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30 Tips for Ableton Live Everyone Should Know, with Live Master Thavius Beck [Tips, Videos]

30 Tips for Ableton Live Everyone Should Know, with Live Master Thavius Beck [Tips, Videos]
Thavius Beck live in Los Angeles playing the legendary Low End Theory party, in 2009. Whadayaknow, Ableton users? Whether you’re an existing user or considering it for the first time, this month online school Dubspot is giving away 30 video lessons on using the software, free, through the end of June only. I’m just glad to read Thavius’ tips. 30 Tips for Ableton Live Thavius Beck 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. BONUS – Enable Info View to find out about any parameter that your mouse is hovering over. For more of this kind of knowledge, check out Dubspot’s full 30-lesson course with Thavius free – while you can. “Did You Know?” Very much along the lines of these 30 tips, earlier this year, Thavius also did a series of videos for Dubspot entitled “Did you know?” Previously Once More, From the Top: Learn Ableton Live in Videos, from the Very Beginning

Abletons.Ru » Ableton: Max for Live Легендарный лейбл Defected объявляет конкурс продюсеров при поддержке Ableton, TraxSource и LoopMasters. Правила конкурса крайне просты, загружайте ваш трек на сайт, где будет система рейтинга,комментариев. На втором этапе будут отобраны 10 лучших композиций, допущенных к системе специального голосования. В прошлом году состязание показало огромное количество талантливых продюсеров. Более подробная информация на официальном сайте Defected . Призовой фонд более чем шикарный! 1 ое место! 2 ое место! 3 ее место!

Mixing in Stereo: Adding Width and Depth to Your Recordings When it comes to discussing the fine art of mixing music, I tend to approach the subject with some trepidation. After all, compared to many of the topics I’ve written about, this one is rife with subjectivity — one person’s idea of a great sounding mix may be another’s sonic nightmare. And what works for one genre of music will be decidedly wrong for another. But all those variables aside, there are at least a few general theories, tips, and tricks that apply to most mix projects. So while the idea here is not to give a step-by-step tutorial on two-track mixing, hopefully we can cover at least a few concepts that are useful for everyone. In a good stereo mix, each instrument needs clarity, balance, separation, and its own space in the stereo field. The Concept At its most basic, mixing in stereo means mixing for the human brain and physiology. But in the real world, much of the process of creating a stereo mix is far from organic or natural. What Makes a Good Mix? It Starts at the Source

Abletons.Ru Random Rhythm Motif Generator | Learn How to Write Songs Some ways you can use these rhythm patterns. 1) You can play around with these patterns by going to the online drum sequencer and enter the pattern into the app to sample the pattern. 2) Combine both patterns to make a new single pattern. 3) Augment the Values. Take these pattern and increase the note or rest value. 4) Diminish the Values. 5) Combine the rhythm patterns with results from the Melody Shape Generator More Useful tool for Songwriters To download the free Song Writers checklist, please provide your email in form below. Rhythm An Ableton Live Tutorial Blog | Ableton Life

- Tracking : Resources and Information Look here for articles on applied recording techniques and mic placement. It all starts here! Acoustic Guitar Tracking the acoustic guitar is a huge subject, because so much contributes to the final sound—player, instrument, room acoustics, mic choice and placement, effects, and more. Here are some timeless articles with solid advice to get you started on developing your own acoustic recording toolbox. Electric Guitar The electric guitar is the central sound of rock music, and has influenced everything from blues and country to electronica. Bass Recording the bass can be as straightforward as a simple DI to the console or as complex as multiple mics on an acoustic bass fiddle or giant amp stack. Other Guitars The archtop, the dobro, the parlor guitar, the pedal steel—scary to the newcomer, each with its own challenges. Drums & Percussion Miking drums is an art form. Vocals The human voice is the most recognizable sound to the human brain. Horns & Woodwinds Piano Strings Psychology & Coaching

17 Amazing Ableton Live Tutorials Ableton Live is a DAW that's not only good at producing music, but it's also useful when you're playing live. It's available for both PCs and Macs, so just about anyone can use the software. One of Live's unique features is its session view. This is a non-linear grid for recording and playing your music ideas in any order. The program can deal with MIDI and audio, supports VST instruments, and has great looping features. It is flexible for musicians, and loved by DJs. The program was first released in 2001, and version 8 came out in April of this year. This article was previously published on the AudioJungle blog. Last week’s article covered Live’s history and features. 1. Ableton have their own Youtube channel of useful tutorials. 2. "Ableton Live is about making music. 3. This video show you how Timofey works with Ableton Live to make electro house music. 4. 5. "Huston Singletary takes you through the process of recording guitar tracks within the Live 7 Arrangement View." 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Sorting Your VST presets on Ableton Push and How to Batch Convert - Advanced Hack Ableton #producerPOV MAX - 117BPM Deep House Composition feat Push - Download Max for Live Devices
