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Math Games

Math Games
Practice addition and subtraction skills in this fun puzzle game. Select from adding, subtracting or both and choose between a range of 10, 20 or 100. Find the matching cards. Count up the blocks shown in each square. Practice counting skills in this fun online game. Find the matching cards. Practice addition skills with sums up to 100 in this fun puzzle game. It's color by number! Complete the pattern. Look at each picture math equation. Match the analog clocks with the correct time to make an Easter picture. Practice addition, subtraction, and multiplication in this math version of Pacman. Practice addition skills by matching the correct answer to each question. Look at each picture math equation. Practice multiplication skills with factors up to 12 in this fun puzzle game. Connect the dots in order to make a Winter picture. Drag the shapes from the bottom to the picture to make it complete again. Practice addition and subtraction skills in this fun puzzle game. Find the matching cards.

Math Book Lists TBA Math in Children's Literature 205K+Save New Update! Dec. 28, 2016My goal is to gradually update this list with new links. You can see which sections have been updated by looking for New! after each heading. New! Latest Update: March 8, 2014 I try to update the following list of Math Books for Kids on a regular basis. Why Do I Keep Up This List? Linking Children's Literature to Math A few important notes about this list: 1. 2. 3. Addition/Subtraction 12 Ways to Get 11, Eve Merriam *The 329th Friend , Marjorie Weinman Sharmat (lesson)The Action of Subtraction , Brian Cleary Centipede's 100 Shoes , Tony RossEach Orange Had 8 Slices , Paul Giganti (also multiplication)Elevator Magic , Stuart Murphy (subtracting) The Grapes of Math , Greg TangThe King's Commissioners , Aileen Friedman (addition, skip counting) Math Appeal , Greg Tang Math Fables , Greg TangMath For All Seasons , Greg TangMath-terpieces , Greg Tang Monster Math , Stuart Murphy (building equations)The Real Princess: A Mathematical Tale , D.

Brilliant maths ideas: tried and tested tips for lessons Teachers across the UK share the secrets of their classroom successes. Here are 18 ways to brighten up your maths lessons, including dancing the Macarena, number tumbles and finding new angles Ages 4 to 11 Smart moves Pupils dance the Macarena (instructions below) as they drill their times tables or count up in tens. 1. The Macarena1. Ages 7 to 11 Unlock that maths head Here’s one to improve those times tables. The children must multiply the numbers to complete the grid. Stop the test after two minutes and mark the answers together. Reward those who improve.Over a term, they should be able to see some real improvements in their scores. Number tumble This activity is good for problem-solving, mental maths and practising times tables. Using your Smartboard, go into the notebook and, from the gallery, paste on two or three tumbling dice. Pupils need to demonstrate how they worked out their answer. Number games You can vary this to reinforce any concepts that you have taught recently. Time to play

CENTRO DE EDUCACIÓN ESPECIAL "VIRGEN DE LOS REMEDIOS" LA RODA (Albacete): diciembre 2014 Actividades para trabajar el sistema táctil: -Protocolo de Wilbarguer (Cepillado): Se utiliza para ello un cepillo de cerdas suaves. El que nos recomendó nuestra TO es un "cepillo quirúrgico". Se pasa ejerciendo presión sobre los brazos, piernas y espalda (en el torso no), realizando un movimiento sobre los mismos en sentido norte - sur, es decir hacia arriba y hacia abajo. -Jugar con espuma de afeitar: esto puede hacerse en mesa o sentados en el suelo. Actividades para trabajar el sistema vestibular: -Saltar en un trampolín. Actividades para trabajar el sistema propioceptivo: -Juego del pancho: en un puf o con una manta gruesa acostarlos en el centro y envolverlo, enrollarlos y hacerlos rodar hacia adelante y hacia atrás.

Tietokoneohjelmat — LukiMat Numerorata Numerorata on tietokonepeli, jolla pyritään vahvistamaan lasten lukujonotaitoja, lukumäärän ja sitä ilmaisevan numerosymbolin vastaavuutta sekä yhteen- ja vähennyslaskutaitoja. Numerorata -kansion sisältämistä peliohjeista löydät tarkat tiedot, kuinka peliä pelataan ja kuinka voit ladata sen omalle koneellesi. Numerorata-pelin peliohjeet Miten saan Numerorata-pelin? Ekapeli-Matikka Ekapeli-Matikka on tietokonepeli, joka on tarkoitettu niille esi- ja alkuopetusikäisille lapsille, joille matematiikan oppiminen on haasteellista. Ekapeli-Matikan oppaasta löydät tarkat ohjeet pelin käyttöönotosta ja sen pelaamisesta. Ekapeli-Matikan opaskirja Neure Neure on verkkoselaimeen avautuva ohjelmisto, jossa on monenlaisia tietokoneavuisteisia tehtäviä lasku- ja lukutaitojen harjaannuttamiseen sekä tehtäviä matemaattisten oppimisvaikeuksien arvioimiseen. Neure-verkkopalvelun tarjoavat Opetushallitus ja Niilo Mäki Instituutti. Neure-verkkopalvelun sivulle tästä Neuren käyttöohjeet animaatioina

Investigations What is investigative maths? First of all, what investigative maths isn’t ! It’s not the same thing as practical work (though practical work may be involved) – and it’s not just a different sort of problem-solving. In investigative maths, children are given a starting-point and some clear procedures to try out but they usually have no idea at the outset what sort of results they’re going to get. This is where the interest comes. What’s the point of investigative maths for children? Too many people have the idea that maths is a fixed body of knowledge with a rigid set of rules and procedures; they see it as a subject where you get right answers by just learning how to apply the rules correctly. Our investigations Our investigations come from a variety of sources; some you might have seen before, whilst others are completely original – but all have been tried and tested in the classroom and found to be practicable, worthwhile and engaging.

EN EL AULA DE APOYO: EL CIRCO Buscando imágenes sobre el circo he llegadoa una recopilación estupenda realizada por PETIT MÓN. Os dejo también estas fichas que he elaborado para un alumno : Y estos juegos: Näillä vinkeillä pääset alkuun koodin opettelussa - Tietotekniikka - Tekniikka Maailma rakentuu entistä enemmän tietokoneohjelmien eli koodin varaan. Jos ei ymmärrä koodia, ei ymmärrä, miten maailma toimii. Tai miten se voisi toimia. Siinä syy, miksi koodista olisi hyvä tietää edes perusasiat. Mutta mistä pitäisi aloittaa? Koodauksen ilosanomaa levittävä yrittäjä Juhani Mykkänen opastaa alkuun. "Tavallisen aikuisen ihmisen tuskin kannattaa pyrkiä ammattikoodariksi. Opinnot voi aloittaa vaikka heti näillä nettisivuilla ja sovelluksilla. "Haluatko oppia supertaitoja, joiden avulla voit helpottaa elämääsi ja muuttaa maailmaa?" Jep, mikä ettei. on nettisivusto, joka tarjoaa koodauksen maailmaan tunnin mittaisen johdatuksen. sopii sekä aikuisille että lapsille, sillä ohjeet ovat selkeät, vaikka niissä sekoittuukin suomi ja englanti. Tehtävät alkavat hyvin helposti, eivätkä vaikeimmatkaan koodinpätkät saa uuteen kieleen tutustujaa hermostumaan. Sen jälkeen tuntuu jo vähän koodarilta. Miinukset–

Division Worksheets | Printable Division Worksheets for Teachers Printable Division Worksheets for Teachers Here is a graphic preview for all of the division worksheets. You can select different variables to customize these division worksheets for your needs. These division worksheets are a great resource for children in Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, and 5th Grade. Click here for a Detailed Description of all the Division Worksheets. Quick Link for All Division Worksheets Click the image to be taken to that Division Worksheet. Detailed Description for All Division Worksheets Divisibility Rules Handout Worksheet This divisibility rules handout worksheet will generate a handout on the rules of divisibility of a number by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. Divisibility Test Division Worksheets These division worksheets generate a matrix of numbers for the children to determine if the are divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9.
