waves are a sign of relaxed activity in your brain. Alpha brainwaves are defined as brain waves that cycle between the frequency 8 Hz – 12 Hz. Alpha brain wave activity is common among highly creative individuals who have a clear mind or are experiencing relaxation. As an early teen or child, you likely had a dominant alpha brainwave pattern. Benefits of Alpha Brain Waves: Relaxing Thoughts / Relaxed Body – The alpha brainwave is produced when your body calms down and your mind is completely relaxed. People with Higher than Average Amounts of Alpha Brain Waves Outgoing People, Extroverts – Generally, if you are more outgoing and consider yourself extroverted, you have more alpha brain waves than introverts. To Quickly Ramp-Up Your Alpha Brain Waves: I highly recommend that you purchase either Neuro-Programmer 2 or Mind WorkStation. **For further reading, check out the article Too Many Alpha Brain Waves Causing Problems.

amazon A Slower Speed of Light Download the latest beta releases A Slower Speed of Light is a first-person game prototype in which players navigate a 3D space while picking up orbs that reduce the speed of light in increments. Custom-built, open-source relativistic graphics code allows the speed of light in the game to approach the player’s own maximum walking speed. Visual effects of special relativity gradually become apparent to the player, increasing the challenge of gameplay. Download our PowerPoint presentation about the relativistic effects in the game: PPT PPTX OpenRelativity A Slower Speed of Light was created using OpenRelativity, an open-source toolkit for the Unity game development environment. Requirements A Slower Speed of Light has been tested on computers with the configurations listed below. Intel Core 2 Duo T9900 or Core i7 (2.8GHz clock speed)Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) or higher, and Linux (Ubuntu 13)AMD Radeon HD 6970M/AMD Mobility Radeon HD 4850/Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT8GB RAM Posters

6 Foods To Eat If You're Skipping Meat 5 Tips for Fighting Fit Eye Health from Eye Experts - BestTrendingNews Health Tuesday, February 25, 2020 Comments (0) Health is wealth. It’s true once and for all. The human body has the ability to do the wonders. Health is necessary for every part of the human being. Diet is the only way to ensure health in the long run. Use the proportionate ratio of water so that the eyes could remain immune to all the impacts. 2. Exercise is the best way to get along with a healthy life. It would also maintain the health of your eyes in the best way possible. 3. Prescription Safety Glasses are to keep the eyes safe. Glasses are so special when it comes to health. 4. Somehow if you’ve had a visit to an eye expert. If a doctor has prescribed lenses or prescription safety glasses in this regard, get them. 5. Today, technological advancement is touching the peaks. These glasses protect the eyes from all kinds of impacts.

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather June 4, 2010: Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history. To make preparations, authorities in Washington DC are holding a meeting: The Space Weather Enterprise Forum at the National Press Club on June 8th. Richard Fisher, head of NASA's Heliophysics Division, explains what it's all about: "The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years we expect to see much higher levels of solar activity. The National Academy of Sciences framed the problem two years ago in a landmark report entitled "Severe Space Weather Events—Societal and Economic Impacts." Much of the damage can be mitigated if managers know a storm is coming. "Space weather forecasting is still in its infancy, but we're making rapid progress," says Thomas Bogdan, director of NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colorado. Bogdan sees the collaboration between NASA and NOAA as key. Author: Dr.

30 formas de introducir tecnología en el aula - entreParéntesis Lo más interesante a la hora de introducir tecnología en el aula (TIC) son dos aspectos muy relevantes: convertir a los alumnos en usuarios competentes para un mundo en cambio, que sepan gestionar técnicamente el uso de una herramienta concreta y a la vez trabajar conjuntamente contenidos, habilidades sociales, comunicación y expresión, interpretación de datos y tantas otras cosas; y la gran variedad de utilidades de las que hoy es posible disponer de forma directa, más o menos gratuita. Os propongo escoger un par de las siguientes 30 formas (y alguna más). Las TIC, como tantas otras herramientas, conviene recordar que son un medio, no un fin en sí mismo, que lo fundamental y el centro de la clase debe seguir siendo el alumno acompañado por sus compañeros y el profesor. A la pregunta sobre cómo introducir las TIC en el aula (aquí tienes una presentación), personalmente optaría por perderle miedo, escoger un proyecto sencillo y asequible, y dar pautas concretas a los alumnos.

Blog de dictées 15 astuces pour éviter les fautes d'orthographes | Monde Fantasy Ah ! Les fautes d'orthographe ! Ces vieilles ennemies ! Même quand on pense maîtriser la langue française, on n'est jamais à l'abri d'une faute d'inattention ou d'une lacune, cette langue étant parsemée d'embûches... et d'exceptions ! C'est pourquoi j'ai voulu vous faire un petit article expresse pour vous donner quelques astuces pour éviter les 15 fautes les plus courantes. Si la syllabe "-ment" est précédée du son "a" (écrit "e" ou "a"), on met deux "m" comme dans fréquemment, abondamment, évidemment, élégamment,... Parfois, il est difficile de distinguer le futur "-ai" du conditionnel "-ais". Confronté à un dilemme entre "j’aurai" ou "j’aurais", "il aura" ou "il aurait" règlera aisément votre problème. Au passage, j'aimerais souligner une autre faute courante avec le conditionnel : « Si j'aurais été » est une faute, il faut dire : « Si j'avais été ». Les homonymes sont un autre casse-tête : ces mots se prononcent de la même façon, mais le sens varie. Source : Études littéraires.

Body Mass Index calculator you'll like Talking Moose Body Mass Index (BMI) can be used to indicate if you are overweight, obese, underweight or normal. It will, however, overestimate fatness in people who are muscular or atheletic. Because of these problems, this body mass index calculator shows extra statistics to help you be informed and judge your own body compared to others of the same height and age. Also offered are average weight and height charts and Body Mass Index charts, which show data you just can't find anywhere else. Women tend to believe they look their best at values between 20 to 22 and men are usually satisfied with a BMI of 23 to 25. If your BMI is between 23 and 25, you are not considered overweight by most people. Above all, Don't Worry, Be Happy.

10 figures de style de répétition à connaître absolument Quand j’étudiais des textes littéraires en français, je me disais que tout ce qu’on apprenait sur les figures de style c’était un peu tiré par les cheveux. J’étais persuadé que les écrivains s’en remettaient à leurs muses et pondaient des procédés de style par le pouvoir de leur imagination. J’avais tort. Alors ok, il y a une part d’instinctif mais l’écriture c’est surtout beaucoup de travail. Comme le sujet est vaste, nous ne verrons dans cet article que les figures de style de répétition et leurs définitions. En voici 10. Les figures de style de répétition qui jouent sur le rythme L’anaphore Cette figure de style consiste en la répétition d’un mot ou d’un groupe de mots en début de phrase ou de paragraphe. Par exemple, Ils vinrent à deux. Ce procédé de style insuffle du rythme à votre texte. Dans l’exemple ci-dessus, je répète 3 fois « ils vinrent à » avec une variation sur la 3e répétition pour marquer une conclusion au paragraphe (la variation est en italique). L’épiphore Symploque Exemple: Ou

Brain wave Functions Alpha  Beta Theta Brainwaves It is well known that the brain is an electrochemical organ; researchers have speculated that a fully functioning brain can generate as much as 10 watts of electrical power. Other more conservative investigators calculate that if all 10 billion interconnected nerve cells discharged at one time that a single electrode placed on the human scalp would record something like five millionths to 50 millionths of a volt. If you had enough scalps hooked up you might be able to light a flashlight bulb. Even though this electrical power is very limited, it does occur in very specific ways that are characteristic of the human brain. Electrical activity emanating from the brain is displayed in the form of brainwaves. The next brainwave category in order of frequency is alpha. The next state, theta brainwaves, are typically of even greater amplitude and slower frequency. Individuals who do a lot of freeway driving often get good ideas during those periods when they are in theta.

Brownie Baileys Cheesecake [Video] - Sweet and Savory Meals Brownie Baileys Cheesecake is decadent, chocolaty, dense, and extraordinary. It is everything that an elegant cheesecake should be and more! Also, watch the short recipe video attached below, for a quick step by step tutorial! If you are looking for more dessert recipes for the holiday season, then, you have come to the right place. Best Brownie Baileys Cheesecake Brownie Baileys Cheesecake has a brownie base instead of the usual graham or Oreo crust. And the addition of liqueur is rather unusual for most desserts but makes it more interesting. You can serve this part of your upcoming parties this holiday season and for sure, your friends will rave about it! How to Make Brownie Baileys Cheesecake: For quick guidelines, please watch the recipe video attached above. Brownie Crust: Prepare the batter as stated on the packaging. How long to cook Brownie Baileys Cheesecake? The actual baking will just be around 50-60 minutes. How long is it good for? Recipe Tips: Save Recipe Instructions
